ITT: Post your biggest fear, and I will hug it away for you

ITT: Post your biggest fear, and I will hug it away for you

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i fear that this looks bad


That my soul will be cast into a Super Massive Black Hole for eternity.

Being the awful person i always suspected i am

I’m afraid my wife will find out I’ve cheated on her with 27 different women in the last 3 years.

This and everything that comes with it.

failing to do what i want with my life

Becoming painfully irrelevant

I fear that my life will fall apart.
But hey if it does, I’ll just do shit tons of drugs.

Assraping time

Dying before get my masters degree.

That I'll never find a job I like and end up wasting my life trying.

before I*

Bring in it boys

Warmth and prayers

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Meeting a brownbear or a wolf when walking home.

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Thank you bro in a way I’m so alone in this and you actually made me feel a little better.

It sounds cliché, but i fear never getting over my ex. Even though it's two and a half years ago. I'm still just numb.

Also falling off the wagon and using again, in hope of feeling something. I've built a steady life with a good job and repaired burnt bridges from my past life. I'd hate to realise all my work was in vain

Bring it in friends

You are not alone out here, much love.

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Thanks Yea Forumsro

You will man, you have move on though. The best way to get over a woman is to get under a new one.

The only fear I have is no longer feeling like putting any effort into living and finding some meaning in living. If that time ever comes I'll just kill myself tbqh.

I have had sex with multiple girls since, but the emotional aspect is just gone due to apathy. Which again resulted from trauma and excessive drug use

being hugged by op

I fear my drinking and OCD will bring me down. Sometimes I focus on minor details to the point where I am not able to complete a task

I fear that one day I have a daughter, and she turns into a slut before she's grown smart enough to really understand a decide by herself rather than just being influenced by the masses

IDC what does when she's adult. I just don't want my little princess to be like that when she is so innocent

dying broke

Bring it on in

Sending thoughts and prayers

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I fear hugs

> When i nut its a big nut.
> I have a lot of cum.
>I masturbate daily.
>Its so much.
> That i fear of cumming too much because it would be too alpha
>Tfw alpha uber cummer

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