Daily reminder that there’s going to be a second civil war in the United States soon

Daily reminder that there’s going to be a second civil war in the United States soon.

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you mean we are going to come out of the cold civil war? or are you delusional and don't believe it's been happening for the last few years?

Fuck off Tim pool

The cold civil war is going to turn hot.

in that case i am not sure i agree. the dynamic of war has changed in first world countries. no one wants to rule over destroyed cities, well except libs, but a destroyed country? what's the point of ruling that.

>b-b-but a majority of the country wanted hilary...

It’s the struggle for dominance that destroys a country. You got it backwards

look at all that sweet red

>country is destroyed
>China takes hawaii
>Mexico takes the south west
>Brits take back the colonies
>Canada collapses itself fighting off chink cock
>Russia takes Alaska
>middle America is raped by tornadoes

I'm okay with this

>brits doing anything
>china giving a damn about h'wai'ee
>mexico unfucking themselves to do that
>implying Alaska won't become an ancap state
damn bitch you are retarded

trips of truth


That's what bitches were saying when Bush was in office

get fucked digitless retard

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Sorry boys but I can't relate

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>implying canada will do anything

lol okay heeb

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reminds me of a time i had a lovely bunch of coconuts. there they were standing in a row. big ones, small ones - some as big as your head.

lol okay heeb pt 2

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Whoever made this meme is a fucking retard

If only land could vote, here is a dot density map of the results 2016

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lol okay heeb. truth hurts, doesn't it.

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Correction! You, Sirrrrrrr, are the Retard!

and yet trump still won

>I'm too retarded to know what the electoral college is
we know, user, we know

most of the deep red parts of that map are empty land

Thank christ for the electoral college. Other wise only El Gay and JewYork would even matter.

Thank god shitholes like California don't decide everything for America.

>dot density represents anything
we learned long ago that they mushed all the low income into inner city, it's quite sad their jerrymandering is still failing

Yeah that's how the electoral college works. But it is far from some mandate for the God emperor to start civil war 2 electric boogaloo. But hey go ahead and move to the American Redoubt, maybe we can have a containment space akin to /pol/ for the country.

it's accurate as fuck. hitler was a socialist, and so's the left. the only thing that's changed is the colors and the targets

lol okay heeb

Attached: trump wins.gif (200x150, 1.87M)

>hitler was a socialist, and so's the left
What great, rock solid logic. I guess you also think North Korea is a democracy too huh?

Gerrymandering is the only reason the Republicans are relevant. They played moneyball with the 2010 census and have state politics on lock down until 2026 at the earliest.

Here's some advice, dont be like the elephant in this picture

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why would north korea, a socialist puppet state for china, be deocracy? when was the last time they had voting?

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no i don't, that's my point. democracy & socialism doesn't mix. polar opposites.

>being this fucking delusional

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And thank God we didn't get that cunt Hillary but damn if that's the best two we could come up with we are completely fucked.

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Facts dont cease to matter just because they are ignored

the irony is palpable

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Shouldn't you be watching HGTV I would hate for you to miss Flip or Flop

>ad hominem
nice one heeb

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What if a majority of a population votes for socialist policies for say universal schooling or health care and retirement benefits for the elderly?

just because the right took advantage of the gerrymandering doesn't mean they abuse the system like the dems tried/try

I know you don't believe it because you didn't hear it on CNN or John Oliver, but it's true

Hey, and yet we are an Armenian cheesemaking forum shitposting about politics at a national level instead of worrying about local races where the rubber meets the literal road and millage rates are set

then a majority of the population has been successfully indoctrinated, goyim
>wHaT If A MaJoRiTy Of The PoPuLaTioN VoTEs To EaT tHeIr OwN ShIt
>ChEck M8 CaPiTaLiSt

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No they certainly did the best with the hand they were played. But I'm a life long libertarian party member and dont think a 2 party system is a real choice. YMMV

So you want no social security or Medicare? Or government mandated schools?
Because if that is true welcome to the Anarchist movement comrade. We need more libertarians. Libertarians aren't all ancaps or dont tread on me tea baggers

then the majority voted to disregard democracy and in favor of the bureaucracy.

Stephen hawking is retarded, doesn't make him any less correct.

Social security is not a socialist policy. This is why nobody takes you fucking people seriously.

No it was because in the great depression the old, sick, and uneducated were dying in the streets

No but censorship is

But universal healthcare for the elderly isn't according to your definition? Splendid then, let's have higher taxation for universal healthcare starting at conception

Brought on by the polarizing effect of (anti)social media. People who, in previous times would've been Center-Left and Center-Right are now hardline radicals and reactionaries. Compromise on ANYTHING is now unacceptable to either side. The trenches just get deeper and deeper.

It's really sad how we've all turned into dicks over the last decade or so.

No there fuckin won't. Only idiots that stay glued to Fox News and CNN believe that shit. If it's those two types that go to war with each other then hopefully they wipe each other out. Good fuckin riddance.

it sucks, but it's the survival of the fittest. redistribution of wealth only temporary suspends the problem. it will inevitably come back

It's got "social" right in the name! You just want to define every socialist program most people like as "not socialist". Well words actually mean something!

The truth is we have a mixed system, like most developed countries. Some socialist programs and some capitalism. Extremes of either one are very bad. A health mix is why America is so great.

>generations of raping tornadoes coupled with natural selection creates a new breed of superhumans in what used to be known as the American Midwest and Upper South
>The superhumans worship at the altar of Trumpism and Christian values.
>Muslims invade by the millions and kill off the superhumans, establishing a North American caliphate that immediately turns its attention to China.

It's already been happening for the last two decades. This civil war isn't fought on a purely physical battlefield, the only physical aspect of this is politics getting influenced from the outside by false flags to goad support in different directions. The remaining parts rely on maintaining an overwhelming online presence and for the last 20+ years, it's been decidedly liberal but that's being threatened by the current aims of destroying Big Tech with antitrust laws. Once that online avenue has been broken, the left will truly realize how small their base actually is but it won't change their opinions for the most part. Enough of the Democrat demographic will leave the party to cripple it because staying would only leave them with a label of supporting criminality, since most donors from Big Tech side with Democrat politicians. Republicans will still get hit because they've enabled the blatant subversion by accepting bribes but it won't be enough to cripple support for the party itself. If Democrats hadn't fractured their base by orders of magnitude and tried to keep them under a single banner, they might've had a chance but too many will leave to be independents.


You have been revealed to be a dumb nigger

Gotta admit. It'd make a GREAT movie!

Let me guess, you also think minimum wage is a socialist policy right?

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Civil War IS Coming!

Yeah we have insurrections every once in a while. Usually, they are over quickly and the insurrectionists are all dead. The one time it took a while was the Civil War, and the insurrection side was truly fucked for 100 years. The next one will be a bunch of alt-right idiots with their AR-15s getting hacked into tiny pieces by helicopter gunships. It will improve America quite a bit. Go for it...

They can have the lower mainland. They probably own it. But they are not getting through the Rockies.

> t. albertan

America all too fat and stupid to have a civil war. Too busy sucking down cheeseburgers and sucking guncocks all day to really fight. That's why they are so anti immigration because when ever a real and decent human being who actually wants to work hard for their future crosses the average americans path it fucking over salts their freedom fries and they go into a rage and share their Donald Trump memes on facebook. Fuckin fags.

you think we're afraid of some toothless hill cooters?

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Do we try to improve or just accept it? I say we should try and improve. Society has marched steadily onwards the situation of humanity as a whole has improved greatly in the last 150 years. All we need is will to make that continue.

Epstein "committed" suicide in jail. That fucker was murdered and you're worried about a civil war? False flag having mother fucker

Can someone translate this? I don't speak ass-blasted foreigner

Quit eating cum you faggot

War never changes. We're just in the psychological part of the build up, the winning of hearts and minds. When that inevitably fails, violence will begin until a winner is decided. All to keep a handful of super rich assholes in charge. As it has happened through time immemorial.

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Sure I'll translate it for you. (You)americans=fat lazy and worthless.

Neck yourself bitch

There's not going to be a civil war. If anything it'll be the citizens against the elites

what if im a red living in a blue county? :(

Says the neckbeard faggot with cum stains on his shirt

Welcome to Illinois

You should eat more cum. Maybe that will supplement your 20k a day calorie diet fat fuck. I can hear your neck fat jiggling through your posts.

20k is about right. I make that much in a day

you could follow in the footsteps of your hero Jeff Epstein

More food and clean water than we know what do with, roads, infrastructure, poor people have HVAC, cars, cells phones, TVs, eat in restaurants.

2 week vacations to Disney land, oceans of booze, mountains of drugs, Walmart every 10 miles, functioning emergency rooms every 3 blocks, hospitals, healthcare, jobs, free decent education...etc etc

Yeah, nah nigga...just nah..

Person: “We should go to the protest/civil unrest tonight”

Other person: “I dunno, it’s going 39 this evening and American Idol/video game/sports game is on tonight and have work in the morning”

...civil war...the fuck outta here...

You can tell the difference between French stains and cum stains. Truly an impressive feat for the fat weak willed American pussy

There isn't, you absolute clown. Please point me to the scientific research that justifies this. It must be published in a reputable journal. No links to rampant speculation based on "common sense," which is just another term for anti-intellectualism.

That fuck was totally murdered. I called it 3 weeks ago

I still can't get over that egghead. Anyone have any other pictures of it?

Fuck off Frenchy

It's photoshoped

Off to /pol/ octanigger incel

That map looks rural vs urban. Im rural and if anything happened Im proud to say I could totally sustain myself off of my own land

We have the guns and the left has plastic garbage can shields, that's no theory.

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so cities vs empty land?

>there is no gunz in the city
keep telling yourself that, Cleetus

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Fuck off down the road stormfaggots. No one is going to play war with you. You'll just get capped or locked away.

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You have guns and the government has immense firepower including nukes. You are an idiot. Want to be a dead idiot?

>daily reminder I'm going to get a job and move out of my mom's
>but first I have to lose weight because I'm as big as a house

There are but the owners can't hit shit lmao.

>government is currently red
They're on my side this year, kiddo.

That's been said for the last 3 years.

blame the SJWs for making the white genocide politically correct

Yeah but a bunch of us are starting a thread at /pol/. Come on get your ass in there. Everyone will get free guns.

>blame other people for me believing stupid shit


I love how in these threads liberals claim they would crush the right. The rural conservative farmers literally feed you. Urban liberals have no resources. You faggots cant figure out what bathroom to use

The white race will be bred out long before you realize what's happening.

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You literally crush yourselves you're so fucking stupid

Shhh, let them kill themselves.

Wait. Are SJWs big weak pussies or totally in charge? Make up your mind Otis.

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So rich, privileged entitled far left white folks from the cities vs. basically evertone else....yeah, thisll be a pretty short civil war. After everyone slaps down the whiny far left rich white fuckers, life will go back to normal pretty quick.

Welcome stormfag cuck spammer. You guys always have the best big black cock stuff.

SJWs are subversive pawns.

too bad guns will be outlawed soon


Faggot, the only battle your going to fight is trying to get your tiny boner beat down before your mom comes in.

You literally dont understand what literally means

we could get rid of you cooters and let the Mexicans farm your land

they are hard workers

Stormfags want an all-white society. You are very confused user.
That's why you want to be dominated by blacks.

Attached: you seek black domination 130.gif (500x303, 601K)

we don't post winkies here
go back

You're doing it again. Stupid posts. You think are smart.

THIS. The rich, sheltered left wingers in metropolitan areas think everyones going to fight & possibly die for them - when these sheltered spoiled faggots get triggered & melt over someone calling them the wrong gender pronoun.

uh-oh! he brought mommy into this!

proof yet again that incelibates can't even make eye contact with a woman

You must be pretty fucking weak if SJWs have made it okay to wipe you out.

>vs. basically evertone else..
you fat ignorant gun humping snowflakes aren't "everyone else" lol

Sure stormfag. I'm sure you're triggering some incels with your shit tier troll.

You needed it to be brought up.
You aren't even winning the Battle with Your Mom. That's why you're being all frustrated like this with your (lol) "Civil War" faggotry.
Go heat up a Hot Pocket.

Stormfags believe crap like blacks are violent, blacks aren't equal to whites, blacks commit the most crime in the US.

You are the stormfag user. I believe in full social diversity. That makes me a liberal.

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We can't even speak up about it, because we'll be labeled as white supremacists, and have our comments deleted and reported.

I love how rural people think they could get rid of cities and still have a sustainable modern economy.

The south had way more farms during the civil war, but industry won the war.

Exactly. Notice its always like 90% rich trustfund white folks that got useless liberal arts degrees that become sperging far left Antifa-supporting dipshits. The one unifying force is everyones hatred for these douchebags. The civil war they dream of would have everyone from rural communities to black city neighborhoods going at them.

Could any of you keyboard warriors actually take car of yourselves if anything went wrong? Most of you would freeze or starve to death

/thread. Everyone hates rich whiny far left priviledged white fuckers.

>You are the stormfag user
Thanks for confirming you're a stormcuck trying to panic incels over "white genocide". You ever wonder the real reason you have all that bbc stuff saved?

Im saying we have more resources to survive. You probably share a wall with some other idiot

I could literally make all your posts and direct them at you lol

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The only whining I hear is shitbag beta whites crying about being "replaced".

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>not even pretending to be a leftcuck anymore
Your troll is weak and you should be ashamed.

>the real reason you have all that bbc stuff saved?
because it reminds us what you really are:
a frustrated homophobe who wants to be dominated by black cock
like many social conservatives

Attached: you seek black domination.jpg (500x303, 13K)

The Civil War will be between illegal Mexicans and Whites who have to live with their cars parked out on their street constantly because they don't have homes. Blacks will just walk up and down dealing drugs they do it via drive throughs all the time will now its just one stop from the Micky D's to your park street dealing Mexi's their coke and meth, up all night smoking coke and meth right on your Curb. Shitting on your lawn with their Runny Ass baby powder laced ass blasts. Believe it.

I am liberal user. I admitted it long ago.
You seem to think that means being a "stormfag" which fits you and your worldview towards people.
You are not an intelligent person though.

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To be fair, it's really stupid that you care so much about who fucks who. Throughout most of history the average person didn't go further than 25 miles from their home, and now I can fly to the other side of the earth for less than a month's rent. Why should we just fuck the close by people who look like us? Why should we be afraid if technological advancement provides some with the tools to fuck those who are look different than them and who live far away?

Amen. The inner cities would break into chaos and these rich white left wingers that LARP as Marxist revolutionaries while their parents pay all their bills would be pretty much fucked. No ones willing to fight & die for wealthy far left whites that spend all their time crying on social media & think Twitters real life.

Too late. You revealed your larp. Weak as fuck yo.

Because this retarded shit totally isn't LARP

Exactly! The retarded rich leftys think people will rally around them as the nations saviours & die fighting a war for nutjobs who think theres 57 genders and cant even figure out which bathroom to use.

I'm actually a white moderate liberal who voted for Hillary Clinton and would do so for Joe Biden to defeat Trump. We can keep playing 20 Questions, user. I have answers.
You however, fit the profile of the frustrated control freak triggered by people of color and dealing at the same time with your own latent homosexuality.

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Mexicans and Central Americans will leave at the first sign of civil unrest. They are here for money and security, only.

We think no such thing. We're not fighting anyone. We want to improve the status quo through participation. You will be taken out by a squad from the ATF if you try any shit. Ever.

That is a beleiveable situation. You should move out of the ghetto

I'm saying 1.5 percent of the population feeds the other 98.5 percent. 1.5 percent of the population who will still use money even in the case of war. The rural areas of the country don't generate enough economic activity to convince the farmers to stop selling to cities.

Goddamn, THIS, this so much. They're literally fighting for congressniggers to own a 3rd multi-million dollar home, while they live in mundane and practical squalor. I can't fathom why people do this.

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Fuck the 2mb limit

People of color overwhelmingly vote for their interests, user. They aren't going to riot against them.

Sure Otis. We believe you.

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Blacks are 100% equal to whites. This is not a position Stormfront or you endorses.

>I voted for hillary
>I would vote for Biden
You fucking racist you disgust me

Why does the left claim the government is on their side? The government is on its own side. The government only cares about itself

>Daily reminder that there’s going to be a second civil war in the United States soon.
no there isn't incel

Their sole interest must be shitting on white culture because lord knows the left isn't doing the common man any favors.

Because we depend on laws that protect people from socially backward philosophies like yours.

In complete collapse their would be no money. Only survival. You would die

You are not "the common man." You are vocal fringe group at best. The common man is sick of your shit.

Common man hates niggers and nigger apologists

t. Common man

Didn't you just post blacks were superior to whites in breeding here?
Now you're claiming to believe blacks are equal? You are like the worst troll in the whole klavern.

Dude, nobodies gonna try shit except the rich white leftists that dress up like Ninjas & assault random strangers while screaming "Nazi". Everyone else doesnt give a fuck about you sheltered rich mentally ill white folk that think the most prosperous period in American history is somehow Nazi Germany 2.0.

In the REAL world, the federal government will be putting down your dernaged left wing volent fits the second you sperg out over Trump winning in 2020. Like I daid, you delusional faggots think Twitter is real life. Now cry more, ya boney incel goonie bearded mentally ill leftist twat.

a war of empty land vs inhabited land? lol...

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So you're simply a racist twerp to be ignored

Im a libertarian. Im sick of all the laws. I dont need protected from things like gas cans and bicycles.


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Is there though?

How would you know if that's me or not?

>I speak for everyone
>lol no you dont
>lalalala I cant hear you
Thank you for exposing your faggotry

Oh so you're pro-fascist

That and the faggots that need to be need to get killed off by darwinism.

>the left isn't doing the common man any favors
Because dumpy is all about the common man LOL!

Except haha no, violent domestic terror is overwhelmingly committed by right wingers just a few steps away from where you are. You just haven't acted out on your hatred and fetish for violence yet, but you have all the elements: blaming non-whites, believing "leftists" are the enemy, triggered hard when your President is called out for being a racist fascist wannabe. You're a fucking time bomb user.

Because the stupid weak shit you post. Its like your signature.

Yeah um, we actually do. Because of idiots like you who allow discrimination, violence and social indoctrination by the far right to go unchecked. THAT's why we need laws.

fuck off racist shithead lol

Few things trigger a white nationalist harder than the threat of his white race being bred out. It's par for the course here.

Beloooooown the fuck out. :^) stay seething minority.

I'm white. So you agree we're a minority. Good.

we don't post winkies here
go back to whatever hugbox you're from

I mean you say that, but there are obvious gradiations. If we can never completely defeat corruption, does that mean it's not worth our efforts to reduce it? Seems like once the right had the narcissist in chief as their candidate, they are way more willing to find politicians and appointees putting their own interests ahead of their constituents. Trump is enabling a culture of political corruption. It's sort of like how conservatives repeatedly try to prove government doesn't work by showing how easy it is for them to break it. Yes, politics is a game, and we have to participate in good faith in order for it to work. The fact that you can demonstrate the game is broken when people participate in bad faith should not be a revelation. Yes, people can exploit the system, but don't support, or remain apathetic towards, its exploitation, because some exploitation is inevitable.

Thanks for proving my point you mentally ill far left faggot. You legit think that the 90% of Americans laughing at your insane bullsit are "fascists". Like I said, when Trumps re-elected thanks in large part to the lefts 4 year long psychtic fit, the federal authorities will have zero effort putting down the unhinged far lefts inevitable temper tantrum.

I was referring to your mentality you racist

I know right. Its BBC cuck shit is usually the best bait for stormfags to stir up the incels. Except when your artless shit troll like this guy.

The cold war was never over comrad...

Tl;Dr - Rich priviledged white leftists having delusions about how they'll defeat 90% of the country that opose their insane violence & rhetoric.

user we aren't the ones threatening civil war, it's you fat ignorant bigoted mouthbreathing snowflakes. Your projection is beyond cringe at this point.

How did you make that jump retard? I said nothing of the sort. Far left fuckheads like you think people who disagree with you are inherently evil.

A lot of people didn't vote.

He's right though. The white race will be bred out by the early 2100s because of the increasing sexual and racial tolerance in society despite your side's efforts to contain it.

>implying it hasn’t already started.
Nigga, get ur ass up to speed.


It will be a rural vs city war. It will be a war fought everywhere because there aren’t any true demarcation lines separating the two sides. Cities will starve and masses of people will leave them for the rural areas.

That's literally the left on the whole. They don't realize how small their base is because they bot Twitter and Facebook too much. When those are gone, they'll quickly find out just how alone they've really been all this time. Stop supporting actual racists.

Its like being threatened by fat eunuchs who have the beetus.

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Seriously tho, why do you knuckle dragging far left violent extremist fantasize about a civil war when you wouldnt last a day once the US armed forces finished with you?

Yep, a true American hero.

Again, we are participating in society. We will vote in the first Socialist President.
You are the ones seething in your rage about "social decadence" and "not being represented." And a division of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms would quickly dispatch any attempts at a "civil war" user. Please. You've already been a massive faggot about this, you and others here. Nothing is going to happen except this country finally sliding to the left as it should.


And if a 500 km asteroid hit the Earth everyone would die. I mean there are lots of scenarios that can happen that aren't particularly likely. And a near-future US with apocalyptic hyperinflation is not very likely.


No incel. The whole of this country leans liberal. You are a small angry impotent faction using the entrenched right wing aspects of Congress and (for now) the Presidency to push your socially backwards agenda.

We don't, shithead. Your side is the gun humping green teething "taxes are theft" dipshits threatening it like OP.
You are a very angry confused diabetic fat incel.

>We will vote in the first Socialist President
You already had that failure with Obama. His legacy is practically dead.

>how to prevent this
acknowledge both parties as equals
analyse and conduct a solution or compromise like adults
>stop censoring
>focus on mental health
>restrict but not banning firearms (to certain individuals aka mentally deranged, under 21, criminals)
>legalize marijuana
>judge the person based on character not color/race/gender
>increase the value of american hours (not increasing hourly wage)
>readjust federal spending
>fix education system
not a Libtard but i want everyone to have the relative freedom to do whatever they want with limited government control as possible

It isn’t going to happen, but I wish it did so we nuke ourselves and Ancapistan can flourish, nigger.

Germany finally conquered Europe through economic, not military, means. You eurocucks are all subservient to one of the worst cultures that ever existed...the Germans. They are responsible for both world wars, the Bolshevik revolution, Eastern Europe under the iron curtain, etc. Fucking shit country. Been there twice. Fuck Douschelsnd.

>The whole of this country leans liberal.

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No incel. Obama was a center-right Democrat like the rest of his Party.
You ignorant trumphumping dipshits believe some really stupid shit.

You think using background checks to curb the violence of the literally insane is insane violence and rhetoric?

If more guns make people safer, why isn't the US the safest country on Earth?

the truth hurts frogposter
the truth hurts
your side is a blip compared to the real population

You literally built your party around groveling at the feet of the richest, privileged, entitled white urban people in the country. You just put one in office and you’re defending every law and constitution-shredding abuse of power he commits. The left was correct, you really are that fucking retarded.

You mean the legacy that Trump keeps calling the best economy in history?

The incels pray for society collapse because they fantasize about being in charge afterwards time. Its fap material older than charles manson and 10 times as crazy.

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>legalize marijuana

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Here is an example of this “guy” and “guys” like him, if that is your preferred pronoun.

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>Obama was a center-right Democrat
Oh boy dis getting gud.

So you cant even articulate why you unhinged far left vuolent extremists fantasize about a civil war you know you'd lose. Not surprising, tbh. Far left extremists opreate on pure hatred & blind erratic volence, even though they ultimately lack the phyiscal ability to back up their psychopathic tendencies.



Youre doing it wrong. Youre not supposed to make sense. What you do here is screech insults at others

Nothing subversive about this statement, at all...

You do know that 8 or the 10 per capita wealthiest counties vote democrat, right? Almost all the elites are democrat. All of Hollywood is democrat. Democrats have to rely on the super rich and the super poor to maintain their caucus. Fucking ignorant fuck.

>I-It's still Obama's economy!!!1
Fucking lel

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who knew cows and corn were so red!

Yeah I love it when ignoramuses like you are triggered over people's political persuasions.

This Fucking ignorant leftist twit

Far left extremist here. Hippie, peacnik, bhuddist. We invite far right loonies to get to know me, and fight them with love and charitable acts, not hate and violence, thx.

>you unhinged far left vuolent extremists fantasize about a civil war
We don't user

OP is the one fantasizing this. He is not a liberal. I don't know where you got turned around but you're really just an embarrassing jackass at this point lol.

So you are pro-fascism.

Yawn. Nope.

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The armed agencies of the federal government are tiny. They couldn’t stop anything. They would have to rely on the army and the army is strongly conservative. Keep trying, soyboy.

Defending the status quo is not "subversive" user. You might look up words before using them.

Why can't they just go on pornhub? I mean, I've jerked it to a black woman getting fucked in the ass by a white dude while another white dude calls her a nigger and pisses on her face. But it's all fucking pretend. No reason to base your political philosophy on it.

Another physicalyy weak, bitterly angry rich white leftist incel. Seriously, its hard to grasp how you deranged leftists became this way considering you over protective parents bought you everythung you threw a tantrum over. No wonder the middle class & working poor despise you priveledged ged entitled white cunts.

>he army is strongly conservative.
Actually the armed forces are sworn to protect the Constitution.

Which your puny side would be violating if you staged a "civil war."

user you must think everyone in here is 12 and is wowed by your vocabulary. You're a really shitty troll tho lol

Fine, back it up. When considering the derivative of some economic metric, which has changed the most since Trump has taken office?

You do know 99 out of 100 billionaires and millionaires are all republican donors, right? And 999 out of 1000 wealthiest corporations are all republican lobbyists and donors corrupting ur collapsing democracy, right?
>but muh party rhetoric
You fucking ignorant obedient gullible fuck.

That video sounds fucking cool!

He'll be back. He has to browse a few Trump suckcocking threads at /pol/ first.

Shhh, I have a sweet used bridge to sell user.

I think you mean, 'defeating' the status quo.

You are threatening it every thread in pol, and with every fucking manifesto followed by a shooting.

Because after they cum they will still be losers. Being alt-wite means you'd be a winner if not for them (niggers, joos, sjws, whatever).

Attached: Gavin McInnes.jpg (960x891, 141K)

Look who just finished his first year of college

The status quo still remains despite Trump's efforts to fuck it up, so no. We're pushing for a stable representative democracy, and once we empty the government of Republicans, we'll have it again.

The left have been triggered ever since America was founded. You fools created the KKK too, lest we forget.

If you're looking for facts or serious discourse, you're on the wrong board. I'll lay that stuff out on /pol/ but not here, it just isn't worth it.

I mean, it's ghettogaggers. You're welcome. Hopefully some people can get it out of their system and then realize that everyone is a person.

Actually both shooters were alt-right dipshits.
Like you.

Here in the United States the citizens are the government

Even if that were true, I'm still right.

I am counting on them taking their guns into the streets and attacking the public further.

I look forward to finishing the job the 1860s left incomplete. Death from above. Burn, confederates.

The KKK is an ultra-right conservative hate group user, please.
Adults are talking.

/thread also op is a massive faggot

No, you fucking moron. Look at a list of the wealthiest people and the wealthiest counties. Look at who they vote for. You really are an ignorant fuck. Democrats are the party of the elites and the poor. It’s not even close.

But I am a winner despite niggers and jews trying to steal half my paycheck. Doesnt mean I dont want to stop them from doing it so I can be an even bigger winner or prevent them from trying to take even more.

No they weren’t, all the mass shooters so far have been leftists, you didn’t know that?

>I'll lay that stuff out on /pol/ but not here, it just isn't worth it.
Because this isn't your hugbox user
/pol/ is
here you will be rightfully mocked and condemned for how stupid you are

That's literally subversive. This is why so many are talking civil war. We are no longer one government with two parties, we two governments trying to wipe eachother out.

Cool afterwards we will give the crazy left the south west coast side of Cal but thats it. The rest can move to Canda or Mexico

1 was alt left dumby

I second this. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a brain addled faggot who knows nothing

Not happening. There will be a Ruby Ridge type incident and that's it.
You will not be considered an insurgent force against this country. Ever.

he always is

>all the mass shooters so far have been leftists,
no trumpshit lol

The left would start the civil war. The army would split just as the population splits. No army stays in tact during a civil war.

>This is why so many are talking civil war.
you and two angry faggots scratching your fat asses aren't "so many"

no he wasn't trumpshit

I called you out kid. Grow up and your views will change. Im a 40yo business owner

>But I am a winner
uh huh . . . sure you are.

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>The left would start the civil war.
no we wouldn't trumpshit
op (you) is a fat basement alt right basement dweller

I don't need any substantive reply to the questions I ask or the facts I lay out. That's asking too much. I just need them to read it, and hopefully give it a sliver of consideration. I've been to more serious debate forums, and honestly, it's not that much better there either.

No dumbass, there won’t be. The alt right are faggots and Antifa are literal faggots, there’s going to be a giant orgy until both sides drown in cum and die.

Why would I be OP? I'm not a fat blubbering right wing trump humping gun happy dipshit.

You and your transgendered little friends?

>Dems are for the rich and the poor, and also ensuring the middle class have livable wages, bargaining rights, and health insurance. Republican are for... tax breaks for billionaires so we can beg for their table scraps and decreased economic mobility bc if you’re not rich it’s bc you’re a band person deserving your poverty, and one day I too will be a billionaire and I don’t want to pay my taxes either, I want everyone else to pay the societal costs of my affluent lifestyle instead... OH WAIT, THATS ENTITLED ELITISM o fuk wut happened

btw Picard is an SJW

Democrats started the civil war, the kkk and Jim Crowe laws. Democrats approve of antifa. Neo-Nazis are mostly leftists as well. You should watch some vids on it, moron.

Excellent response moshe

So you're an impotent homophobic failed control freak. Who knew?


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The Democrats became the Republicans in the 1960s user. You're literally the worst troll in history at this point.

Dayton shooter was into antifa. Look it up fucko

The tax cuts hurt the wealthy, dumbass. Especially those living in high taxes democrat states. Let’s let the government control more of the economy. They do such a good job at everything else. You are a fucking idiot.

It doesn't take a joo to make fun of you incel.

I once had a guy completely refuse to consider my source because it was a paper and wasn't "an infographic" as if an infographic, without an underlying source, is some sort of arbiter for truth.

>look it up
at Breitbart, Fox News, etc


>The tax cuts hurt the wealthy
being this fucktarded

And you're a moron. Who knew?

No, they didn’t. Republicans stayed the same...small government, low taxes, equal rights for all. The democrats changed because they lost ability to win off racism. Instead, they cater to the races they hate. Don’t dare leave the democrat plantation or you are an Uncle Tom.

Not dumb enough to elect your moron tho

>equal rights for all
unless you aren't white

>>thinks the homogeneous group think of the right isn't the result of indoctrination by the NRA and Christian Church

Y'all hate jews so much but forget your own religious leaders do the same fucking bullshit. And even if you're not Christian you're buying into garbage Christian politics.

>The tax cuts hurt the wealthy
This is what is known as gaslighting

If you elected me I'd nuke half of the country

Well, we have protocol. If there ever were a legitimate insurgency of domestic terrorism, it will be incinerated with maximum efficiency. It actually was my job to do that work, and I’d happily return to AD to clean up our own country.

Look youre wrong and ignorant. Choose whatever source you want

>small government
Skyrocketing deficits
>low taxes
if you earn more than 5 million
>equal rights
stop it youre just embarrassing yourself now.


Less of a hugbox than Yea Forums.

I personally wouldn't trust Wallstreet kikes giving opinions anyways, their only interests are in taking people's money.

I just hope it stays an information/meme war. I know and love people on both sides. Neither of them deserve to die.

>.small government,
except when they expanded it with PATRIOT, Homeland Security, Secret Courts
>low taxes
except when they raised them 3 times during the Reagan Years

Not my fault you don’t know anything or how to look up stuff. State tax deductions from federal taxes were capped at $10,000. Who does that hurt? Millionaires and billionaires pay way more than that in state income and property taxes. Look up Governor Cuomo complaining about it and blaming the new tax cuts for the reason wealthy people are fleeing New York.

Are you sure about that?

Doubt it. Unless they weaponize rascal mobility scooters. Everyone here has too much of everything no one really wants to fuck this all up. A bunch of old people, fat edgelords, and people that wear camo clothing to church aren't going to start shit any more than rich white college kids, or trannies are. Its just going to be a ton of shitflinging followed by bi annual shootings which only happen here because everyone has a gun. Even if a group decided they wanted to start some shit it would just be another nationally televised standoff where a punch of pussies try to wait out the government in a building who are only alive because the government is afraid of hurting them on TV.

I'm just summing it all up, that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms would be the 1st and only line of defense if your side tried to do anything stupid. And you won't.

>Who does that hurt
blue states with bigger social spending numbnuts

Yes. 100%
Living people can improve and change. Dead people are dead forever (or until the singularity happens and the basilisk revives them)

The Dayton shooter was an alt right retard user. Like they all are.

>Skyrocketing deficits
>created by progressives

Gonna weaponize the old folks homes?

This is why people think you're utterly stupid

You're on your own here user. /pol/ is where the hivemind goes and I know you've taken comfort there, because everyone else is sick of your fucking shit.

Yes red = good
no liberal fucks allowed

I got a tax break. You did as well. Keep trying. You are an embarrassment. You are such a mindless drone. You think republicans aren’t for minorities because we think crafting legislation especially for them is actually against equality. If the government got out of the race, gender and sexuality business and treated people as equal individuals, not groups, we would all be better off.

Don't basilisks turn people into stone?

Just simple reality. You and a couple of fat neckbeards will be surrounded in a house and dispatched almost immediately if you try any shit.

My taxes actually went up mainly due to the SALT cap

Tax cuts hurt middle class, and upper middle class homeowners in blue states. But for the majority of the truly wealthy, their income is largely not dependent upon the value, and the subsequent taxation of a single home, but on the profits of the corporations which they own, in part or in whole.

Dumpy's a progressive?

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If you really aren't LARPing, if you got a tax break you are far above the pay scale of most of us here. Which means you should shut up.

I'm against the government. I'd sell weapons to both sides for a profit. Come on by

I'm referring to roko's basilisk. It's an artificial super intelligence that uploads all of humanity, reconstructs the dead, and rewards anyone who ever helped it and punishes anyone who hurt it, forever.

That was really just a snide side comment though. My main point is that conventional civil war would be very bad for everyone, and that even balkanization would be preferable to real people being killed.

If you don't think our military has spent part of our ridiculous military budget to determine how to shut down a civil war, you silly.

A civil is just a war they don't have to ship all the weapons to.

But who's just bowing down to the wall street kikes? Do we all not use broader inputs to inform our own opinions?

I paid more in taxes last year than you make. Everyone but the 1% got raped. Glad you enjoyed the reacharound.

Doesn't matter. The point is we have protections in place to stop any shit your fractured "side" might try.

Dumbfuck even cnn cited him as extreme left.

It hurts those paying over $10,000 in state and local taxes who were previously able to claim an unlimited amount. It allowed dem run states to have high tax rates because it could all be deducted. In essence, republican states were subsidizing dem states by not having high taxes. With that loophole gone, dem states are in for trouble.

He was an antifa loving Elizabeth Warren supporter. Moron.

Nice never heard that. I agree with you fully

Fuck CNN.

You don't know me. Quit projecting a "side" that I'm on you fucking brainwashed retard

My point exactly. Dem states are no longer subsidized by lower tax states. The federal government was never getting their fair share of taxes from dem states because dem states sucked it up.

If that were true, why are red states taking in more from the government that they put in and blue states are giving the government more than they take

Give me your address and I'll send you a participation trophy. It will be made completely out of plastic, and in China, but it will be shiny.

Show me a Warren policy that recommends shooting people, She's anti-gun.
Shooters are confused frustrated right wing dipshits who use weapons as penis extensions.

>republican states were subsidizing dem states
Nigga you dumber than a shit sammich

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I know you well enough that you think a right wing "civil war" is going to happen. You've already successfully conveyed that impression.

Better hope the military doesn’t split. Republican could easily have the Marines, Army, and half the Navy, and the Air Force will drop JDAMs on every asset they all have and still light every group of 3 or more of you on fire where you stand. I find it entertaining how little comprehension the general public has of the difference between how we fight protracted hearts and minds operations in other countries and what a proportional response would be if we actually had a credible armed insurrection and attempted overthrow of the US from within. Gotta tell ya, left vs right is your problem, but, whoever is holding a gun at that point is a smoking crater.

He's not dumb, he's a bad faith actor

Bullshit, you lying fuck. Everyone got a tax break. It helped the middle class the most.

1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States

Look youre wrong. Give it up

It helped big companies the most

123 gofuckyourself drive

I never said that. Go back to pol you raging homo

He supported her.

PROTIP: Those extra tendies mom gave you were not a tax break

Those figures account for all federal spending such as military bases, national parks, highways, dams, etc. It’s not just based on welfare.

>I never said that.
Then either start arguing for my side in this discussion or shut the fuck up.


I remember once Trump asked about the alt left. What was that again?

He sang songs about rape and murder. Kept lists of woman he wanted to hate rape. Sounds like a progressive (said no one ever).

Familiarize yourself with the political parties in previous century you imbecile.

So red state welfare then.

Other states have those things user.
Why is the gross amount higher in red states?

Do you have children or own a home or make enough to even owe money? Look it up. The tax cuts helped everyone. They also helped corporations. That is true. Corporations have hired more people than ever. Tax cuts have benefits for everyone. Total federal tax receipts increased despite the lowered tax rates. The problem is that government spending increased even more.

Hrmm... I wasn't allowed to deduct my property tax anymore, nor my state tax anymore. Most of my small business write-offs poofed as well. The only small business write-offs that still existed I couldn't tap into because they were designed more for wealthy people who use S-corps and LLCs as passthrough entities for their enormous wealth and benefited them the most. Not a self-employed freelancer like myself.

Oh why yes... my base deduction was increased some. But not enough to actually beat out what my deduction would have been if the laws hadn't changed.

So yeah... I got fucked on my taxes.

Fuck you.

I know all about it. Republicans haven’t changed. Democrats have. It’s not even close.

>The tax cuts helped everyone


He didn't create a deficit.

> Tax cuts have benefits for everyone
This is true but the trouble is that if the tax cuts are too deep, they have to be temporary. Critical infrastructure relies on them, but when it comes time to crank the taxes back up, someone gets hurt. There's no good solution in practice yet.


>They also helped corporations.
I'll bet

Attached: pun-dog-pun-husky-00[1].jpg (671x413, 42K)

The majority of military bases are in wide open areas of the south and plains states. The amount of land per capital is way higher in those states. Those states are also larger meaning more government money needed to build longer roads, dams, etc.

No he just added to it. You fucking hypocrite.

He just blew the fucker up with his rich boy tax cut.

Bullshit. There are just as many bases in blue states like Virginia Maryland and California.

Liar. You are allowed to deduct up to $10,000 in state and local taxes. I own two S-corps. You know how easy it is to start one? You literally start and license your business and send a letter to the IRS.

>coporations are people
>dumpy is a man of the people


And most annoyingly. Even though my small business taxes got shafted... the paperwork also got much more fucking complicated! Ugh, took me an entire day to dig through all the documentation to do my fucking taxes. The shit was so much more complicated than the previous 10 years of taxes I've done myself.

That or I could have hired an accountant and increasing my tax burden MORE.

Those are tiny bases compared to the gigantic infantry bases in the other areas except the marine bases in Southern California.

He gave 12 billion dollars to the farmers too. Where did that money come from?

404 time. Fuck you guys. Its time for a drink

Yes, I know how to start one. I fucking have one moron.

And when I was talking about state/property deductions I wasn't referring to in relation to my business. I was referring to my personal. Which yes WERE gutted by Trump's tax plan.

Personal is allowed $10,000. Liar.