What's your favorite part of Texas?

What's your favorite part of Texas?

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Their Sundown Towns

Do those still exist?

Texas is shit just like New Jersey and Florida.

the Hill country. love floating the rivers, live music, great food, and drinking beer.



Florida is based, NJ is shit

Good BBQ?

I live right next to the big thicket in the piney woods...I love it here.

All three are shit. That's not an opinion that's an objective fact.

The exit.

my penis

Florida and Texas are great. You sound like a progressive pussy

Vidor is still pretty close.

Where will I find the most cute, non ratchet Latinas?

Odessa, Lubbock, Amarillo, Austin, wealthier parts of Dallas and Houston



Best part was turning 18 and moving to the other side of the planet due to all the bible-thumping morons that share 5 braincells between watching Fox News and shitty schools.

That was back in '98, and nothing has changed.

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If you're a soy, you would probably be happy in any of the big cities

Nope. Hate cities too.

And fat people. Fuck, every time I go back people double in size. Texas is so fucking fat. So is Missouri.

I do miss everyone getting shot though.

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You sound like a soy

Nice argument. You literally made my point.

You're only criticisms of Texas are liberal stereotypes


What ghetto part of Texas did you visit? I've lived in Texas 36 years and never seen or heard a gun fired before.

The Texas part.

How are the Houston suburbs?


El Paso

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The power wash

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T. Terrorist

Porque no vuelves??



the fact that I am 773 miles away from that French common law using piece of shit state

Small towns lot of different charters if you know how to talk you can get anything money cash food chicks you name it. You can be king

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I can't decide between steers or queers

>liberal stereotypes
but are they stereotypes if they're actually true?


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you don't hear guns unless you live in the hood with niggers and wetbacks or out in the boonies with rednecks

White trash rednecks or liberals, wetbacks, and niggers...your choice.

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The barbecue

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I'll choose wetbacks who aren't wannabe blacks

The part that's not Houston. Houston should be purged from the planet with a tactical nuke. Fuck that shitty place, their roads, their people, and their half assed excuses for BBQ.

>wannabe blacks
that describes everyone since 1985


Big Bend, Marfa, Alpine, Marathon. Every other answer is wrong

>not ratchet
Fuck this democrat hell hole.

West side of San Antonio. After 2 a.m., lot of wetbacks killing each other. Good times.

Houstonian here. I can confirm. We fucking suck.

Bandera County, Nice rolling hills and shit



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More of that set? Love her hair

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>Fuck this democrat hell hole.
That's every major city in Texas besides Ft Worth.

Houston here.
The hill country is the best hands down. Wimberly, Austin, New Braunfels, San Marcos etc.

Fuuuuck, more? Also, are there pictures of how she looks like now?

Wealthier parts I said. And the suburbs like Sugarland

Ft Worth is mostly liberals and minorities

I like Vicky Valeria because she faintly reminds me of a college classmate

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I love cute Latinas

Here is one in a bikini. Wish I had her nudes because her body looks AMAZING.

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Imagine waking up to her ass in your face every morning

There ain't nothing better than a girl who takes care of herself. Anyways, here is a somewhat convincing DeepNude another user made of her.

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I am disgust.

This is cute latina

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went to school at St Mary's University for four years... not too much killing. we walked up and down culebra nightly with no problems going to HEB, the fruiterias, and the taco trucks...

The part that's going to fall off in the ocean. Texas used to be awesome now it's just full of fucking people who can't drive worth a fuck.

isnt sugarland full of ghetto mexicans and rmiddlwclass muslims

No, the Mexicans in Sugarland are mostly middle class and up.
