Things that annoy you Yea Forums

Things that annoy you Yea Forums.
It can be anything: Faces, petpeeves, the way people talk, smells, OP, anything goes.
Pour your heart out in this thread with annoyances.

Two things that annoy me:
- Women making this fucking face lately thinking its cute. Makes me wanna punch them in the throat.
- People walking in public with their face stuck on their phone while wearing earbuds. I'm sick of this introverted loser generation.

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Loud people in public places.

>this generation
you being a stupid nigger is certainly on the list.

1) People chewing gum in public (specially if its a woman)
2) When people smoke at the entrance of a store, seriously i hope its going to be forbidden to smoke near stores soon fuck that shit
3) When people ring the doorbell and when i open up they just barge in the second i open the door and ask me if my brother is home. What the fuck? Stay outside and ask for that shit.

Angry nignog detected

I hate how sensitive my generation is about every little thing

Every generation is sensetive you fucktwat, not just "your" generation.
Look at old people, they complain about literally everything from today's generation and todays technology. Or are you one of these old cucks?

The fucking fags who have mental illness and tries to spread it like a cold.

What i really cant stand is snapchat filters.
When someone uses that, i instantly block them or dislike them.

Yeah but my generation knows about technology and social media and are constantly complaining on there. So I get to hear and see most of there shit you fucking faggot

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I absolutely fucking hate tops who do not understand the prep it takes to bottom talking about dinner before we fuck as if i have a pussy. Dumb fucks

You wanna know, OP? People, who are listening loud music while walking on a street... Buy fucking headphones!!!

People who take their time at fast food joints ordering.

>be me
>at a store buying groceries
>Asian woman with her 20 kids is standing basically in the middle of the aisle, blocking as much ground as possible
>somehow manage to pass
>one of her kids takes a box of pasta out of my basket

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--Porn ads piss me off. I wanna get rid of my sexual thoughts( well perhaps i shouldnt go to the nsfw section of Yea Forums... But i just love rekt threads).
--The fact that the only way to get a Gf is to go to Drink with other people even though i dont enjoy alcohol and i wanna sleep in the night.
--The fact that its already 2thousand fucking 9teen

People (mostly men) in the gym moaning and grunting like some goddamn Warcraft Orc.
Seriously its not needed, its not cool, its not hot, its pathetic and makes you look like a little dick idiot compensating with monster grunts that annoy everyone.

Did you get the pasta back?

That and cunts who sit on the equipment right next to you when there is 3 apart.

wat? do you speak english, nignog?

Black socks with sandals or black socks with those fucking Adidas slides. How anyone thinks that's a good look...

Fuck no, I’m too much of a pussy for social confrontation. Even if I tried, I’d probably get jumped by all 20 of them at once and be torn apart

oh damn, did you get it back so you could post some stale pasta here?


>People walking in public with their face stuck on their phone while wearing earbuds.
this I almost ran over a retard zoomer because he walked onto the road when his light was red. Saw him walking towards the crossing but didn't think he'd actually start crossing the street while on red and not looking if there's traffic. He then got mad at me for almost running him over. I dont know what makes these people think they're in the right in that kind of situation.

One time i was on a machine and this overly buffed dude began sitting infront of me on another machine across me.
Well, short story time:

>Sit on a workout machine
>Hulk gorilla dude sits infront of workout machine infront of me
>Awkward staring contest no one asked for
>Decide to ignore him and focus on my weights
>I feel that he keeps sneaking a peek at me
>Look at him, yup he is watching while working out
>He looks ridicilous huffing and working out while sometimes looking at me for seconds
>Say "Hey"
>He nods
>I walk off because its too fucking awkward and annoying


Are you a girl? :P haha

attack is the best defence, you know. It's a natural reaction when you get scared

he wanted to bottom out in your sweet little doodoo puss


Fuck off retard.

motherfucking maynard james keenan. and his insufferable fan base. i wanna kick them all so fucking hard in the nads that their grandma feels it

>people making sounds during a movie, last time it happened i got up and walked out
>people being rude to fast food employees
>people using big words in casual conversations to sound smart

what sounds don't you like? When someone laughs when it's a funny comedy? You sound quite a douchebag


Ones who talk on their phone are annoying aswell.

other ppl. Incompetence and how wrong they r

people that ask dumb ass questions to start conversation

>be me
>buying stuff for mac n cheese
>1 block of cheddar
>1 block of pepper jack
>1 block of gouda
>clerk asks in a stupid tone of voice "making something cheesy tonight?

no dumbass i'm gonna melt it all down and squirt it up my ass with a turkey baster i named leonard the fuck you think i'm doing here?

That one about employees should be all employees. Work is work, fast food workers aren’t special.

More like your degeneration lol

People who haven't any reading comprehension whatsoever

you sound like a nice person, can I be your friend?

>People walking in public with their face stuck on their phone while wearing earbuds. I'm sick of this introverted loser generation.
They're not introverted, they're just self-centered and addicted to social media.

Bionicle-loving faggots

by the grace of mata nui, i sincerely hope you're joking

For real. I like hot wings but 2 hours right before? The fuck you expect

>Bionicle-loving faggots
I have no idea what that is. Maybe I'm too old.

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this user is clearly retarded

I walk right into them on purpose, trying to knock the phone to the deck. On the freeway, I like riding 3" in front of them and slowing down with no brakes. When they notice and try to pass I play " guess who you're not passing" by drifting back and forth like they do on the phone. Or sometimes I'll just be an entire dick and not let them off the onramp. If you can't merge at freeway speed because of your phone then I make sure you spend a little time thinking about why you're such an oblivious dipshit


Lol said the leader

>- Women making this fucking face lately thinking its cute. Makes me wanna punch them in the throat.

Its not supposed to be cute, its supposed to be their anime "cum on my face" face. fucking retard.

>people who jerk offm all day, spamming Yea Forums with MORE MOAR MOOOOARR GIRRLLLLSSS
>Weak handshakes
>Adults who don't say 'excuse me'
>Cars with fartcannons thinking it's cool
>Idle shoppers, taking up the whole lane for minutes at a time
>People who knock on my door, unannounced, like Mormons and Jesuits

You obviously had a shit childhood. Go play with your fucking sticks and rocks, caveman.

Oh yeah, and fucking cyclists. Bikefags, fucking fetish for peddling on a ROAD made for VEHICLES

You spelled nigger wrong.

Underrated post

girls that don't understand they're sentient fleshlights and allow me to use them accordingly. really fucking pisses me off.

He wanted to put it in your bum. All that time he was staring at you imagining you being his slut.

Except they are always 300 pounds with thick horn rims

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Afraid not buddy

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Asiago? Wait that's a cheese I think. Some shit like that.

Haitian women. I live in a really diverse place and even when they, all kinds of blacks all kinds of Hispanics, barely speak English everyone's still pleasant and we can still figure out what business we're trying to get done. Haitian women are soooo rude tho. They really are the worst.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Bohrak Swarm, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Mata Nui, and I have over 300 confirmed krana infections. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top Bohrak in the entire Swarm. You are nothing to me but just another Matoran. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this island, mark my fucking thoughts. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the hivemind? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of krana across the island and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Matoran. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life force. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can control you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare elemental shields. Not only am I extensively trained in mental combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Bohrak Swarm and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable life force off the face of the island, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking Kanohi. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Matoran.


You know what pisses me off a lot? People posting those stupid memes or pictures with "wise words" on them on Facebook.
Shit like "When you don't feel loved, just look at the sky and know there is someone out there loving you..." goddamn its such a cringefest.
Its only women who post that shit and i unfollow every woman on my Facebook the moment i add them.

People that can't pronounce termerature and February

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kek i got banned from posting on facebook for posting one of those "thoughtful" justgirlythings images on a girl's page that said "i made a cummie wummie just for you" and her family reported me. so glad i never went back to that shithole

Parents who let their children run all over the place with no attempt to rein them in. Not a problem at a playground or park, but in a restaurant or store its really fucking annoying

Facebook. Facebook ruined humanity.

Co-workers more interested in trying to be noticed as "being alpha, the fuckin man running the place" than actually doing anything for the company at all.

I fucking rip on them, call them out all the time but they still get away with it most of the time because people are afraid of their petty passive aggressive tactics and inflated lying ass status they are trying to project. Hey no, fuck your shit. You're not above any motherfucker just because you're trying to act like a faggot in charge, sit down.

Unsupervised children.

Faggots riding around in their shit historical cars checking for people looking at them.

My grandpa, who worked his ass off as a stonemason for 40 years starting at 14yo, before retiring. He dropped out of school before even going to high school, got good at laying bricks in a row, and did brickwork on gas stations with three employees for 4 decades straight putting a grand a day profit in his pocket. Since he never watched tv, never learned to read, he has no idea about anything that’s happened in the US or the world since 1945, and thinks everyone else is lazy as fuck because nobody but masons and possibly farmers actually does any work, and everyone is poor because they’re all just wasting their time. The man is deeply, deeply ignorant, and is rich as fuck, a total tightwad, judgement all of literally everyone, and extremely demanding of us all that we take care of his every need now.

Fucking greatest generation my ass.

Oh I forgot to add, he’s also my favorite person on earth and I love him dearly. But man is he a difficult personality sometimes too.

People who can’t spell temperature.

you should devote your life to rimming him

Social media is a stupid-motherfucker trap. It catches trashy people and encourages them to make themselves known, so we can identify them early and avoid them.

Lol don't imagine my childhood pedophile. Can't you get madder than that?

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That fucking face. How much of a fucking whore you must be to do this kind of shit?
I also hate teenagers.

People who think they know more about shit than people who specialize in said shit.

Lol he gay. He likes to lay bricks. Long lines of them. With 3 other hard working boys. Nice. Hard. Bricks. Rhymes. With. Nice. Hard. Dicks.

>all social media sites (especially instagram)
>homosexality (homo's don't bother me but their sexuality does)
>my corrupted 2nd world country (i live on south africa and I'm white)
> my past
>my friend who is slowly becoming a furry faggot...

jesus christ OP i fucking HATE women making that faggoty anime face

you're so edgy op. your dad stomps your shit inside your asshole

People who use internet shortenings like "lol" or "wtf" in real life (im not talking about them saying "what the fuck" but actually saying "W.T.F".

when people can't walk in a sensible fashion. swerving all over the path because they're absolute brainlets and/or can't stop staring at fucking instagram or some shit. mental capacity of a fucking 3 year old.

jewish propaganda (interracial, cuck, fb/ig, wwyd) on Yea Forums

I have a friend who does that and he doesnt care if we're at a party or in public area's with many people.
I feel so damn embaressed everytime he does that.

Ok I understand the rest but why no chewing gum?

>Women making this fucking face lately thinking its cute. Makes me wanna punch them in the throat.

retards like OP that get mad at fads thinking he's cool

>People who use internet shortenings like "lol" or "wtf" in real life

>i tHinK prOPeR enGLiSH shOUlD be SPoKen
fuck off cunt

Fads are meant to be hated because its fucking annoying and only kids follow fads.
Also i'm not the one you're replying too.

i don't wear them in public, but it's such a comfy setup i do it at home more often than i'm proud of. you should try it user, you may become one of us

No idea, i just find it annoying, specially when women do it because it makes me think that they think they're badass and 'all that'.

That’s why your supposed to order a soup or something light you fatty

Drunk people
People who walk slowly
People who stop in a doorway
People who think they're right about everything

Fat people

Knowing that I get under your skin is the only thing that gets me out of bed.

I don't think the point of this face is to look cute but to look lewd. I rather have this face then duck face like before.

And you don't want to jeopardize your inheritance.

Urban attention seekers. "See me play bongo. Look! Look!"