I was looking for a Chinese tutor for my son and saw this leaflet. She's a porno star... the dad part of me thinks it's asking for trouble given I will inevitably flirt and fail and tell her i recognize her , but the man part of me likes the idea of a pornstar in my house. Advice?
I was looking for a Chinese tutor for my son and saw this leaflet. She's a porno star...
How do you know she’s a porn star?
Hire her then fuck the Asian out of her
Sounds like a two-for-one deal, you and your son could both get "lessons"
She has a few amateur home video out there... OP got too excited
Any sauce?
Do the most logical thing to do
bring her into his home, be a fan boy and hope for a pity fuck
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We saw this post before. Go larp elsewhere.
You have to give some time between the copy pasta or we recognize it.
I'll email her :-D
link the video faggot
Go ahead, but don’t fanboy on her. Porn stars hate that, and it makes them worry that you’re a violent stalker.
are you going to share some links?
fair advice, mentioning that you "feel like you've seen her before" might work under the right circumstances, but you gotta feel out the vibe like is she reserved etc.
OP here. I will take the plunge and email her to see if she can come and tutor my son and will ask for her rates. Can't wait to have a pornstar in person lol...
is anyone going to post a video of hers?
not a guarantee you'll smash, but can't happen if you don't try
Link a fucking video
Search it yourself xoomer
If she will be in a porn video and needs to tutor your son you can probably just pay her off.
Stop posting this every fucking day, get a life man.
Let's see the sauce. Otherwise, OP is a fuckin' phony.