Why do people hate whites so much?

Why do people hate whites so much?

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Pure envy.

>palefaces thinking the Americas are a "white country".

You do you Hoss.

You need a list of atrocities carried out by white people over the course of history or do you want me to just shit on your face?


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is thataway 8ch refugees

What about European countries being treated like melting pots to emulate the Americas?

what about the Arab slave trade which was even bigger than the European one and they castrated all of their slaves? why don't Arabs have to pay for that?

Any "atrocities" committed by white nations was in defense of it's own nations

>implying the Arab slave trade isn't very much alive and well today

they be chopping nibbas balls off and selling them in the slave trade.

Because nobody wants to fuck with them, we may have mass shooters in the states but they have mass shooters and suicide bombers and even worse problems

lol tell me I should feel guilty for slavery and I'll kek in your face and tell you to pay me reparations.

(im not the user you replied to)

>a list of atrocities carried out by white people
Is a tiny little sliver compared to anybody else.
And of the greatest atrocities perpetrated by whites, the vastest majority were against other whites.
You're clearly a nigger fishing for "muh reparations", so shut the fuck up you worthless nigger.

Tell me how you're not racist now. That's always a good laugh.

Europeans have always been mongrels. That's why we want to leave the EU.

>call him racist and i win!
No, you're a stupid fucking nigger.

what's your point? that because white people are so atrocious, that's why everyone desperately wants to be with us? i don't get it.

you don't deserve 1. electricity 2. a television 3. a phone 4. a computer 5. printed books.

wait until the black or latinx or asian man take over and deliver those things, by performing a space magic snap and removing all white people and their achievements.

>buhu I don't like being called racist even though I very clearly am!
neck yaself stormfag

do you actually think you're going to get through to me? lmao why are you even wasting your time? you're such a fucking retard.

Can you get a non biased non racist list of all atrocities committed by all ethnic groups in the world instead pls ? I'll wait.

Have I hit a nerve, nigger?
Stupid nigger.

Oh look it's this thread again

>do you actually think you're going to get through to me?
No, because you're a stupid nigger.

The irony and hilarity of the fact that you've been sitting here calling a white guy a nigger over and over is outstanding. keep going

because white people are annoying how they are full of blatant problems and annoying stereotypes but they're always pointing out dumb / irrelevant shit about other races when they do a bunch of dumb shit all the time.

your impotent, seething neckbeard rage is a thing of beauty

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Youre either in denial or a retard

By "we" I'm assuming you're British. I think your Pakiland is far worse tham any other EU country. Face it, your politicians are as shitty as the others, maybe worse cuz they're fighting left and right to keep you aboard the Titanic.

disgusting negro

Stupid nigger.

Move to Sweden you racist fuckwit

is that why it's looking more and more likely that we'll leave on the 31st with no deal.
(not the same britfag)

Absolutely seething

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Swedistan is full of sand niggers tho

No matter how much you post your projection, you're still a stupid nigger.

Yeah like IQ and crime rates
Fucking niggerjew


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Stupid nigger.

Just stop

Why? Am I hurting the stupid nigger?
Good. Stupid nigger.

>impotence: the post

grow up

you can avoid white genocide. every white male must go and impregnate every white woman. I impregnated already 10. Just impregnate every white woman with force of without it. Doesn't matter is she fat or skinny, beautiful or ugly. just buy her an alcohol and tell her i love you and she is yours! Most women dream to become single mothers. And single mothers receive better support from goverment. Just do it.

>i started shit
>im too stupid to understand cause and effect
>please make it stop mr white man
Stupid fucking nigger.

>melting pot
'Cause colonization of whites, dude.
U paying for pick up shipping Biggers between ' 600 & '800 from Africa

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Hey did anybody in this thread get owned so hard that they just keep posting nigger over and over because they think this is fucking Facebook lol. Nobody cares. Calm down.

>Why do people hate whites so much?
Why is Russia a shithole full of drunks who fuck goats.

>the nigger keeps crying in pain as he is deservedly whipped
All you have to do is stop being a stupid nigger. It's not impossible.
Just very, very improbable.

Oh you did? Ok lol keep going.

Her words make little to no sense. Britain is being overran by muslims. Attack the problem at its epicenter. Destroy them. Every man, woman, and child.

nobody wants you to stop in fact we're trying to get you to keep going, nigger

not a sentence
not a sentence

They think they can control the primitive sand people, with gibs and security. Kikes have absolutely no end game beyond trying to destroy our demographics.

>i was just pretending to be a stupid, asshurt nigger crying for the white man to stop beating me
Cool story, stupid nigger.

please keep going and yelling at cloud XD

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you can avoid white genocide. every white male must go and impregnate every white woman. I impregnated already 10. Just impregnate every white woman with force of without it. Doesn't matter is she fat or skinny, beautiful or ugly. just buy her an alcohol and tell her i love you and she is yours! Most women dream to become single mothers. And single mothers receive better support from goverment. Just do it.

I honestly wish you the best, but I'm pretty sure the fuckers will find a forgotten law to postpone it.

Strictly speaking, she's correct.
Look at the US, with millions of immigrants who can't even speak English - their only use is as DNC sockpuppets.

every white woman between 18-49 must be inpregnanted. Just do it.

>broke inglish dawg
Stupid nigger.


Rob and kill your neighbour's, nigger

If you read this thread it's pretty obvious that stormfronters struggle pretty hard with the basic tenets of English. They're almost impossible to understand.

I'd seriously prefer white genocide over this. Immigration is societal cancer - but single motherhood is societal cyanide.

>no u
Stupid nigger.

*sigh*. lOoK aT aLl tHeSe wOrThLeSs mIcS aNd wOpS! tHiS cOuNtRy uSeD tO mEaN sOmeThINg!
You act like second and third generation kids don't just become more normal, boozing, lazy, dumbass standard American teenagers and grow into normal Americans.
I'll hang out with smart folks from any race. I'll stick my dick in hot women of any race. Your standards exist because you're a fatass retard that doesn't have friends or sex, so it doesn't matter if you pretend to be too good for them.

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People consider it payback

Literally cannot speak the language lol

>kill your neighbor is

We keep all of them isolated in Florida. Someone has to pick the oranges.

Other people call it justified racism.

They are blue voters, modern slaves that work for below minimum wage while still taking welfare and debt free, so they can buy, buy, buy those wholesome American consumer goods. All of which are cancer to actual citizens and only helps dems and the 1%'s economy, that we don't participate in. The amount of laws that are being blatantly broken, is staggering. This will not continue.

Haha nigger! Got you! Magic word! I win! I'm not just gibbering at myself while you pity me!


>be like niggers...

I speak 4 languages, how about you nigger? Clicking noises doesn't count

Look at this nigger XD

>Why do people hate whites so much?
Because so many vocal whites hate everyone else, and turnabout is fair play.

Oh really? Which ones? English isn't one of them huh? Bis später Wichser!

We have a reason to hate you, though. You're stupid, useless, and have no function beyond forced manual labor.
White people, on the other hand, are the only reason you exist.

Sucer ma grain, fagot.

Trump is using you user, to line his own pockets. Republicans are 90% old white guys just one patio fall away (Moscow Mitch) from nursing home dribblers.

Pmol ofc you'r a stupid fucking kraut, or did you just learn those words in nigger class?

There are no 'stormfronters', you are the subversives. All you do is project and form false narratives. Make up scenarios and people, out of whole cloth and put every ounce of your passion behind hating them.

Haista vitun jō stronpilz

Suck my grain (metaphor for your small dickie llol?

>stormfag too retarded to understand I'm clearly anti white racism
Go back to humping your sister or trying to pass a dry law.

Welchen Sprachen sprichst du digga?

they found out how to colonize and form civilizations that actually work and none of the other races want in, idgi.

Lol nigger

That's one language, I'll. Count English as well. Gimme 2 more then you're on my level

>I estimate the average BMI ITT is roughly ~32
>Work habits/responsibility? Next to nothing

This guy seems like he's talking about "whiteness" in the sense that 1700-1800's people, and probably earlier, would keep peoples deemed as non-white from decent society. Whiteness was an idea conferred partially through skin color, but also through changing social mores. Mexicans were white, but only the high class ones. Maybe this country of eastern europe is white, but no, this one is not. are italians white enough to invite to dinner?
That was a real thing in so-called polite society, and the echos of it remain in modern society, though most have forgotten how to differentiate between the variously argued peoples that constituted "whiteness".
The jews were often deemed non-white, by virtue of idiots who wanted to blame their creditors for nailing up jesus as a means of escaping the debts they willingly entered into.
banking was seen as low, and since the jews were already excluded, it was often allowed of them to do this dirty task. And if the debts grew too high, a purge by the elite screaming jesus was often next at hand.
if the jews had been allowed to integrate, their children would have diffused out until they widdled away into the surrounding culture, like all accepted immigrants do.

Ad hominem...

hang on I want to hear which four languages Cletus speaks

Ur still 2 la guages behind friend, no go suck jamals cum out oof your mom

Which ones do you speak?


English, Icelandic, Serbian, french. Cuz I. Not a low iq nigger

>ad hominem and projection

I'm actually four ahead because you cannot speak English lol

Meat me in a English classroom then and see what happens

Yeah no. You hated everyone else from the moment you were told to by your daddy. You came up with reasons to justify it later like every other hateful person. I don't hate anyone who doesn't hate me without reason.

Also, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are part of the other group, you assume too much and are generally acting like a retard. White people are DEFINITELY the only reason I exist, because my dad is Irish and my mum is half English half Scottish.

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This is going to be a good thread.
Also: stupid nigger.

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This meme is a Republican hoax. He never said any of this.


Your French fuckin sucks if you had to use Google translate to understand the phrase 'Sucer ma grain' and still got it wrong.

Nice diameter on that finger, bud

I don't know what language this is, but only Joey would think this is french.

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If every one of our states spoke a different language, which is oh so important, we would speak a bunch too. It's not at all hard to learn a language, when immersed. No critical thinking and you claim to be 'high IQ'...

Please say "I am a retarded faggot with no prospects" in all four of those languages, liar.

>literally everything i said is a lie or wrong
Stupid nigger.

that also makes sense. The credulous are always quick to believe in appealing lies. Though why race driven division of society is appealing to these guys is beyond me.

They think by blaming us they can profit, but we created the system by which they can even make that claim and be listened to. The system will have to be stress tested, the left will have to be destroyed and reborn into a generation that doesn't accept money geopolitical manipulation or terrorist abuse from them. Why is that we should accept and have relations with, and immigrants from, any country that for instance supports FGM? Why shouldn't performing FGM on their children not trigger deportation? Is abusing women a legitimate culture or something? They have so much to answer for and we know they won't. They want guns out of our hands because they know that's what it will take to remove their malfeasant reign of race terrorism.

Even the fattest anime fuck is going to shape up for this war just for the chance to shoot one of them in the head. They'll trigger the war with deaths that occur in every other attempt at gun confiscation, the right's need for emotion will be satisfied, it's cup will runneth over and they'll finally be like the silly things that are said about them now. Greatly looking forward to the War of White Existence. Should see the development of the first DNA targeted weapons. Hopefully it goes on long enough that all the blacks die since they'll be the first genetic target for deletion. Due to their lack of real humanity primarily, they bullied you attracting more hate to themselves not out of strategy but because they are stupid, smelly apes who need to be removed to preserve the glory of other hominids. I don't want a single alien life form to ever experience the stink of a nigger and embarrass real human beings with their weird combination of sweaty balls and wet dog.

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Dont you have sand nigger cock yo worship, also French is the worst language I literally became fluent in 3 weeks time. Good language to know when you need to surrender

C'est naturellement francais.


Someone seems jel he can I only speak mutt

Of all the pictures you could post to "prove" you aren't a nigger, you choose a fat, useless blob of a NEET?
Is niggerness really a mental disability too? You are psychologically incapable of envisaging something that isn't a useless leech on civilization?

>I am fluent
>I struggle with three word sentences
>I cannot speak or write the language at all
not exactly fluent?

We are we are~


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this image is the biggest bullshit.
human races constantly fall back on each other, remix and change as war, disaster and migration drive groups of people around.
You'd need an acyclic graph, not a tree, to represent races even semi-accurately.

>jel he can I only
The absolute state of white 'supremacy'

>no u

Fluent enough to surrender when Muhammad shows up at my door

>Good language to know when you need to surrender
So true.

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Yup. I have a weight problem. Period of devoting my youth to my mind and not my body. I joined a gym recently and am working on it. Nice ad hominem there, bud.

>I have to call everyone who disagrees with me a nigger.
Sorry buddy, I probably have more Anglo/Nordic DNA in me than you do given the heritage I can trace includes a 'Scottish' family who actually settled from Norway and an Irish town that was one of the most frequent victims of Viking raids.

How's your 23andme? Mine doesn't have anything from outside Europe at all.

sure kid

Okay how would you say that in French? Go for it, Gerard.

This checks out.

Aren't those guys German? Wouldn't it be better to know German? If you spoke French to them they wouldn't understand you.

Google translate cannot use everyday's lingo. Naturally is never used in that case, you'd say something like "of course it's french". And I repeat, "sucer ma grain" is absolutely not french. The three words are, but the abomination of a sentence made up with those words isn't.


>im not a nigger
>im a useless piece of shit who cant even do the basics of taking care of myself
So you're nigger without the dark skin. Glad we cleared that up.

This is an aspie tier, troll thread.

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Ma petite femme est dans la chambre, monsieur. Merci de ne pas utiliser de préservatif. Something like this?

Gainfully employed in STEM but okay brainlet. You think I could afford to breed all the animals I have on a NEET budget?

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And that picture is unrealistic. The chick is not covered in blood or resisting.

Suck my clit, faggot.

Fuck nigger. My gf is on a disability pension, and has way more and better stuff than you.

Why be so anal?

LOL " breed" reptiles are literally sandnigg tier animals

I don't see more than $1000 in that entire pic.

I am more educated than you, likely employed in a more meaningful field than you,, in a relationship and with productive hobbies. I am moderately overweight (BMI significantly shy of Obese because of my height) and as stated, dealing with it.

Anything else you'd like to attack me for tard. Are you going to just find another excuse to hate me because I don't agree with you?

if for people you mean jews...

Like that but not poorly auto translated. You do it with your brain instead. That's what speaking a language is.

You mean correct?

Good Goyim, do not resist.

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I wish I was in a relationship with productive hobbies. They really get me.

>"meaningful" field
You misspelled cotton.

Because it's what's trending with the liberal-kike infested hive mind. We weren't ever supposed to know. Mossad got sloppy.

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I am more educated than you
You have a yuge student debt.
>likely employed in a more meaningful field than you
You literally just showed everyone how little money you have.
>in a relationship
You live with your mom.
>and with productive hobbies
Now you don't have a job?
>I am moderately overweight (BMI significantly shy of Obese because of my height)
You're a fat, worthless piece of shit.
>and as stated, dealing with it.
Shouldn't have let it happen in the first place, you painted nigger.

>Literally about $5000 of homebuilt self regulating vivarium technology
Okay brainlet.

You have no idea how fucking expensive this shit is to insure and how unforgiving their care requirements are. All you can do is keep equating things to 'niggers' and 'sandniggers' showcasing how blind your hate is. Keep it up.

See above. Your disability pension wife could not afford to keep, breed and insure this many animals (this is just the lounge, forget the breeding room) nor the brainpower to build and maintain as many self-regulating vivaria as I have done. I sold a bioactive setup I no longer used for £1,400 because that's what another professional breeder thought it was worth.

You just can't stop hating, can you people?

Is this supposed to impress anybody with a minimum-wage job?

Trying this hard. Pathetic.

Just keep showing us how worthless you are, stupid nigger.

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you can avoid white genocide. every white male must go and impregnate every white woman. aged between 18-45 I impregnated already 10. Just impregnate every white woman with force of without it. Doesn't matter is she fat or skinny, beautiful or ugly. just buy her an alcohol and tell her i love you and she is yours! Most women dream to become single mothers. And single mothers receive better support from goverment. Just do it.

Is this some new pasta ?

If you had put that much effort into not being a obese sack of shit, there wouldn't be half-a-dozen anons laughing at you and your lofe.

More than one person is making fun of you schizo lol

Look at this guy. This is his ENTIRE LIFE.
I thought the whole "yuropoor" thing was a meme until now.

Lol more libs.

>Look ma I can make poorly veiled slave labour references, I so smart!

I have no student debt. Scholarship.
I literally just showed you my lounge, which has about $5000 worth of equipment in it alone and is not my only room full of animals. You don't know how much goes into reptile breeding.
My mother and father live in Spain, enjoying an early retirement. I live with my girlfriend, soon to be fiancee.
I have both a job (I am a fluid dynamics specialist) and gainful hobbies. They are not mutually exclusive.
Yes I am fat, an I am working on that. I prioritised my mind and neglected my body. You can keep attacking me for that or you can get a life. Your choice.

It's new to you. Because you are new to Yea Forums. Welcome fagoot now GTFO.

lol god, my dad was a hippie who refuse to fight in vietnam because he didn't want to kill people. a 17 year old black kid broke in and shot my father 10 times for telling him to leave our house. for daring to resist. his whole crew pussed out and just about left his ass there. he managed to leave his phone in the room where he shot my dad, he's facing a life sentence which I can actively see leftist court elements trying to get him out of by any means. an "expert witness" came up to the stand and my DA tormented him into admitting he could reform the boy in less than a year, or " any amount of time". they want him to be a minor, see, but he's already 20 just waiting for trial and the probation department is screaming to put him in adult jail because he's still communicating with his gangs and has so far arranged two "beat downs", one "beat down" victim nearly died, he was 14.

i was taught so hard not to hate, now i get to watch a leftist defend someone they literally claim has an IQ of less than 75, that's their fucking actual defense! and guess what, they'll win, even if they have to engineer a jury nullfication because I can already tell it's what is planned and what they want to happen. so it will, because it's a kangraoo court for praising dindus even if they did-du.

and when CA accepts it I will move into a new phase, that is all that happened to the other unremarkable looking smart guys with square glasses isn't it? they moved on in their thinking, took action

when we win I will exhume all leftist graves and have it thrown into the sea for marine scavengers to eat, I will blot out your names from history like the romans did to people like you

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Dude that's bullshit. As someone in the herp hobby unless you had some insane bio activity in a fucking huge setup the value is nowhere near that.

Bioactive habs are easy, plants, lights for plants if needed past reptiles normal lighting, isopods, enclosure. Timers are cheap, you don't use heat tape on a fucking biohab (unless you live in sibera maybe.

Let's say even 4*2*2, maybe, maybe 800 usd.

Not talking animal just enclosure. Not the other dude you are arguing with but that shit seems way too inflated to me.

He speaks four languages though (fluently.) It's probably best to call him a faggot and move on before he makes more spurious claims lol. Spurious means bullshit.

>You don't know how much goes into reptile breeding
You just told us: two months of minimum wage in a civilized country.

America has had the most successful economy in the world for decades because it is a melting pot. We attract entrepreneurial people from around the world. Close-minded racist societies are at a disadvantage.

And people don't generally hate whites. They hate assholes like you.

I only hate the ones who constantly complain that their laziness is no longer compensated for by the color of their skin.

Stop eating his bait. It's just as simple dude.

There are no niggers in Hungary

What about the content of the character?
Just asking because I had a dream about it.


I bet you haven't done a useful thing in your life, user. She sound like a fucking loser.

He can't stop. He's inflated his numbers massively (H/T ), but still comes off as a screaming yuropoor.

>fluent in 4 languages

>tries to communicate its asshurt
>crashes and burns trying to assemble a second sentence
Stupid nigger.

that hand looks like it'd struggle with a spoon full of pudding

In the lounge. The animals in here run thousands a year on insurance too.
Better educated than you. Employed in a meaningful field with a comfortable paycheck that I spend rather a lot of on reptiles.
It's one room brainlet. I live in a four bed maisonette with one room devoted entirely to reptiles and the others always at least partially occupied too.
One bioactive with a timer is easy, one two tiered bioactive with a timer, automated watering system with reservoir, microcontroller managed heating and cooling with a perfect thermal gradient for a breeding tank is significantly more work. It was my summer project last year while I was teaching myself how to work with Arduino.

Caucasians form part of the most successful societies in the world, so it is quite possible it is nothing but envy. Although this attitude is not exclusive to other ethnicities or enthicity in general.

Just look at just about any country and you will see the poor complaining about the rich, they feel entitled to their money, they feel like they got something stolen from them, it seems most humans see success and instead of trying to replicate that success, they want to bring the successful down with them.

Did anyone else realize we're 1 white supremacist posting his manifesto on Yea Forums from getting erased from the internet?
Also, how did the board react to (4+4)chan getting destroyed? I wasn't here to witness the threads but it must have been fun

Btfo nerd

Find a nigger

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>I am a fluid dynamics specialist

fancy way to say that you're cleaning up vomit and piss in an elementary school.

Nobody cares at all because nobody on Yea Forums gives a shit about pol

Two months of minimum wage for a sparse few of my animals equipment in one room, ignoring insurance, food, substrate replacement, bulb replacement (because when you have this many the bulb replacement starts getting hefty) and additional electrical bills.

You short sighted faggot.

This is the funniest joke

Yes, fluid dynamics is all about vomit. That's what I got my masters in physics for.

Keep making stupid sounding cheap shots.

Someone is still pretty jelly I see

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Now watch as the samefag shoops a screenshot to pretend he isn't samefagging.

Fucking LOL

>additional electrical bills
The yurofail just never ends. I almost feel sorry for this stupid fat fuck, but then he speaks again.

yeah janitors don't provide a useful service at all! fuck them I like public filth!

I can't fucking breathe did you just think this up

>how can people possibly disagree with me
>must be a conspiracy
This is why everyone thinks you're a dumb nigger.

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>>I am a fluid dynamics specialist
>fancy way to say that you're cleaning up vomit and piss in an elementary school.

Someone screenshot this.


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Keep crying weak ass nigger

Do you not pay for electricity where you live? Is it some kind of socialist utopia, or are you just quoting any old line and then hating me for living a more interesting life than you?

Epic. Truly epic narwhal bacon.

piss leaver spotted. do you wish he left all that piss in the elementary school instead? do you like piss and shit everywhere, nazi

The was the slowest burning no u ever, given that my first post had people assuming I (Caucasian male with more European blood than the majority of Americans) was a nigger.

You did it to em again! God damn please let up. They can't take it anymore.

This is old Yea Forums.

Actual lol gottem

Electricity is so cheap in places that aren't cucked euroshitholes that it doesn't matter if I leave a few kilowatts of gear on. It adds a couple of dozen dollars to my bill, max.

y avoid white genocide. every white male must go and impregnate every white woman. aged between 18-45 I impregnated already 10. Just impregnate every white woman with force of without it. Doesn't matter is she fat or skinny, beautiful or ugly. just buy her an alcohol and tell her i love you and she is yours! Most women dream to become single mothers. And single mothers receive better support from goverment. Just do it.

We've peaked guys. This thread is ftw. This owns so hard. Shits so cash. He's on fire. Nigger!

raising the bar for humour here

please never leave this place

you are the soul of Yea Forums

Look at this retarded nigger.

my sides are literally in orbt

Black people kill more everyone than whites, I guess we should kill all black people?

Yesssssss this guy gets it!

Brb killing more everyone

Holy shit :D

Nobody tell him he said the magic word lol

no just make every white women pregnant.

They'll die anyway eventually no reason to waste your time.

You mean niggers?

Actually the cost per kilowatt hour in the UK is around 18¢/h

US the average is around 12¢/h

Depending on just how much power you are using for how much of the day, that can add up to a tidy sum taken monthly. Like if you had ten reptiles running on two 100w bulbs (heat and UV are usually separate) with one on half the time, 1500wh, 1.5kwh, for an average of 30 days a month, it's going to make up about $130 in the US, and around $195 in the UK. It's not negligible and there's not a massive difference.




go back to plebbit you fucking bitch

You can stop samefagging now. The number of posters in the thread hasn't changed the last like 4 times you pretended to be someone new laughing at this.

What’s funny is how afraid white people are. Let me ask you this, if you’re so superior, what the fuck do you care? You cling to the 2nd amendment as if your lives literally depend on it, because it does. And I find that amusing. You’re so scared of the blacks, the Muslims, the Mexicans, and you blame the Jews for all your woe. I’ve never seen a people as marginalized as whites.

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>$130 [a month]
>It's not negligible
Ask me how I know you're a yuropoor. Go on.


+0 posters
+0 posters
+1 poster (hello different fag)
+0 posters

Can there really be this much samefagging?

My first attempt. Hope you enjoy.

Attached: ScreenshotOfANigger.png (1210x1730, 174K)

I raffed.

Lol you faggot

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>According to theU.S.Energy Information Administration, theaverage monthlyresidential electric billfor roughly 132.6 millionelectric customers in theUnited Stateswas $111.67 in 2017. TheU.S. averageprice for one kilowatt-hour was 12.89 cents or $0.13.
$130 per month is not a negligible increase. If your water bill went up by more than 100% you would be calling a plumber in a panic no matter how rich you were. I'm not the guy your arguing with, just pointing out that you're trying so desperately to argue that extra expense means nothing that it's pretty clear you don't have to take care of the bills in your household.

Guessing mommy does that?

because white people are cool

Attached: whitevsblacklang.png (735x562, 446K)

My mother has been dead for 10 years, stupid nigger.

Might have been the post above that added a poster, thanks for admitting the samefagging.

Someone should include that in the screenshot.

So your dad takes care of the bills then.

>actually my parents are dead!

>stupid poorfag
>cant understand that others may not be poorfags
>wonders why people call him "stupid nigger" all day

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Yeah it was probably that post, retard.

Attached: Screenshot_20190809-142641~2.png (1440x415, 58K)

Nah, pretty sure my old man is alive. But only just, last I heard. But shh, don't tell him where I live. I've got enough leeches hanging off me.

This gave me many keks.

Samefagging is replying to yourself. It is not multiple replying. Hth all you newfags out.

Vast majority of people in America would notice the everliving shit out of a 200% bill. Keep trying to pretend you're a rich boi from Rich Lane, Richmond, Richmondshire County. We can all see you're a NEET who doesn't take care of the bills because daddy does it.

You can stop samefagging all your own posts. You already gave the game away.

Well, newfags and niggers, I hope.

when you say people

you mean non-whites, and they do, they just pretend they dont. they are the appropriators. they bring nothing to the table. literally...what do they bring m8 tacos and chicken tikka?

anything else? in what way do they improve us? they dont. at all.

more jew-blacks lies and this president and his administration make ZERO efforts to get the truth out.

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He fucking actually screenshotted his 'epic burn' post just in case lol

Why are you making this stupid assumption, yuropoor?

>It is not multiple replying
Samefagging is pretending to be many prayers as if loads of people find a post funny in order to inflate support that doesn't exist.

You are a samefagging nigger.

I told you I didn't samefag once. I responded to you. You are bad at this.

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Asshurt nigger.

want answers on this? realllyyy? go see tommysotomayors vids stacks of them on you tube,xx times deleted,,he comes back
randomramdomness,be wasting my valuable time answering this u snarker white lefties

Everything you just said only applies to americans.

lol not getting shot is easy, keep hands on the wheel, if it's dark turn on the interior light and then keep hands on wheel

biggest thing cops spot is no turn signal morons and biggest trigger is impolite bullshit, you're way better off being unemotional, if your woman is with you shut her up even if she mad

see like, white people don't fuck with cops, they actually shoot more of us than blacks and not because more-of-us, more like they'll cap a methhead because they know they have to and you need to not act the cray or they will think you like ice and get real nervous like hand on gun nervous even in CA

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Specifically I was talking about you. You don't know what samefagging is because you are neeeeeeeew

It's actually responding to yourself. Sorry you don't 'get' the board culture.

Then where are you from so I can point out how much more it would cost you a month to run an extra 36 kWh a day then your average bill?

Come on. Make my day retarded NEET who never had to take care of a bill.

lol no it's what he said

Who fuckin cares?

You already gave the game away nigger.

They (Non-Whites excluding Asians) couldn't (and probably never will) attain the same level of technology and culture as us on their own, all they have come from us

Instead of progressing on their own they hijack our culture through the nihilistic leftist ideology, victim mindset and globalists parasites

The thing is, multicultural nations and empires are doomed to fail, Aristotle knew it way before mass immigration was a thing, and history proved him right

TL;DR : Pure jealousy

Attached: aristotle_politics.png (536x418, 102K)

Because of the history of success.
Down let get you down though. Like Joe Biden said in yesterdays speech, "poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids"!

Oh no me, my conspiracy against this fat, stupid, poor yurocuck is outed! I'd better all run and hide!

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Wow, you ARE a stupid nigger.

bee doo bee doo board police here trying to enforce posting rules and standards on Yea Forums


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Haha my nigger

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Do we need another epic screenshot?

Attached: 1548021493293.gif (346x244, 1.86M)

Sorry you don't get to redefine board culture so you don't look like a massive samefagging retard when you laugh at the same post a bunch of times.

You are a samefag. You samefagged hard on that post so you could make it look like it had much more support than it does. You got called and now you're trying to pretend samefagging only means replying to yourself, and not just any instance of pretending to be multiple anons while actually just being the same fag.

13digitfilename.jpg to the rescue

Seeing these stats makes me realize the media is the most racist organism in your country. Racist towards whites because they present white mass shooters as the only kind of criminals, racist towards blacks because they will never talk about victims in "the hood", who suffer a lot more gun violence. Worst kind of snakes if you ask me.

I think the "Damnatio Memoriae" was reserved for political people

It was a lot of work but it was worth it in the end lol



And the samefagging begins again.

Coupled in a few seconds with obligatory shooped screenshot with only one (you).

sorry this is Yea Forums post whatever you want however you want newfag

What in the actual fuck.. how have you people still not evolved??

"Whites", "Blacks", etc...

Like seriously can you uneducated incels grasp the idea that every single human being is not the same as whatever race there is?

Yes ghetto blacks exist, white child molester and mass shooters exist. Hell, I'll even give you the fact that there are commonalities among these groups.

Why not just focus on those particular groups of whatever race? You fuckers sound like 60 yr old southerners with you ideology and philosophies.

The most unfortunate thing about all of you people existing(the hateful bigots). is that the racism towards a certain race, naturally leads to the ignoring of the bad things that YOUR RACE does.

Mr. nigger hater probably gives two fucks about his pedophile white neighbor

Mr. cracker hater probably gives two fucks about his thieving hoodlum neighbor

And the most ironic thing is the fact that a lot of you speak intelligently, so there's at least a brain there.

The thing you all seem to want is all of the "bad races" to go away to you can have your Utopia, which implies that happiness and a better planet is what you want.

How can that be something you desire, when you spend so much time focusing on hate and bigotry.

I think you all are the true evil on this planet, which is the epitome of irony, considering what you supposedly stand for.

Love bad people, despise shit people. Leave color or race out of it. Case by fucking case basis. Fucking animals

F12ing isn't that hard, surely?
But effective, obviously.

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Attached: Screenshot_20190809-144035~2.png (1440x296, 30K)

Ready for yet another shooped screeny pretending not to be a samefag.

And get called a samefag when you samefag samefag.

>Coupled in a few seconds with obligatory shooped screenshot with only one (you).
Amazing. Right on cue samefag.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger lol. Fucking newfags amirite?

Uh oh he's breaking down. Tilting at windmills.

Fucking samefags.

Definitely food for thought.
I am a black man and see the wisdom in this piece, I won't look at a white woman the same again.
I'll still fuck'em, but I ain't about to throw a baby up in there.

Kafka trap

Nigger nigger
>nobody cares
Samefag samefag
>nobody cares
What's next?

Sure thing samefag.

>every single human being is not the same as whatever race there is

Brainwashed by liberalism, just bleat with the beat Shaun the sheep.

Samefags gonna samefag.

Nigger nigger samefag samefag nigger nigger magic words not working help backup please send backup

>itt: cringe

Someone edited the shot to mock you, user. I don't know how I can make this more clear.
You might want to shut your stupid trap, because you are making yourself look more like a fucktard than anyone (whether there be one or many) else here.

Holy shit I nearly spit out my coffee when I read this... bravo user!

Truly fucking epic goonsir

Kek'd n checked samefagg

No, I'm the samefag, samefag.

Alright you Beef Sperginoffs, time to fill out a job application. It's almost midday and here you are.

Yes there Capitan Senior Obvious, that was implied by reference of the 2nd amendment.

It's Saturday you fucking idiot.

Paranoïd androïd

I am racist I'm not even going to pretend not to be I hate niggers sand niggers curry niggers and nose niggers

>anyone (whether there be one or many) else here
There be one. You. You are a samefag. The fag posting over and again as if you are different people but getting called out on it because the number of posters didn't change for almost all of the replies to the joke (it was a good joke but that doesn't make you NOT a samefag). Whether or not you edited the picture your samefagging got called, accurately, and then you went into overdrive to draw attention away from your faggotry.

Shut up nigger, I'm too busy samefagging to make the spew cleaner feel bad.

Eyeing the poster count just waiting for fresh blood to start niggering at again in the vain hope that it works. Btw I speak four languages.

No it's fucking not. Though I will admit, it's not far away.


Nobody cares. Calling attention to someone who uses multiple posts to convey their opinion using a system that limits the characters of single posts isn’t some earth shattering revelation. So nobody fuckin cares.

How do you fuck up whatever you were trying to do that badly?

Lol at the guy who thought fifteen identical replies to his retarded joke were 'secretly samefagging' and not obviously the same user successfully triggering his autism.

9/19(Fri)07:50:11 No.806697331▶
Shut up nigger, I'm too busy samefagging to make the spew cleaner feel bad.
Anonymous 08/09/19(Fri)07:50:30 No.806697344▶
Eyeing the poster count just waiting for fresh blood to start niggering at again in the vain hope that it works. Btw I speak four languages.
Anonymous 08/09/19(Fri)07:50:53 No.806697359▶
No it's fucking not. Though I will admit, it's not far away.
Anonymous 08/09/19(Fri)07:50:57 No.806697364▶.6
Anonymous 08/09/19(Fri)07:51:22 No.806697385▶
Nobody cares. Calling attention to someone who uses multiple posts to convey their opinion using a system that limits the characters of single posts isn’t some earth shattering revelation. So nobody fuckin cares.
Anonymous 08/09/19(Fri)07:51:34 No.806697396▶
How do you fuck up whatever you were trying to do that badly?

It's Saturday.

See .

No wonder everyone calls you nigger up and down this thread. This level of victimhood requires medication.

Mind was shaking earth was quaking
Shook all night long

>Limits the characters of a single post

Every single samefagging 'hahaha my joke so funny everyone please notice it' post could have been fit into the 2000 character limit. That's genuinely not an argument.

>saturday in nz
>shook all night long
Checks out.

Post what u want this is Yea Forums bitch

That's not even remotely close to what he said. But you'll just dismiss me as a samefag to protect your fragile ego, no doubt.


Your post proves my point. I'm not political, don't care about either side. They all want to influence some kind of bullshit, same as religion. Fuck all of it.

My thoughts and philosophies are purely my own. You can fuck off with your Ameritard political shit. That's why all of you are so fucked in the head. Everything must be connected to some sort of group or label.

You people have no hope.

But retard, you happily believe in shooped shots. Remember , you stupid fuckwit?

Forget it, fat useless fuck has run away to have a nice big cry.

every color feels unique and hated/shitted on fucking cucks wankers

It's near enough word for word what he said. He used Yea Forums limiting the characters in individual posts to 2000 to try and justify shamelessly spamming replies that could all have fit into one. Shameless fucking samefags want to try and gaslight us into believing that something widely viewed as shitty behaviour on this board is somehow fine and acceptable.

Samefags are fucking cancer and you should feel ashamed.

White people have the most misplaced sense of superiority I’ve ever seen. Centuries ago when empires existed before nation states, ethnographic status and advanced technological knowledge made Europeans the dominant race of people at varying times. In the modern era this is ridiculous- there is immigration, military alliances, mixed races and backgrounds and technology is pervasive. White people that think they are superior in any way because of their heritage are clinging to centuries old history. The reality is old money translates to the modern era, but nothing else. Brag about being richer (in general) but nothing else

hes gone to shoop (You) onto everything so he could show his mom how mean we were to him

no, just you

No bro you are wrong. all whites are the same, all blacks are the same, all hispanics are the same and so on.

Mixed races are outliers, so they don't count.

Everything that differentiates from my idea of a optimal white, are all outliers. Everything that shows other races in a positive light, all outliers.

You are brainwashed by the liberal, fake news, mainstream media and scientific research.

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No, you just see samefags in your soup because you're about half an inch from necking yourself.
You have been called (quite rightly, as you've posted proof multiple times) a yurofag, fat, poor and stupid. All of these are facts, that you've been happy to share with us repeatedly.
This pure post-hoc rationalisation makes everything you say is automatically suspect. You obviously only have the most tenuous grasp of reality, and you won't get any sympathy from me.
Also: you're a stupid nigger.

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