

Attached: qt3.jpg (720x1280, 205K)

i'm here, what do you want

are you really the real ripa?


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Who's ripa?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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this is ripa

i miss her

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yeah i am the real ripa

where is your Yea Forums pass since 2016 symbol

dont fucking ask me questions. im not going to respond to you if your obnoxious

this ripa is fishy

she smelle like fishe lole

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so is my pussy, faggot. you are so gay that if i saw you in real life i would sit on your face and unleash a torrent of fart fumes down your gullet.

i dont think this is real ripa

want a picture for proof?


imagine eating ripas eggplant farts

you have to say please first

i dont like where this is going
im going with the safe choice that are not ripa

then live on without ever knowing the truth. no skin off my nose, faggot. i have other orbiters.

I hate ripa. hopefully he never come back tbh