What the shitting tits, /b? No fluffy threads?

What the shitting tits, /b? No fluffy threads?

Don't worry, faggots. I got this.

Attached: 26576 - abuse artist carpdime crying flush pee poopies punishment questionable sad sorry_box tears t (706x1111, 215K)

Attached: 30446 - abuse amputation artist carpdime explicit flapping_wings foal pegasus wing_ripped_off wingie (570x539, 101K)

Attached: 45030 - artist mcgonagall crying fluff_pile microfluffies nutrigel pegasus poopie_fluffy poopie_hole (1168x1446, 1.05M)

Attached: 22889 - abandoned artist carpdime bad_foal bad_mummah bad_poopies biggest_poopies chirpeh_babbeh foa (587x1416, 282K)

Attached: 52986 - Cherryblossom abuse artist backstubb broken-bone explicit farmer featured_image feral-fluffi (800x966, 798K)

I love these threads. Keep em comin

Attached: WOW.png (880x756, 127K)

Attached: 0000-explanation.png (1248x3085, 984K)

fuckin on it, brah

Attached: 49601 - feral-fluffies hunting kitten.png (2560x1600, 1.31M)

Are there abuse pics that involve guns? Or are those not a thing?

Attached: enf.png (314x150, 4K)

Attached: 49455 - artist FierceDeityLynx chirpeh_babbeh hugbox miwkies soon-milkbag.jpg (1037x1853, 464K)

It's a thing, but not especially common. The idea is suffering, and guns aren't great for that.

Attached: 48261 - abuse artist deliverance blood crying foal piss punishment questionable quickie shit snot so (790x579, 334K)

Attached: 49897 - alleyway_fluffies artist backstubb begging cold dead-foals desperate explicit foals frozen_a (750x750, 540K)

I see. I would rather beat a fluffy than shoot one. Waste of ammo

Attached: sip.jpg (554x554, 84K)

Absolutely! There's no catharsis otherwise.

Attached: 1534653123657.jpg (1450x1099, 227K)

More of this

Foal psychological abuse?

Attached: 34690 - Artist Abuse-sir foal impending_abuse orphan questionable.jpg (674x476, 66K)


Attached: smartyscratchy01 - 220 - abuse artist mwike blood crying explicit fluffy_foals original_art sledgeha (1096x3402, 673K)


I guess this isn't really psychological abuse, now that I think about it. But it's pretty awesome.

Attached: smartyscratchy02 - 1427 - abuse amputation amputee artist mwike blood cooing crying explicit fluffy_ (1134x2551, 668K)

Attached: smartyscratchy03 - abuse artist mwike blood crying enfie_babbeh explicit fluffy_big_mac foal_abuse f (1096x3402, 604K)


Attached: smartyscratchy04 - 1428 - abuse amputation amputee artist mwike blender blood crying explicit fluffy (1512x3402, 1002K)


Attached: exploring01 - 49346 - fluffy foal foal-dies mousetrap shelter trap.jpg (1939x3344, 1012K)


Attached: exploring02 - 49383 - dead-foal fluffy foal-death sadbox safe shelter.jpg (1466x2639, 808K)

C'mon, you drooling bags of cum. Post fluffies.

Attached: 17445 - abuse amputee artist wolfram_sparks choice crying leggies original_art psychological_abuse s (1048x4286, 164K)

Attached: 48044 - abandoned artist wolfram_sparks crying feral ferals foals original_art sad sadbox sewer sewe (867x1157, 741K)

What piece of abuse art would make a great metal album cover?

Attached: cropfail.jpg (220x220, 19K)

Attached: 2 - artist ginger_fig ball crying discipline fluffy_day_care original_art punishment questionable so (900x673, 203K)

>3 posters
That's sad lol

This isn't too terribly bad.

Attached: snowflake02.jpg (1180x720, 250K)


Post fluffies instead of being a huge fag tho, lol

Attached: 7152 - artist peanutbutter crying mother sad safe singing snow tears winter you_are_my_sunshine.png (2020x1456, 338K)


Attached: 29501 - abuse artist quickhorn brat burn castration enf enf_enf_enf explicit foal genital_abuse puni (972x4055, 403K)



Attached: Bowl_belly_fluffy_pony_with_foals_by_haruonakashima-d534kcl.jpg (900x665, 95K)

Attached: 48486 - abuse artist shaferaraks foals micro-fluffies questionable torture.jpg (840x640, 155K)

Attached: 26953 - abuse artist snowmanta bloody_poops crushed explicit italian_loafer rectum_damn_near_killed_ (1000x655, 460K)

Attached: 42607 - abuse blood blood_and_guts fluffy_abuse fluffy_disection fuff_abuse guts organs.jpg (1800x1200, 210K)

Attached: 24136 - Adam Boogie Dorothy Fluffy_Runner Goliath Karen Sandra amputee artist jberg360 college foals (1300x1193, 353K)

Attached: 28650 - animals_eating_fluffies artist aichi explicit foal_death foraging_fluffies post_christmas_hu (967x667, 776K)

Getting sleepy, fuckers. Post some goddamn fluffies.

Attached: 60 - artist kmeb cookies original_art safe.png (960x704, 500K)

Attached: 124 - abuse amputation amputee artist fillialcacophony blood crying explicit ghost horn_removal orig (800x582, 73K)

Nah, enjoy your circlejerk.

deeznutz lmao

Been down that road before, kitten. Thanks for following the thread tho; should try posting fluffies instead.

Attached: 9uSkVTv.png (696x3176, 569K)

Attached: 33676 - artist FoxHoarder blood castration fluffy_mill point_of_view request tears.jpg (801x626, 115K)

Attached: 39914 - alicorn artist Waggytail eye questionable.jpg (1536x1920, 254K)

Attached: 24785 - alleyway alleyway_fluffy artist MrHands freezing impending_death questionable sadbox.jpg (1805x1586, 218K)

Attached: 1565265065877.jpg (1360x1659, 463K)

Kitten fact: Cats do not actually play with their prey, they're scared of it. If you disable the fear centers of the brain they go straight for the kill.

Looks like dat babbeh spwowin fowevah sweepies

Attached: 29686 - abuse artist:foxhoarder dickless explicit genital_abuse genital_trauma gof penectomy psychol (1393x1994, 369K)