dick thread. post your dicks. look at dicks. talk about dicks. here’s my dick.
Dick thread. post your dicks. look at dicks. talk about dicks. here’s my dick
Luke Wood
Samuel Collins
big juicy head/10
Brandon Green
nice, I'd suck it
Kayden Foster
Looks alright, sadly it's cut.
Nathaniel Stewart
Asher White
Nobody wants a fucking dick rate thread.
It's tiny.
It's mutilated.
Just stop posting or at the very least FUCK OFF to /soc/ where this bollocks is accepted.
Jaxson Morales
Thomas Young
tiny lol it’s 7in
Isaiah Green
Luis Perry
Jacob Morris
Cameron Long
Tyler Thompson
You're not fooling fucking anyone.
That is not 7 inches you lying cunt.
I've lived with my own penis for over 30 years and I know what the fuck a 7 inch dick looks like and that's not fucking it.
Jason Anderson
Jace Reed
Blake Ortiz
Jacob King
Brandon Roberts
Zachary Wright
Chase Diaz
then you’re an idiot
Thomas Moore
Sup Yea Forumsro
Carter Gutierrez
Robert Foster
Official dicks power rankings
1. Uncut with bush
2. Cut with bush
3. Cut trimmed
4. Uncut trimmed
100. Uncut shaved
101. Cut shaved