whenever I look outside my window I see the same squirrels staring right at my house. It’s almost like it’s rehearsed if that makes any sense. They are always there watching and whenever I try to prove it to someone they are gone. It doesn’t make any sense. I’m not crazy I don’t think squirrels are out to get me or anything but they always seem to be there unless I bring it up too my family and try to prove it. There is no reason they would disappear when I show people but when I’m alone they are just there watching and I can’t figure out why. What should I do?
Whenever I look outside my window I see the same squirrels staring right at my house...
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Film them
They're going to rape you, then murder you
Whenever I’m ready to film they’re gone. They are just there when I least expect it but they’re always there. I know that doesn’t make sense but it does
I’m not crazy I don’t think they’re going to kill me or anything it’s weird that they keep doing this to me
You should set up hidden cameras or get camera glasses or some shit to film them, not just whip out a phone.
My friend sent me that when I told him about it. But it’s not like that. They’re just there
I mean I don’t have money for all that. I just more want them to stop then anything else
maybe they live close to your window bubby. also, it could also be like seeing 11:11 on a clock, you just happen to notice it but it doesnt mean anything significant. also, put out some sunflower seeds or something so those little bubbies can get a snack.
Idk it seems a little to planned to just be a random thing
don't you have a phone nigger ?
I'm guessing this is bait.
But on the off chance that it is not, this is a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.
There is no shame in it. But your life will be better if you see a doctor, describe the symptoms, and start taking antipsychotic medication.
You are the king of the squirrels and only you can guide them to the promised land
I’m not schizophrenic. I don’t want to speak to a doctor because they are quick to just label people that shit and I’m not going to be labeled a fucking psycho. People look at you differently I’ll never be able to get a real job and I’ll end up homeless and fucking kill myself before I let anybody ruin my life like that
Again I’m not crazy
is this bait? this is literally a caricature symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.
I’m not schizophrenic though. I’m not baiting. That’s a real fucking thing. People look at schizophrenics differently and that label ruins your life and most homeless people are labeled that and that’s why everyone turns their backs on them. I’m not gonna let that happen to me
A friend of mine was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. He got the help he needed and he works and has a decent life now.
If you don't get treatment, the schizophrenia will interfere with your ability to function in society. It's quite debilitating.
There's a reason that medical professionals diagnose this - it's because we have developed psychiatric evidence through observation and treatment over many patients. Psychiatry, although flawed, is your best help.
I’m not a schizophrenic though and I don’t need help. I’m not hurting anyone. I’m not doing anything crazy. I don’t need anyone fucking with my brains chemistry.
Join us, you can't deny your fate user, it's not so bad once you get used to it. All my undiagnosed schizophrenic friends suffered much more when they resisted. I can't have another dying on me, contact me for further information. Kik: reacher45
>Because getting your shit pushed in by a paper that says you are fucking mental isn't a thing
I would get the medications by myself, fuck those cunts. Not OP though.
But I do advice OP to get the meds anyway.
thats hot
I don’t need any meds
Which means it's getting worse.
Hurry up before it's too late.
I’m not undiagnosed because I don’t have anything wrong with me. My parents would’ve said something by now if they thought I was crazy
Nothing is getting worse I don’t have anything and I’m probably just making the whole squirrel thing up
Don't be a fool user, these squirrels know and will just buy time until they are sure you no longer suspect them.
Take the meds, it will be easier.
I’m not going to take any fucking meds. There is nothing wrong with me and I don’t need them
It doesn't hurt to check, if you can fake being normal you aren't a schizophrenic
Ur a faggot
Your denial is inescapable schizoid man, accept the truth
That's sounds like someone who needs meds.
Man. Meth is a terrible drug.
Hump those squirrels Mr.faggot
Hump those squirrels Mr.faggot.
It’s a Jewish plot. They’re not real squirrels.
You scared?
Scared yet?
Beware faggot
Have you called GEICO? 15 minutes could save you 30% on your home and auto insurance. GEICO. Saving you more.
Sounds like schizophrenia
Your father said, "This time it's personal."
OP left