Waifu VA-11 Hall-A
Waifu VA-11 Hall-A
Shut up Nevadanigger
what a shit show
I love this adorable gamer
for Tsugu
You are welcome!
What are your favourite vidya?
Nice dubs
for Rei
Are they that important?
for Aegis
That is the spirit!
Just do not put so much effort on it, try to relax and stay comfy
Ah well glad to hear it! Mine is doing great, comfy is always good.
Okay then Erio, nice to meet you too!
Why do you love your waifu?
based bebop
Some of this is a repost
I hereby claim the Tsugu poster as my waifu
Also what is going on with ur threads
I guess I should take a closer look soon ^^
She's kawaii
That contradicts something you told me before :3
Ika is a precious princess
Yes but mainly in flower form
I can't remember why exactly I liked him; haven't thought about that game much in years ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Looks like someone's excited today~
Why do I love the Tsugu poster? Cause he's a cutie
Why do you love yours? ^^
Who dis?
Well, I mean if things don't go well, then I have absolutely no plans on how I'll continue living.
Girls can't be games
more than you think
shes very cute!!
she talks in most of them, but usually very little either right at the beginning or the end
hi there
hmm my favorite?
...i like a lot of jrpgs... and a lot of different stuff really... im trying to think of one in particular that i could play over and over....
i guess itd have to be wow, its the only one thats stood the test of time
I don't think there's really anything to see aside from that, one semester it's one topic and different soup on the other.
I guess "good moments" are rare and inbetween such events.
At the same time, in all honesty, each different private group that developed over time from /waifu/ has their own issues, so yeah just like life, maybe.
But nonetheless you're free to do whatever, the situations are more or less bearable to an extent.
mi liu...
Friendly reminder: Matsuri poster is confirmed pedophile.
gah part of this post messed up
"she was the first one i knew too, probably the first one everyone hears of. there's a lot more than you think
shes very cute!!
she talks in most of them, but usually very little either right at the beginning or the end"
I was told to visit here
this thread seems comfy
well he gets on top of me when we cyber so I guess he's a dom :thinking:
Good to see you Tsugu
yes im excited because I know today is the day they lock you up spic semen demon!
Nigger faggot, tfu.
i forgot where we were, sorry
good to see you too, how have you been?
Threads are going boom, why?
Again contradicting things you said before :3
I still don't understand why you think I'm Mexican ^^
Why do u make these big Photoshops just because she dumped you
I replied, see :3
Bebop is to blame
Is it because you're edgy too?
Thanks for the loosh.
go away
mi liu...
Looks like Lily from Soulworker.
Not so bad, finished most cleaning and sorting out tasks today before getting to work again from tomorrow.
Actually comfy time with some alcohol, probably will have a couple of pals coming over in an hour or so.
Well that is interesting
Because she is adorable, she is smart, confident, determined to do anything and she cured my depression
I see. Well I hope you can feel comfy after that
Okay then Why do you think wow is your favourite?
It is! Enjoy the thread
Same old problems you see, everywhere you go
Why do you target all the cute boys?
I hope so too.
its okay
you're nice
whatever, i love him
She targets my Akame I'll kill her
It is celeste from danganronpa
the absolute greatest
I believe i will enjoy it
"Edgy" is a word that covers a broad range of stuff
Like, antifa and nazis are both "edgy"
Sending positive vibes ur way so u get over her and feel better soon
Thanks for the loosh.
hello hello, I love you all
Yeah but both you and Flowey are pretty edgy.
Flowey has an excuse though, he watched his best friend die and then got killed by a bunch of villagers.
Pretty much.
I can't talk from personal experience compared to people older than me, but either way, everything can be summed up to the fact that there's up and downs in 90% of events.
Fair and neat trips, checked
mi liu...
How am I edgy in similar ways to Flowey tho? I don't recall
whoops sorry
well i can probably quote most of them, there's really not much
she's very cute, shes my favorite thing ever
im glad to hear it, i hope you get some time to rest
i see, that sounds like a lot of fun i hope you have a nice time :)
w-well, just because i return to it sometimes i guess...
thats a pretty poor metric though... i might say undertale if i had played it myself.
i dont really know i guess
n-no i dont think so
but thank you
Right. I'm sure you'd like to get "friendly" with several people.
Why does this image fill me with sadness and despair?
hello hello, I hate you all >:( >:( >:(
Shut up nigger.
Because you're a loser faggot that never had a girlfriend so you feel bad for imaginary character that you'd love to have.
we know
you're just edgy, dude.
is a feeling
develops over the years you beaner fag
go suck some cock
stop feeding the animals
mi liu...
So question
Do you like anime?
If so then which ones are your favourite?
I know you will and checked trips
She is from Danganronpa, she is known as the ultimate gamer!
Well that is new
Ohh undertale is my favourite too!
Which route have you done?
Drop it like it’s NASDAQ
I am wondering, how gay is this thread here?
because you are a caring human being who doesn't want to see someone they like being hurt
means you are a good person
>she is known as the ultimate gamer!
How many brown people has she killed?
This beat drops like old people with polio
hello the boy! are you well today?
nope, i love akame's cock now
i'm sorry people treat you badly... they don't know...
Yuki~ its been awhile
>Ohh undertale is my favourite too!
Why is Sans and Mettaton best boys?
mi liu...
scoots here too
i guess we actually using these threads for now
you were the yuki poster
kys scoots no one wants you here
Reminder this nigger orbits trannies and jerks off to MLP
Glad she makes you happy ^^
What kind of music do you like?
I don't know, Aegis-chan, I kind of just go with the flow :3
Several people here are cute in a subby kind of way but you kind of have a dom vibe
mi liu...
Time for the reconquista
Superb, and you?
hi scoots :D
I am doing my best today
You naem gae
scoots is this person
these threads cant die soon enough
Scoots how does it feel to pay trannies for ass pics when they pay me to look at their ass?
mi liu...
So I should stop showing you mine?
We could also try making our own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Glad u made it babe
Remember to use thread finder to mark whatever threads u post in as our territory
I don't really watch much, so I'd say something like Jojo.
It's extremely gay.
Perhaps I have that vibe because I'm not gay and it's the standard for men in a relationship.
That is all that you can do, good job user! Proud of you.
What? you never played Tuber Simulator?
hi scoots :D
Decisions, decisions, decisions...
>Watch and hope 8fags will start a civil war in these threads
>Incite people to start it.
Of course, of course.
Probably be more active Sunday onwards, got lotsa shifts at work. Got to get my hours up after Greece.
I hereby declare my guarantee of the sovereignty of /waifu/
hell no! word spreads fast wen it comes to filthy subhuman whores like you
now make me some tacos fgt
i didnt actually play it. i did a neutral route up to.... just before undyne i think. i watched someone else play it, all the routes.
i dont understand the question
how are you today?
oh im not worried about it, but thank you for your concern
thank you
i like two pretty disparate types, i like a lot of folk-y singer-songwriter kinda Yea Forumscore stuff but i also like really drum-heavy electronica genres
i-i can give some examples if youd like
well well
what are you fags listening to then?
>it's extremely gay
very good then, just the way i like it
I can determine there are cute boys here then yes?
I miss Yea Forums posting. I missed this Yea Forumseautiful place.
The coalition of these two communities is a mistake.
mi liu...
The question was about homosexuality
I am feeling fairly good right now
That is a cute Rem
Is that a jojo reference?
I do not know
Because they are fabulous
That is a question that will haunt me to the grave
Hey Jojo is pretty good!
Why do you like it?
I beseech you to deliver yourself from this thread. As it is under my protection.
we merge the gfur and waifu
i dont think the thread is or can be sexually attracted to anything
thats good! im glad to hear it :)
do you have any plans for the day?
Might as well merge trap threads while we're at it.
By god, it was... are you a real anime otaku?
No lmao
Hello, what is your name?
I do not know what you mean by this.
mi liu...
Ah well then
Did you watch the genocide route?
/animus/ refugees, I will allow you quarter in these threads but if you commit an act of aggression against my people, you are not welcome.
I don't really want to limit animus to one kind of thread
We should also post in Alice/Alicefag threads and also make our own threads sometimes
If you were to have a boy slut on the side of your straight relationship, that wouldn't be gay
It would be bi at most
hi scoots :D
Wagie wagie get in cagey
How was Greece
I am good at making tacos
What's your name, sweetie? ^^
Go ahead
This is a terrible setting
I was never.
i just want to be your friend..
but i'm glad you're okay with it!
Which parts?
Wage cuck wage cuck
Was great, too warm!
But loved it.
Sad, Britain is so dull.
mi liu...
you will give us HALF
when you orbited mediator lol
the things after "Proud of you"!
/waifu/ shall remain sovereign as long as my head remains upon my shoulders.
I wouldn't know, but you'll need to act fast. There are several contenders.
I don't really know, it's just really cool and creative.
No, if you want to look at animal porn, you can go elsewhere.
Alas, I'm not interested in boys.
I was Mediator you retard
No. You orbiter mediator.
You're literally a wagecuck who pays trannies for attention
No, I shall not. I will have half of you beheaded and the other half without hands.
I was more so refering to the sexuality of the people posting in this thread
It is important for me to be made aware of that
I hardly have plans for today, considering it is already late where i am
I don't doubt a second that there are cute boys around
i don't think i need to worry much
this is not your refuge
Me and gabby laugh about your anxiety all the time.
mi liu...
names don’t matter!
now get down on your knees so I can decapitate you properly!!
Oh please
I have no problem with refugees unless they cause trouble
This is just a friendly colonization
You'd miss it too much
I can't do that to you
I'm pretty used to warm from bein in Thailand
Tea and biscuits are dull? Where's ur national pride
Boys tend to know how to please cock better
mi liu...
Gabby paid me to look at her ass
She also sent tiddie :3
I am not like a real otaku but kind of
Got any plans for the night?
I guess you are right
Did you watch only the anime or Did you read the manga?
Time to skin nationalists
Lmao Scoots and Mi Liu arguing over Gabby's gamer girl feet in waifu threads now
You should have tried tricking me into getting on my knees by saying it was for a different reason
Not really; it's already 4am here :3 You?
Lay off my territory, hundan.
I am the gaijinksi they warn their daughters about. I am also known as Ken-sama.
tsugu poster, or just tsugu if youd rather
how are you today?
i certainly did
well my favorite band is bright eyes: youtube.com
but i also like stuff like this theworstlabel.bandcamp.com
then we're pretty much friends already
oh. i cant really speak for anyone else, and its not like anyone has done a poll or anything, so im not really sure
ah, i see. well i hope you have a nice and comfortable night then :)
Why has it come to this
i have Akame's cock to fill my void
Is 8 chan still dead?
Gabby sends me lewds everyday, on request. I mean, not my fault my loose change gets me everywhere.
Well, you do you. I hope you manage to find a toy here.
I think I'll survive without knowing. Besides, I'm not exactly fan of dicks.
I only watched the anime. I'm not really too big into "weeb culture"
Nigger faggot, tfu.
and what different reason would that be you materialized poop emoji?!?!
beaners be beaners no changing that
Because they don't want to find their own space
You pay her for it LOL
How long have you lurked?
>Not bad, tired from work, barring that good.
I guess I should put an anime on... sharpening upo my naruto running for September. They can't stop all of us.
Did you get a job yet?
Nigger faggot, tfu.
how do you feel about Muslims?
>animals that walk on two legs and talk
It is quite funny that despite being incredibely gay, i don't have a husbando
>boys tend to know how to please cock better
this guy gets it
We are the old gods of bee
Our power levels are far 2 high for them
ur thread will be better this way
We will enrich them with high energy
Listening to the first one now; it's kind of relaxing ^^
Cause America can't stop doing shootings and now it's affecting our anime picture chat communities
We already established he can't dom u like I can
Dicks are beautiful, tho
That was obviously a cock sucking joke u silly goose
Death to Abrahamism
Good taste
What's your name? :3
This thread is under protection of Officer Garo Brown of the Richland County Sheriff's Department
Well that is really late?
Did you sleep?
I am playing some vidya for ps3 Batman Arkham City is pretty neat
Okay Ken-sama-chan-san-kun-nisama
How was your day?
How was your reaction?
Back again~
Oh right, how foolish of me. Furries aren't animals, they're anthropomorphic animals. That's much better, carry on.
I disagree. They just aren't to my taste.
You should've ran while you had the chance.
No, it won't. This is my turf, fuck off, gweilo
My name?
You can call me wathever you want~
But a name i frequently go by is frenchie
so you can call me that if you want
Super fun! btw are you a girl?
You are SICK!!
only ever thinking about lewd shit
you disgust me!
Talking to you is stressful I can’t take it go fuck yourself ching chong beaner tranny
Still no job? Lmao
I don't like them...
What they did to us on 9/11 is unforgivable
I'm sure they feel the same way about us
I will teach him...
Had a good fap?
ive been posting since earlier this year, a couple months.
thats good, i hope you can get some rest
ah, that sounds pretty comfy, hope you enjoy it :)
theyre very good, my favorite band as i said. stuff like that, elliot smith, pat the bunny, andrew jackson jihad, lots of Yea Forumscore stuff
i dont really remember the first time, i think i had it spoiled before i had seen the whole thing front to back, but that game has a lot of small details that are all very impressive.
all around its really good with a surprising amount of polish
although honestly the OST is my favorite part of the game
Nigger faggot, tfu.
Shootings with the intent of a greater America.
Humans are animals you fucking cuck
Bu that would be boring~
Oehhh another danganronpa claimer~
Silly Sono boii
Death to Allah
Why are some white peoples' last names Brown?
You've never found an anthropomorphized animal fuckable?
>your threads will be better this way
they're already bad enough as it it
Thanks Daddy
I'm kind of nocturnal right now; I woke up at 10pm ^^ Night is best time
I used to play that a long time ago; it is pretty good :3
Hi cutie, how u
How can you know if they're to your taste without tasting one? :thinking:
It has been known for some time that ur threads need to be enriched
You never had any strong personalities to guide u; it's truly tragic
That's a cute name :3 Nice to meet you, Frenchie
Nigger faggot, tfu.
Fuck niggers and fuck jannies
See, /animu/fags? I told you to come back to Yea Forums. Bebop isn't going to ban us anymore
Are we going to stay in /waifu/ from now on, or...?
Why do you want to die?
Our threads are already enriched by Niggerfaggot, Shitronella, and Nevadanigger
New blood! Well, I hope you enjoy this hell hole
i sleep now, but nice meeting.
But you'll catch the gay here.
You're right I guess. I'll just take a risk on missing out then. Trust me, I'm heartbroken.
Hey there Junkoanon
How is it going?
Glad to hear it
Now it is weird, Why do you ask?
We are Anonymous We can be anyone
Good night Sensei~!!!!
REAL animals.
We had a genuine Muslim convert (white but turned Muslim) in /animus/ before it died.
He was trying to convert the threads.
You didn't fap again?
I remember that person! it was a very strange day.
Humans are real
Let me convert you to Satanism
i am happy to see i'm not the only dangan fag her
And i like junko, so this is quite good
Nice to meet you too, and i am glad that you like the name
it is accurate mind you, i am french
I will call you Erio as well then, or try too at least, my memory tends to not be the best
you seem pretty cute
I know right?
Its effort and world almost males you think that it is unbelievable that it is an indie game
True true
Yes it is!
Batman is the best
Yeahhhh a bit late to warn me now that I've spent more than 2 years here, don't you think?~
Pretty good, having a pleasant evening playing stuff. How about you?
Get Jesus
Perfect, hope we'll get along well then!~
Things are complicated here.
At least I have a- wait
i-its really nothing, i promise. i barely find any music on my own
its alright
i dont know what that means
goodnight, sleep well :)
toby fox is truly a mad man with incredible composition and music writing skills
Or we get back to our own threads like back in 2013
Oh do you like Erio so far?
we do not do that here, friend.
please have a nice day
i dont dislike him by any means
Did I say I do? I just want Akame's subby boipussy, obviously
The latter two just spam
They're not really that high energy
But I'm glad u like my progeny Blood-chan
How big is yours?
-squeezes ur butt-
I wish I got my Muslim bf on Discord so we could bring him to Yea Forums with us
Do you speak French? :3
You're pretty cute too
hint: there is no solution to stop mass shootings
you sure?
It was depressing. Society is supposed to become less delusional over time.
... do I have to do stuff?
Already infected I see. And I thought you commies had good gas masks.
Pardon me?
I'm sure.
imagine how much better this place would be if they werent here
Glad to hear it
What are you playing?
I am just enjoying the evening with some vidya
Well that was bizarre
Hm? Nothing.
What’s up?
We don't need ERPers in here either. ERP is not allowed in waifu
from Yea Forums mostly, the electronica stuff i just go to this one bandcamp label and check out whatever they have
I believe we will
as long as despair is involved
Evidemment je parle français, même is je pense que c'est un language peu pratique par moments
-blushes and kisses you back-
That's good
Erio is my pet
Omg I didn't know you were so suicidal D:
Please don't die, okay?
You have to love and appreciate yourself
That's all
Who converted to Islam? Tell me more
What do you mean?
Truly a genious
I cannot wait for Deltarune when it is comolete
Which are your favourite track from undertale?
I am excited about it, just in 2 months I guess but I can wait
Quit dropping your rifle
Your cock, obviously
Culturally enrich
The old imaginary rules are abolished now that u've been colonized
It's a pretty language
Game soundtracks suck as albums because you're not supposed to listen to them in that format. They work better and as intended in the game they are from.
Sure Minecraft has some bangers but are you really gonna tell me it's better enjoyed just listening to the track on YT? No. Soundtracks are best enjoyed in their respective medium (vidya, tv, anime, movie, etc.)
I suppose it is quite pretty, even if it's not very practical
-recoil but rapidly blush and return the small lick-
Nope, rules are still here. /waifu/ is sovereign and will be as long as I still have my head.
Don't ERP, faggot.
oh, alright i guess
i cant wait either. i played the short demo, it seemed very interesting. i really really really like the introduction of grazing mechanics
probably asgore's theme
Not even Judy from Zootopia?
He might show up.
Hm. Not sure if I'm ready for that.
Some white guy, with few hobbies, likes engaging in stock market speculation, read the Quran and really, really enjoyed it.
So he went to /animus/ to commit Da'wah (his name was Da'wah-user), which is raising awareness of Islam.
No gas mask lasts that long dear comrade~
Division 2, trying to play some simple stuff to relax after work. What about you dear ultimate gamer?~
Aaaaaaandddd no boredom~
Why do you want to die in such a brutal way?
Getting your throat slit and your balls cut off so you can bleed out...
That's an awfully personal question and none of your concern.
No, not at all. I'm not into fucking animals.
You should've found more filters.