Allow me to phrase it in no unclear terms

Allow me to phrase it in no unclear terms.

-Fuck jannies.
-Fuck trannies.
-Fuck faggots.
-Fuck cumbrains.
-Fuck low-IQ brains.
-Fuck people with stupid opinions.
-Fuck people with no opinions.
-Fuck people who try to deceive
-Fuck people who try to deceive themselves
-Fuck you

Need I say more? Can you even read this?

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huh I'd rather fuck cute grillers than anything you listed but whatever floats your boat

Lole, you're basically wrong about every single one of these things.
>-Fuck jannies.
this entire website would be trash without them
>-Fuck trannies.
having gender dysphoria is not a choice and passively suffering with it is not a practical option
>-Fuck faggots.
literally nothing wrong with homosexuality uwu
>-Fuck cumbrains.
addiction is a personal problem, there's literally nothing immoral about creating problems for yourself that don't meaningfully affect others and then failing to solve them, sure it's too bad for the person who does it but it's not actually immoral in any way
>-Fuck low-IQ brains.
literally nothing morally wrong about naturally lacking intelligence
>-Fuck people with stupid opinions.
literally nothing morally wrong with being factually wrong
>-Fuck people with no opinions.
literally nothing wrong with inaction
>-Fuck people who try to deceive
ok this one is right
>-Fuck people who try to deceive themselves
literally nothing morally wrong with having a problem that doesn't affect anyone but you
>-Fuck you

but yuji sakai you are a gay???

I mean grillers with peneses of course uwu

questa รจ bella pasta

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Do you mean that literally?

by the way you guys need to bump this to keep it on the front page

basically i review your reviews
>this entire website would be trash without them
thank you janitors
>having gender dysphoria is not a choice and passively suffering with it is not a practical option
gender dysphoria is not real
>literally nothing wrong with homosexuality uwu
fair enough
>addiction is a personal problem, there's literally nothing immoral about creating problems for yourself that don't meaningfully affect others and then failing to solve them, sure it's too bad for the person who does it but it's not actually immoral in any way
ok i guess
>literally nothing morally wrong about naturally lacking intelligence
wrong stupid is bad
>literally nothing morally wrong with being factually wrong
wrong stupid is bad
>literally nothing wrong with inaction
only if it hurts someone
>ok this one is right
that's right
>literally nothing morally wrong with having a problem that doesn't affect anyone but you
but sometimes deceiving yourself can hurt/annoy others

I wanna review this too but am too lazy

you need to be reminded that most child predators are homosexuals. they fuck 15 year old boys and traumatize them and thus create a new generation of homosexuals who will go on to fuck underage boys

15 year olds are not children

they're certainly not adults.

you are both right it's called teenager *flies away*

whatever term you use is irrelevant at the end of the day

wow rude

eat poop tumby

yeah it makes communication easier though lol



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torna su /int/ deficiente

>everyone is excused due to some bullshit determinism
>except pathological liars
literally nothing morally wrong with lying


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