Show me your phone backgrounds.
I need a new one.
Pic unrelated
Attached: FB_IMG_1533755484099.jpg (1080x1440, 154K)
Current. Old office joke is old.
Attached: Screenshot_20190808-125929_One UI Home.jpg (1080x2220, 1.24M)
home and lock
Attached: 9B3630A8-EE36-4FD4-9A3D-8BF1450E1743.jpg (4032x3024, 1.54M)
Attached: 1564029401230m.jpg (1024x666, 160K)
Lol, Jesus. You open your phone in public with this showing?
Attached: 1519785710213.jpg (2000x2983, 1.47M)
My old one
Attached: 360x640.jpg (360x640, 284K)
This was the old one
Attached: BDOMO_d.jpg (640x873, 83K)
I'm an English Major. This applies to me.
Attached: wp2704511.jpg (736x1308, 252K)
who dat
Attached: 1491922867444.jpg (528x492, 46K)
Atticus Finch, the lawyer form To Kill a Mockingbird
check out /wg/
Attached: 1557032060225.jpg (1080x1343, 666K)
cool, thanks user.
I'm a uncultured fuck.
Attached: 1542489511149.jpg (1216x2568, 684K)
I have. And it's good. So good.
Attached: EcbKMgF-1.png (225x350, 309K)
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Attached: Hitler.jpg (600x460, 45K)
Attached: IMG-20190705-WA0006.jpg (1080x1070, 51K)
Current one
Attached: IMG_20190620_000750_675.jpg (700x1028, 24K)
I’m also not a fucking comic book nerd or anime fuck. Lift weights, get dates
Attached: 9D60A21E-02AB-43D1-9593-2BB4928E19AB.jpg (1058x1880, 1.13M)
Attached: 1519834859681.jpg (1665x833, 196K)
Attached: IMG_20190707_232013.jpg (4000x3000, 608K)
Attached: 1522998764735.jpg (1658x2947, 1.05M)
Attached: image0-1.png (1080x1920, 1.8M)
Attached: This-Nigger-Voted.jpg (245x398, 38K)
heyyy i did this
PhibDoesThis is my art name.
i made it
Attached: mk.jpg (3000x2054, 895K)
Fron the game Red Orchestra 2
Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-05-11-35-57.png (720x1280, 342K)
Gone with the blastwave
Attached: tumblr_oup791XWPj1rklxp9o1_640.jpg (533x904, 83K)