Ughh now im feeling lonely again

ughh now im feeling lonely again

this sucks

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Wanna talk?

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what happened to you bro you used to be a shitposting rudefig now you just post anime and depressed shit :(

Maybe he has yk depression?
AHh wait chin up something like that doesn't exist only made up by bigpharma company to take the money from us and get rich

Maybe he has peepee ah wait that's only made up by poopoo company

lole epic lolz

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i've changed when i left /bant/ and started posting/browsing the blueboards
until settling down on /qa] and vee gee

dubs nice
it's good that you left bant it's shit
it's bad that you joined qa it's shit

What'a on your mind, pleya?

How are u doing?

Not surprising. You probably have a shitty personality. Namefag too, so certainly some traces of narcissism lurking around that fucked up mentally ill brain of yours, if it can even still be called a brain and not just a deformed instinctual Pavlovian nervous circuit.

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im not sure about sharing everything but im bored and this changes my emotional state and now my heart aches

Imagine the type of person to post

"im not sure about sharing everything but im bored and this changes my emotional state and now my heart aches"

on a nearly dead Yea Forums image board.

First and foremost you are talking to people right now, that might ease you boredom.
Second, you might want to take on a task. Sometimea something simple but clear can ease your boredom. Try sorting sand by grain type and count how many grains are on each pile

boredom and depression are modern illnesses that did not exists 200 years ago.

when did boredom become an illness

since it came into existence. idle hands are the devil's workshop, so they say.


Well you can talk about it if you want but remember what ever happens someone loves you even you don't believe. My guess is that your gf broke up with you and i'm sorry for that and stuff like that really sucks. But you'll really get over it and if your mood get's worse or you feel very lonely just call up one of those help lines there's mostly cute grillers you can talk to lole. But I lob you fren!

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also I do a daily blog on here where everyone can talk and do whatever they want.
gotta shill somehow for my thread don't ? lole

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You talk to a lot of kids?

Why kids?
These are suicide hotlines...
I don't think they employ children there...

We'll be keeping a close eye on you from now on

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I once posted a goodbye don't you remember?
But i'm fine rn but thanks for keeping care of me tho (:

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I get your feels

meant to go for him

I can tell you're scared because I'm telepathic and my name is Sally and I'm there with you right now

I'm always on edge.

I don't know what that means sorry

me neither

You should try checking a dictionary sometime

Will do

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Look at the definition of the word cunt in an unabridged dictionary printed before 1980
It will literally destroy your entire world

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Cunt is like hello in scotland.
Ehh mate hoe are ye doin ya doss cunt

You are a shura

waet did ye jus sey abut me ya fucking booggn lokin cunt ay

Look up the definition of that word in an unabridged dictionary from before 1980 and then you'll understand everything

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can you give me a link i'm to lazy to search

Your Vessel can't even hear the words as his eyes read them

Here take a look at this

That's exactly what you think it is

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It's just ordinary tobacco. I found it wiggling across a porcelain bath stone

Bedtime is here

good night
