FOr sELf dEfEnSe BrO

fOr sELf dEfEnSe BrO

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Fuck Texas man, I hate this place

Go back to california faggot

you americans are all faggots anyway so fuck up

You're embarrassing yourself

Open carry is the redneck equivalent of weebs doing the naruto run

Why do they always go to personal attacks?

why are liberals so not funny. its start PACK not Kit.

>when you life in a country that is so great, you need an assault rifle for self defense

>sticks and stones

They have become so pathetic over.The last few years that they legitimately have no other option.

>slung over wrong shoulder
>resting upside down

At no point is that man going to be able to bring that rifle in the time it takes someone to put a bullet in his fuckjing skull

T. Aurturo Diaz Jimenez Augas Calientes Con Salsa Verde

I’m for concealing carry. Im literally in the process of getting my license. But cmon bro, you can tell this guy doesn’t want to feel safe. He wants to feel like he’s powerful or not to be messed with or someshit.
>inb4 iTs a DetErrenT

Yeah, it’s the opposite of a pussy magnet

>literally a mass shooting every day
>lol he's probably got a smol dik
If I were American I wouldn't go out if my APC wasn't fueled.
Never know when you're going to come across some red hat wearing unhinged retard that finally snapped and mistakes your tan for you being Mexican-Muslim invading his swamp.

It’s fucking SODA, not POP, you fucking redneck Midwesterner.

What happens when someone takes him down before he can unharness his mobile dick extender?

This, especially if that red hat also has black on it.

Sounds like you’re scared of guns OP
You’re a pussy

That's why I'd conceal carry.
Nobody gotta know I have a firearm.
I'm okay with people open carrying, but if shit were to pop off, you'd become an automatic target.
And it seems to make the rest of the public nervous.
No need for that either.

>for close to mid quarter defense
>upside down
Truly small dick starter kit what the fuck.

Why not leave it in your car when you know that you have no real chance of defending yourself this way?
Anyone with a knife can get the better of you while you try to reach that thing.

You would be shot by the other patrons since its Texas.

>Fat shaming, slut shaming, etc should be punishable by law
>Ha ha ha you only want guns because you have a tiny willy
Why are leftists like this?

then go back to the liberal cesspool you came from,nigger

says the redneck southerner

>when you live in a country so great, you can do whatever the fuck you want

guarantee that nigger didn't say shit to his face. the race of sucker punching pack animals should be afraid.

Being a slut or fat is a choice. You can only ridicule people for things that aren't their fault and they can not change. Don't you know the rules.

Not going to go full /x/ and claim that the elite actually orchestrate the shootings, but given the size of the population, and the fact that there are always people being shot somewhere, all the media has to do, is selectively hype up shootings that coincide with inconvenient moments for them, and isn't it a wonder how people just forget things.

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Texas is the ultimate cuck breeding ground. How do you let 6 different nations plant their flag in you like that? Pussy ass bitches is too wordy so we just call them Texans.

Almost. We do have a few laws. But other than that, we're pretty fucking free to pursue our hearts desire.

Sick get, retarded opinion. Well, you can't win them all.

Land of the free

>Micro penis detected


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Born here, never left. Guns murder things.

This exact post is on the front page of reddit.

Yea Forums is reddit

you've got a comma problem here, sport

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2nd ammendment is to protect yourself from evil governmebts. If said oppressors have automatic weapons, how could you defend yourself with a watergun?

This is coming from a europoor, I just understand the logic of the founding fathers

soda are those crystals you clean with idiot

>faggot stalks some chads and posts their picture on social media fantasizing about their penis size
>OP takes such soy as an essential truth
Fucking end yourselves Soy fucks

Okay, I got you. Think that, but your mentality doesn't update. So in their mind it makes sense to keep their guns today in the same way it makes sense for people to keep guns from 1776 in your eyes. They're just frozen in time, and I am honestly surprised we don't have our leading Republican scientists deep diving the bible to try and figure out why.

It's a tool for a job.
The basic foundations are simple.
Gunpowder and projectiles are not going away.
It's one of those things humans have to live with now.

The barista behind the counter is the same height as him

>Can do whatever you want
>Become the dumbest nation in the 1st world

yeah, why dont people just go to the store to buy their meat instead of killing animals

Why do you get mad at what other people wear? It doesn't impact your life at all. Just live your life and stop worrying about policing others.

*im intimidated by brown people starter kid

fuck you, i live in So.Cal., own a gun, but i dont tote it around like a faggot kid that plays too many video games, or a nigger

You're thinking of meth user

Looks ridiculous bruh

We now live in an age where height matters less than testosterone levels thanks to the incredible amounts of faggotry.
Drink it up.

>Muh gun violence
>Muh white supremacists are everywhere
>Be afraid
>Fear white people
Yeah. I'm sure he's the one who's afraid.

Kinda thankful I don't have to see that shit when I go to Greggs for a pasty.

This is actually the I'm short, stubby and unfit but have a superiority complex starter kit.

This pussy 100% tries to assert himself when a real man is nearby and thinks he's god because they back off from a gun wielding freak.

>Women who dress like sluts deserve to get raped
Stop policing what others wear, bruh.

>coping manlet
>m-muh testosterone levels are on the same level as a bull in his prime that's why I carry this assault rifle and have no visible muscles

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That guy's poor poor wife...

Fuck this guy
And this guy

I live in cali and own guns and tote them around because fuck anyone telling me what I can and cant do. Dont like seeing a gun? Then piss off.

Bet that nigger couldn't afford one

you must be in one of the gerrymandered parts of cali, good for you, your vote doesnt matter

>be small town grandpa
>taking kids/grandkids to shooting range
>range is downtown
>pass by Starbucks
>wife and kids/grandkids want some
>get coffee
>have fun at range

OP is always the biggest faggot.

Dude's just excercising his rights.
You'd be thankful as fuck for someone like that when one of your hormonal freak bretheren bust in on your shopping trip on a suicide mission.


Why not? Afraid you'd lose your temper and shoot up the safe space?

>why not
Why not what you absolute retard? And no I'm not a nigger.

hes not practicing proper gun safety. that should be slung over in front of him so he has full control over it and can see if anyone tries to mess with it

You're a monkey nigger
Case dismissed, faggot
I guess you decided to be even gayer than op and suck him off huh?

First fair criticism in thread

The guy with the assault rifle strapped to his back like he's Dora The Explorer in training would be one of the first to go. I guess I am thankful that now there is an assault rifle at play and I don't have to charge the drooling MAGA sperg with the shoes I just bought.

>spergs out in a rage
>calls others nigger
Lmao you nigger.


you realize trump and his supporters hate guns as much as you pussy liberals do

Why does he have the scope though? At what point will he be threatened at a distance that would require that level of magnification to see the target.

The scope helps him feel even more tactical. How else is he meant to be tactically prepared if he hasn't got his unnecessary attachments and ill gun practices?

It's funny, since everything they have been saying over the past several decades completely undermines everything they are saying now.
>You are more likely to be struck by lightning than die in a terrorist attack
>Punishing people for victimless crimes (speech in this case) puts them in closer proximity to actually violent criminals
>Targeting an entire race because of the actions of individuals (nobody ever actually did this, even 9/11 was immediately followed by pre-emptive condemnation of a not-yet-materialized backlash) just creates and justifies more terrorists
>Right wing fearmongering appealing to the lowest common denominator- btw Trump is literally Hitler and Russians control the entire internet and the world will be underwater by 2010 and white nationalists are everywhere
And that's not to even mention the deals they were making with Russia for decades while dismissing everything as "the red scare", "McCarthyism", etc, and now were full circle, with "the white scare" and "muh Russia", but now from the "other side".

Who the fuck was that designed to convince? MAGA's are terrorist that literally want their own Calaphate like ISIS does, except they call it an "Ethnostate"

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Well that's about 47 states where public carry is illegal so you're fucking retarded. Also cali with a concealed permit.

Mass migration is demographic gerrymandering.


>spergs out in a rage


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I work at the fig newtons factory. What your pics shows is completely impossible to happen

>spergs out
>gets called out
>non argument is his only solution
Lmaoing at this literal monkey jumping through my hoops. You got got.

>My penis is going to stop someone from shooting me
What? Why are liberals so sex centric and unable to stop projecting?
That's you literally shaking, dumbass. Just don't fuck with him.
>Had to post a picture of him from behind his back
I guess you were scared, huh.

Thanks for preserving the integrity of our understanding of fig newton physics. You're a modern day Galileo.

All states allow public carry in some form or another.

>my hoops

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That dude is just jelly because he can’t own one legally. Lol get rekt nigger

I bet you are a faggot and a nigger. If you own and don’t carry, you are a bitch and should just shoot yourself

Mmm yes monkey jump through it again

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I guarantee he has a side arm.

Um, no. California and New York do not allow citizens to carry guns

I agree with you. IMO he more than likely has a side arm that he would use as his primary. The rifle is probably for if he absolutely needed.

Nice, must be great to have dicks on the mind so much.

>I spend money because it makes me feel good.

Fuck off commiefornia

So, because the world is better at killing, they should give up their safety from the government?

literally the OP could be from california

and I haven't done it, but I'm sure if I googled, NY would be the same

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I would hate it if my country would allow a province to ignore the constitution.

Leave faggy waggy

that's the beauty of the US, states have their own rights, federal law only matters when you cross state lines

US federal age of consent is 18, most states the age of consent is under 18, so it only matters if you take your girlfriend on a trip (or live in another state and visit her to have sex)

Only 3 states prohibit open carry.