Rate my gf without any makeup

Rate my gf without any makeup

Also, dubs get a nudes

Trips her kik

Attached: 1.jpg (742x1320, 85K)


Got a pic with makeup, for comparison?

That’s without makeup? You probably got a 10 there. Tits look nice. What size?

gimme nude

There is user

Attached: 8.jpg (1080x1009, 457K)

Better without makeup

Much, much better without the makeup

Thanks, Yea Forumsrother

I think the same, another example

Attached: 3.jpg (833x1314, 589K)


Rolling for those nudes


Why do you post that everyday ?

Dubs check em


Another roll

> Also, dubs get a nudes

> Also, dubs get a nudes
Double dubs



Dubs quoting dubs? Fucking wizard!

nice dubs, too bad OP will never deliver

Waiting on those nudes, OP

I roll dubs twice in the same thread.


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You roll dubs so fast, should i pay?

Attached: 36.jpg (1080x781, 440K)

>Waiting on those nudes, OP

Just kidding, here is first


Attached: Winrar.jpg (744x1024, 61K)

"Going to the pay window"- Dusty Rhodes

Winrar 2

Wtf there is alone now? Lol

Attached: Winrar 2.jpg (1011x1348, 619K)


Need some booty

*need some pussy

Old pic, but still hot

Also, can someone help me to make a on/off pic with these 2 pics?

To post in another thread, im in my phone now and i cant

Attached: 1523128626010.jpg (540x960, 55K)

>without any makeup

looks like shit,just like the rest of women who dont wear make up

Paper bag/10

Tit size?


Nice trips

Idk any about tits sizes

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She clearly has makeup on. Lipgloss, light eyeshadow and prob a light foundation, judging by skin tone differences. She cute, though.

> Trips gets kik

I got you, her kik

Attached: Kik.jpg (1045x643, 226K)

she's girl next door pretty
quite hot nice tits
rollin for dubs for an up close vag pic

Welcome back user. If you aren't just copycatting I was the user earlier who you didn't answer my questions.

My reading was 8/10 because while she otherwise hits every criterion for 10-hood sake has that cleft chin. I wanted to know about her blowjob skills because that could influence my rating because appearance is only half of sexiness.

So once a-fucking-gain:

Does she suck cock?
Does she have a gag reflex?
If yes does she let it stop her deep throating?

Why would I remove my make up before I rate her? That's silly.

keep posting OP, this thread is gonna die

With makeup or without make up?

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Age? Pussy pics?



This quite honestly. She doesn't need it. Looks better than fine without.





Full body?



I got trips faggot op, you already gave put her Kik so answer the damn question.

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8/10 easy

WTF, you don't tell her those overdone eyebrows are ugly as fuck??

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She needs more sleep and we need more nudes.


So many dubs and trips and only the same nudes from this morning

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