Called boomer

>Called boomer
>Born in 94

Is this how it’s gonna be, Yea Forumsros?

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Back to the coffin grandpa

Is that zeke the plumber?

Fuck off boomer

Millennials are almost as bad as boomers.


>born in 94
If true, an hero

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Born in 75.
Still not a boomer.


Don’t worry millennials and Z’s, we’ll share the wealth.


I dont see it yet

>born in 92
>kids younger than me call me a boomer
>man children older than me call me a millennial
>people my age don't like me

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Gen X
Not my problem, not my fault
Tried telling everyone but boomers and millennials too busy shouting at each other about whose fault it is

Be super fuckin proud you're not considered a zoomer.

Fuck you man
Was born a zoom zoom

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go back to doing nothing and feeling bad about it while wearing plaid faggot

>born in 2984
>dubbed a "cloner"
>my biological fathers DNA is 90% untouched earthling
>mother is 30% earthling 40% venusian and 30% space born
>previous generations made FTL out of the galaxy illegal
>all systems within the current galaxy claimed by twitter and facegroup
>a 73 Toyota Comet Chaser costs 2.6 million credits
>never even gotten to visit the Sol system
>work day in and day out in the hydrogen mining satellite around Sirius VS-1883
>gen mod humans blame my generation for the collapse of metallic hydrogen stocks
>mfw all i wanted to do was explore the stars


hey Yea Forums I'm half way through this book and it's turned into utter dog shite. Just his stupid fucking autobiography. Should I finish or read something else?

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>doesn't know about DNA data storing for replication and clone use
>still uses text to convey thoughts
>sol born scum
>has never fucked a venusian prostitute in a 0g sex spa

who cares,only retarded young people use the word boomer anyway

I hope this post never gets deleted and then becomes discovered by someone/something in the year 2984.

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There is something called screencaps.

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youre a fag, but i like you

in 2984?

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born in 97 am I a millennial or a Z?

do you have an opinion on that ghostbusters movie with all women?