Sup Yea Forumsros wat do?

Sup Yea Forumsros wat do?
>Girlfriend goes to school
>Walking home at night
>Some faggots shot her with a paintball gun
>Hit her in the throat
That nearly could have killed her, holy shit. I'm so greatful that she didnt get hit in the throat
>Sent me it on snapchat
>Came home crying
>Pic related
I'm so fucking angry, I'm thinking about calling the police.... Shitty ass humanity. What do I do? I'm about to go down to the police station and report it

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Yeah, I’d fuck that. That’s your answer OP

Yeah, make sure to bring her along for a statement.

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Weak attempt at larping

"Police? No
Let's post on Yea Forums with the image my gf sent me so anons can fap"

She could help me whip up a soothing balm for that throat, I bet.

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jibber jabber jibber jabber

those are bite and suck marks from when she cheated. pretty sure this is just bait

she was dicked retard

ngl she pretty got choked by some negro while he was fucking her and his monkey instincts kicked in and he tried to dig is giant ass fingers into her neck

Those are hickys, your girl was cheating on you...


Paintball wounds are more swollen and rise up
Much like my cock when I was fucking your girl

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Any retard who doesn't recognize this copy pasta shouldn't be on Yea Forums

ill bite... pick your desired answer.
1. (the truth) those are hickeys m8 ive been paint balling and the bruises do not look like that.
2. What goes around comes around so she had it coming.

weak attempt at copypasta

everyone else, you have to go back

not all people on Yea Forums Yea Forums visit every day of their lives so not knowing some copypasta is a given to those people who have lives.


no one here has a life, if you do you're in the wrong fucking place go back

I barely ever visit Yea Forums, but I still know about that copypasta, it's also not exclusive to Yea Forums.

ive only ever known copypasta to come from Yea Forums. I think you need to go back.

hard to have a life at 12:40am on a friday morning/night with work in less than 12 hours.

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Damn that’s one high power cum shot

nigga its 9:50 am on Thursday where the fuck are you that theres a 15 hour difference

Australia m8

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that's kinda what a figured future man, so how is it tomorrow?

so..wheres the paint..

Man that's super fucked up. It's even more fucked up that they loaded the paintballs with cum and it got in her mouth and her hair and somehow got into her pussy too, that's literally sexual assault!

tomorrow is technically saturday and most likely will be pissed asf or potentially on something at this time enjoying my weekend with close mate.

imagine making ur gf walk home at night

Imagine being a faggot

Lol those are hickeys

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