I died that day you left my room in tears

I died that day you left my room in tears.

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no you didn't you liar

Your fortune: Good Luck

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It's from a song.

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that makes more sense then

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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I'm learning Java from a fat, middle aged Australian.

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My best friend sent me a message asking me if I died. Of course, I didn't reply.

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surprised you have any friends

that's how life be sometimes isn't it
what a rude assumption

a bloo bloo

I haven't been online on anything for a couple of days so he probably assumed I killed myself.

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I'm supposed to go to a birthday party tomorrow but I don't want to go(even though I promised cause I skipped last year as well). So it's easier to go awol for a few days, maybe 2 weeks or so.
I still have "friends" from high school, but I don't really like spending time with them cause I get shit on for not drinking/ smoking.

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Time to draw.

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Hebi will be a famous artist one day.

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I doubt that.

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Does anyone have a good movie recommendation?

What kind of thing are you looking for?

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Something you consider a must watch, a timeless classic. Preferably not horror though.


It's such a beautiful day is one of my favourites, it's a combination of 3 short films the guy made, the first of which is on his youtube channel. The full film is defiantly worth it, a real passion project.


Thank you. I'll watch it now.

If youre going to watch it, watch the full film. It's a beautiful film.

have you seen terminator

Where do I find the full movie?
No, I am actually planning on watching it, alongside Die Hard. Thanks for reminding me.

I mean if you want to support the guy who made it you can get it on DVD which I would recommend, but assuming you want to watch it now there isn't anyway to watch it legally that I know of. It was on Netflix at one point, but it was removed a while ago (it was here anyway)

It's here on Kisscartoon

Actually, scratch that, if you're interested in supporting him you can buy it on his vimeo

Thank you.

Hope you enjoy it.

I relate.

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Yush Yush it's alright

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Taxi driver
Travis is based af
otherwise The Wall 1982

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Taxi Driver is my all time favorite film.
I'm having trouble sleeping again even though I'm up for 18 hours.
Or to quote Travis : " 12 hours of work and I still can't sleep. Damn. Days go on and on, they don't end."

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that feel man

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get the red devils and you'll be sleepy sleepy if you want to or not haha

Did you get raped?

But I really understand you.
I smoke weed pop a whole lot of benzos and only sleep 3-4 hours fuck me

What do you mean?

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Your meetup with the random person earlier, was their rape involved. I'm a follower of your blog

He did not rape me lole.
He was a chill dude and it was fun even tho I was really nervous lole