Only trips takes all her clothes off

Only trips takes all her clothes off.
Second trips gets her full album link filled with nudes!

Attached: Screenshot_20190711-013141_Gallery.jpg (1080x1330, 704K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She likes her clothes to stay on.. are you going to let her win?

Attached: Screenshot_20190711-013155_Gallery.jpg (1080x773, 364K)


Alright fuck it





Rollin Rollin Rollin


Another roll


not rolling

Come on I really want everyone to have her naked! Let's see trips

Attached: Screenshot_20190409-192008_Gallery.jpg (830x1413, 616K)

777 get


That's some bad ass facial acne.



888 get






888 baby


That was fast

No more clothes for her! She shows every thing she has to show in the album. Do you want it?

Attached: 20171217_072124.jpg (842x554, 263K)

OwO take them off teehee UWU you fucking dumb whore roastie cunt.

STOP exposing this girl! She does NOT want to be shown like this.. fuck off already

not rolling

Ring-a-ding-ding baby we got trips

Yor goddamn right we do


Please album now


Horse shit. Anyone getting naked and taking pictures of themselves wants to be looked at.

111 get

Here then have her. And spread it around to spite

Attached: 948_1000.jpg (480x640, 42K)

Post the album OP


What a slut I'd probably give her everything I own and end up homeless once she leaves me for some guy she met at work

Dude delete that! Fucking stop your shit

man you guys post this girl a lot.

Eat my ass faggot

You're my hero, OP

You shouldn't have that dicklicker gtfo

She hot

Want to help spread her everywhere? I need a new album on another site in case that one ever gets deleted


Bump for her exposure.

Attached: 952_1000.jpg (480x581, 39K)

Threads over. No one else bump. Everyone gtfo and leave her alone.

Don’t want em

Out of spite
Don't fucking tell me what to do you fucking nigger

Bumping again
Have a meme

Attached: 1563022669056.jpg (960x925, 77K)

And another bump. Can never have enough cocaine

Attached: 1559707032633.webm (720x1280, 1.94M)

Bumping like the subwoofer in a niggers car

Attached: 1555413496020.gif (400x199, 1.99M)

Please stop! She doesnt want exposure!

Nice trips

Bump Bump not getting me out this thread

Attached: Me Chair.png (1000x981, 1.01M)

This is now a spite thread. Eat my ass fagatron

Nice dubs

Yeah user, I'll help you out

Why are you so hellbent on whiteknighting this girl?

I'm bumping while I drive a car down a highway. I don't give a fuck
Not even trying

Why do you want her exposed.. she did nothing to you...

For someone to expose her like this, she must have cheated on that person
So yeah, I have no love for cheaters
Have a political joke

Attached: 1564960339550.jpg (884x1024, 93K)

She did. Half these pics were sent to 3 different guys. They just happened to all find out and now here she is!

Attached: 591_1000.jpg (480x640, 42K)

Cuz she's hot, are these leaked nudes?

Bumping from the highway

Attached: IMG-20190808-WA0002.jpg (1599x1200, 100K)

eyes on the road, user!


Attached: IMG_20190227_192820.jpg (1352x1352, 274K)

Yeah I put them out there myself. Now I just want more people to spread her.

Attached: IMG-20190808-WA0003.jpg (1600x1200, 104K)

she seems like a nice girl why expose her?


well thats shitty im sorry user

Texting, driving, taking photos, and writing on small pieces of paper
All possible in rural areas

Nice mpg, what are you driving?

2018 Nissan Altima
They get better fuel economy, but I was doing 90mph on the interstate for some 45 or 50 miles, so it tanked it

Fucking wonderful, let's make sure they're everywhere. Cheaters don't get second chances
Too true

Next time put her name on the paper haha

Current real time fuel economy
Flat lands in middle America

Attached: IMG-20190808-WA0004.jpg (1600x1200, 156K)

Attached: IMG-20190808-WA0005.jpg (1600x1200, 108K)


Attached: IMG-20190808-WA0006.jpg (1600x1200, 157K)

Writing that long note while driving sucked ass

Damn that's kinda hot man

nice girl car faggot

What's hot, exactly?

I don't care what people say, Haley Joel Osment is kind of a cool guy.

That dim cunt was one of the ones that didn't get his Sixth Sense money. LoL

Attached: 1530321642434.jpg (801x534, 42K)

Thanks. I borrowed it from your mother

dont crash user

Yeah, but cheaters only get caught in the movies.

Also, if you plan on driving this for long distances, don't. It has no lumbar support. Fuck this, my other car is more comfortable

hehe, smooth

I hope he does so she doesnt get exposed anymore than she already is. Bunch it assholes ... when is it enough for you

You're not very nice
But I'm giving you a bird. I hope you take good care of it.

Attached: IMG-20190808-WA0007.jpg (1600x1200, 218K)

So Mr White Knight, are you still here? Or have you given up?
Because I'm gonna post and bump every time I see her photos from now on

Just fuck off yeah? Dont post her dont say her name. Just fuck off

Remember when Yea Forums was populated by bright young virile men and not dead married cucks? Do you have a dad bod user? Do you tell lame dad jokes? Ditch the ring, act like a man and not a domesticated feminized prick.

PS. you can be a man and still have a family, just stop acting like a lap dog about it. Fuck you guys are pussies, no wonder the divorce rate is so high and your wives can't get enough of side dick.


Attached: 1530573279801.png (258x314, 152K)

who is that girl?
why does everyone say she don't want to be exposed?

Sick dubs Yea Forumsro

Attached: 1561082636708.jpg (600x600, 63K)

fuck user, you're married

i can see why you're being so tough on JAKI MONTANEZ over here

What's the point of doing what you just did?

One last bump from me. You guys still want to keep her spreading?

Attached: D5B74aJX4AE95cZ.jpg (1066x655, 79K)

who is she?
why does everyone keep telling you to stop exposing her?

Bro he said don't BUMP!
And stop saying JAKI MONTANEZ!

oh sorry, are you saying I should stop repeating the name JAKI MONTANEZ? i mean, its kinda shitty how she cheated though

Yes although she cheated you should stop saying JAKI MONTANEZ as he said!
Also no BUMPS.

hey op, look up jaki montanez on bing, not google

Threads over boys just stop. It's only you 2 now. Her album is long gone

Hippity Hoppity JAKI MONTANEZ's nudes are now my property.

Attached: 1598973_1.jpg (630x630, 100K)

And you wont do shit with them. I won't let you.

sorry, it's just I think it's quite the injustice that JAKI MONTANEZ cheated. i'll stop BUMPING now

Jacking off is a solo sport no help needed

Attached: med_1523203835_image.jpg (640x480, 47K)

Good boy. Now leave forever.

but i mean, when you think about it... would JAKI MONTANEZ have wanted me to leave?

No I don't think she would.

Attached: cover4.jpg (800x450, 63K)

I'm still gonna do what I want
I've been with my wife 10 years already. I'm still a man, a classical man, not this weak modern pussy man
My wife acts like a wife. She cleans my home, cooks my food, raises my children, and has sex with me. She doesn't have side dick. Besides not having the time, we have loyalty to each other.
The ring is simply a symbol of the bond. It represents the oath taken.
Besides that, we dated all throughout high school. She knows no other dick, I know no other pussy. We basically grew up together.
Happily married at that. Wife loves to go hunting with me, let's grandma and grandpa take the kids for us to go on vacations together, etc

She doesn't want you to be here at all.

Dang that's beautiful.

Have you spoken recently tell her I say hi

Imagine 50,000 people seeing you in your most vulnerable state. You know shes super embarrassed about this acne..

Attached: 946_1000.jpg (842x554, 66K)

Yikes, the edge in this thread.

tell her I nut to her like 4 times already

You probably should kys, tbh

I think it's Kinda cute but I'm also weird so...

Best advice I can give is to find someone who has common values with you. Don't date just to date. Date to find someone to spend the rest of your life with.
That's actually what we were doing back then. It worked out beautifully.
This was the advice my grandpa gave me.
She shouldn't have cheated

I also date for my soul mate hopefully I find mine. I'm happy for you user

Attached: 1484029620761.png (479x592, 354K)

Are you really going to spread her? Or once this thread is up is she safe

No such thing as a soul mate, bud. People can't be perfect. My wife isn't perfect
Other piece of advice: don't ever have expectations. You'll always find yourself disappointed.
While I love my wife, I cannot expect her to make sure the bill payments are sent, or to make sure my homelab machines stay running. Even if I ask her to, she'll forget
If you need something done, do it yourself


Got it.

I already posted it to my telegram channel for porn, and sent it to groups with hundreds of users
Next will be discord

Attached: IMG_20181202_134432.jpg (480x270, 19K)

Last one my grandpa gave me just before he died
If you don't want to end up in a divorce, just don't get divorced. If you are arguing all the time over stupid crap, you're life is all set. If there are no major problems, and you bicker because you fell asleep watching TV, or you left the toilet seat up, you've got it made. Food is on the table, money is coming in. Point this out during the argument. All the problems will go away

Post it here so we can see

How is one person capable of so much cringe

He was 93 and dying
The advice was good though. It does work

Attached: surejan.w700.h700.jpg (254x254, 31K)

anyway around " this channel cant be displayed because it was used to spread porn content¨ ?

Just don't spread her...

Don't use an iPhone

You reported my porn channel. What an asshole

Now you lose. Give up.

We get it, you're trying to annoy people into spreading her. But you're just being annoying.

It still displays fine on Android, web browser, and computer applications. I'm now gonna spread it to 2x4chan

Attached: Screenshot_20190808-112251__01.jpg (1080x3140, 563K)

>falling for it

>Implying I care
Dude, even if it IS reverse psychobabble, bitch cheated. She earned it

You take asshole anons word for that? She could be innocent

What an edgy teenager

Attached: p_101528432.jpg (360x360, 21K)

Does that look innocent to you?

Attached: 621_1000.jpg (480x640, 49K)

I'll take the man's word for it, yes
Men don't lie about cheaters
Yup. I am Edgeman, Destroyer of Dreams, Killer of Hope.

Bumping again
Parking the car soon

Roll give me the album

More people seeing it

Attached: Screenshot_20190808-114223.jpg (1080x2340, 697K)

Every pig will get his St. Martin, good job user

What does that even mean

It is a spanish phrase that implies everyone will get their comeuppance

Holy shit! Thank you user

Well I come back and shes went up 2,000 views today! Is that enough for now?

Attached: 949_1000.jpg (480x640, 63K)

wow, and to think she sent this to 3 different men... and now over 2000 have seen it! guess that's what you get for cheating, huh?

I say we keep going!

Oh no the album is at 50,096 views. It was at 48,000 this morning.
I want 50,000 more

50000?! that is remarkable

you think 100k is enough to teach her a lesson?

Well I'll be satisfied then. But I'm fine with it going further

How did those men find out?
No. No it is not.

How many do you suggest user?

Texts from her phone. Are you going to help spread her?

Fucking hot dude! Any other pics like that?

Attached: 60f32811-27f1-4b88-bf27-3ec73b0b5701.png (800x600, 596K)

I'm married car user. Already been helping. Someone asked me on telegram

Bitch has boss eyed tits!

do you speak spanish by chance user?

I reported that album for revenge porn. At the end of the day she will get off the internet and at least she gets to pick what guy she fucks.
Btfo losers

Yeah why

seen these pics years ago already
stop roleplaying, faggot

And just like that everyone runs away. GG

I speak spanish too

>two anons
>united by a slut
>who cheated on 3 guys
>her name? JAKI MONTANEZ

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-08 1 TinEye search result.png (997x547, 176K)

Wow this thread has been up a long time!

One last bump

Attached: 20171216_001315.jpg (554x842, 205K)

Anyone know if she has a Facebook?

Lmao does this girl really deserve all this?

Oh no! Whatever shall we do?
>posting new album, brb

Really? Where at?

Can’t believe there is no video out there.

There are gifs.

Attached: arpRSll.gif (400x300, 892K)

Is this her FB?

Attached: image.jpg (1125x2436, 1.48M)

Just look her up on FB think she’s the first one

No def not. The first one looks much younger.

And if you find her? If she knows they're on the internet the faster she can get them removed

Well I could always make an imgur amount with her pics and link her to that one. Then the originals are safe.

"american whore"

>uses third world shit country timestamp

ok kissless virgin.

Are you going to?

Maybe if I could find her FB

Good luck with that!

Ok kids 5 hours is long enough to show off the mean lady. Let it end already.


Attached: DnbqEkg.gif (160x120, 461K)

Nice MPG.

Dont you like exposing girls that dont want to be exposed?

if she didnt want to be exposed she shouldntve taken these images

She thought they were safe.

Anyone else sharing her anywhere?

Attached: 259143ad-ad70-42aa-ac4e-504a360af1e8.png (600x800, 513K)

Last call!

Attached: 563_1000.jpg (480x640, 51K)

Any ass play pics?


Attached: Screenshot_20190719-143451_Gallery.jpg (1027x765, 460K)

What's her name again?

Oh shit, I know this one... Jaki Montañas? Jaki Montagne? Oh, that's right



You got it! Here's your prize!

How about a Facebook link op?

Oh my, I can't believe this! Thank you, very cool Jaki Montanez!

Why do you want that. I dont want her to know shes being shared

Probably I'll post it to imgfap or something

Lol yes, the Euro is in America working
No, you dumb fuck. I'm using GMT for time because I didn't want to use EDT, and only included the dashes in the date for readability
If I went with how I do it at work, it would have been 201908081433GMT

Where's the fun in that?

Attached: IMG-20190808-WA0008.jpg (1600x1200, 154K)

I dont want her getting them deleted until it's way too spread to do anything about it

Almost up to 4000 views today

That's fair. But knowing Yea Forums there's at least a dozen guys here that have already downloaded and saved them to imgur or another hosting site. But fair's fair. Whenever you're ready to share her FB we're here for ya boss.

I wish that were true

If you can give me a mega link I can do exactly that.

Where will you put her?


Those aren't dubs newfag

Dubs are the last two digits user

Attached: beardeddragon.jpg (640x623, 38K)

Ok newfag


sure is summer in here bois

Attached: malk.jpg (1024x768, 105K)

When I can stop driving I'll put it on imgfap




Stop lol



It's over! Shes safe for now bros

What if we made another thread?

Is it worth it? I'm not making it

You don't want it made

I don't want to annoy the board. Then they wont spread her.

Make it dude

Let's just keep her covered up.

Attached: 20180408_083149.jpg (842x554, 271K)


Keep going

Shes already been posted fully.

Attached: 20180410_155512.jpg (842x554, 268K)


How many times have you bumped this