What is the best energy drink brand?

What is the best energy drink brand?

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regular rockstar

monster obviously


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anyone who says anything other than red bull is a boomer or is a teenager.

Don't know the best but the red bull in green can is my favorite

Vin Mariani

Monster green


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I'm addicted to red bull beach breeze
But I miss the lost... energy drinks

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The new Green zero cal Monster is pretty fuckin good.

no one drink rockstars?

cheap and good amount of caffeine

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Being in good physical condition, working out regularly, staying well hydrated, and getting enough sleep.

I'm 36 and have more energy than I did when I was a sedentary 18 year old who drank probably 2 red bulls and 6 diet cokes a day. If you're exhausted to the point of needing a Monster or a gallon of coffee every day, that's your body telling you some shit is wrong and you need to fix it. It might involve trundling your portly ass out the door and walking a mile or two every day. It might involve going to bed at a reasonable hour. It might even involve getting your shit together.

Douche bag

This and Reign good flavor and no carbs.

It's called the truth, faggot. Drink up.

Your truth, not necessarily the answer for everyone else.

Sou you tellin' me that i should kill myself?

But Iike monster, reign, and bang too. But I'm not a boomer or a teenager.

I am collecting monster and i like how there are like 1000 different variations but you can get the standard everywhere. I always look through store, searching for rare monster cans. And it tastes good

G fuel. It's an energy drink without the cancer and potential heart rate risk.

And these!

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Nos is by far my favorite.

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Adderall washed down with coffee

None because they're all poison

read this

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Premium Energy Drink

Once you taste it, you will always chase it.

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redbull the true og
