Your son brings home his chink girlfriend for the first time

>Your son brings home his chink girlfriend for the first time
How do you react?

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Tell her its nice to meet her because I respect my son and trust in his judgement

Correct the pronoun he used to introduce her.

Protect your heart, my son. And do not being shame on the family name.

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Her head looks huge.

>"at least you're not gay!"

I show off my fluid bruce lee movements while vigorously shaking my entire body, and refuse to address her as anything else but li ling, although she will almost for sure be named that anyways.
I may randomly throw things at her to gauge her level of training.

I think you're supposed to leave those where you found them once you're done

>at least you're not gay
my mom said that when she found my porn stash, and let me keep it. (long time ago, she gone now)

Nice son, i always wanted to fuck an asian girl

I'd fuck her behind his back because I have the yellow plague. It goes beyond yellow fever! lol.

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who's up for a threesome?

Spectacular, his chink mom will approve very happily

I'm asian so I'd be happy with it. But why the fuck is my son white?

Firstly, thsts a gook, not a chink.

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They both ugly as fuck lol.

Your wife cheated on you.

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Ask if she has a Sister I can fuck.
No seriously, she's fine.

Is that analogy completely original?

Well, I saw one the other day and I could not help to think how many times I've seen extremely similar ones getting fucked, sucking dick cummed on etc. The internet has ruined me.

Thumbs up

Put a sign on my dog: "not for consumption"


Get the skinny cunt to pull you to the store in a rickshaw. Prove worth and shit.

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Asians and whites get along just fine. Very different cultures, but they don't clash and neither try to live off the other. If all races did that, there would be no racism.

At least is not a nigger

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Very happily.

Then I would start searching his phone for nudes of her, while he is asleep.

They all look the same, dawg. Well, there are fat ones, but that destroys the aesthetic imo.

Stop giving my son a hand job at the dinner table. It's my turn!

Welcome her into my house with the words sucky sucky luv me long time

Would this be considered racism?

konichula....... konichula.....

Let's do an old school tribute and find out.

high five, son.

Ching Chong Ping Pong
'Cause im a Real Racist


Atleast its not a nigger

I don't want small dicked grandchildren

I wouldn't give a fuck. this message testing of yours is weak.

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Get really jealous because I'm married to a fat fuckin cow

Point to the laundry & say "I have chit now where my shirt"

I know that feel brother, I know.

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The asian genes. Don't want /supremegentleman/ offspring

no no no, why are you thinking about the penis size of potential male grandchildren?

Freak wants to get his asshole stretched out!

ah, that makes sense. I figured him for a pedo

Not user in question but I wouldn't want my grandkids to be cursed with an Asian dick. Imagine the agony.

another guy thinking about his grandkids' dicks. wtf is wrong with you people?

Asians are the most prolific race on the planet. Dick size is a subversive leftist, meme. You're a rodent minded pleb. An actual, pure blooded racist.

just how small is yours anyway?

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I try to fuck her when he the drugs I slipped in his drink kick in.

>wanting the best for his kids and grandkids is bad
Go back to faggit, faggot

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High five him

fucking kek

Show him this

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Why? Is that his mom?

My dad literally said this to me when I brought my Filipina gf home

Found a small dicked chink

I would look at him, smile and proceed to say:

"Son, you are a lucky fucking bastard. I've always wanted to bury my cock balls deep in an Asian pussy. Looks like i'll have to live vicariously through you."

So why haven't you. Asians are cheap as fuck.

Who cares better than a nigger girl.

Top Kek user !!!!

At least she won’t steal my shit