Ask a guy who just visited a gloryhole for the first time anything.
Ask a guy who just visited a gloryhole for the first time anything
Did you get sucked by a guy, or did you suck a guy ?
sucked a guy.
Did you suck or get sucked? If you got sucked, do you know if it was F or M? Did you wear a rubber? Was this in a normal public bathroom or some seedy sex spot? Would you do it again?
I did the sucking. It was in a sex shop that has peeps in it. I would and will probably do it again but I think it will be some time.
ha ha GAY
Well yea...
Was the guy you sucked a middle aged white guy with a small cock? I bet he was.
I'm not sure how old the guy was. Cock was smaller than I expected, smaller than mine at least, but I guess I couldn't be expecting someone with a monster cock to be at a gloryhole at the perfect time now could I?
did you take the cum in your mouth?
Part of it got in my mouth. I was too nervous to take the whole load in my mouth unfortunately. Maybe next time I will swallow.
did it taste like salty green banana?
It was pretty salty.
i find that i tastes tangy and slightly sweet
I want to do this but I'm nervous. I've been wanting to suck a dick forever. I'm married bi-curious. But knowing my luck id catch something if I got the nerve to lol
Do sex shops normally have these?
When is your clinic appointment for the STDs check?
was he cut or uncut?
Do you need a mint?
...are you sure?
Sex shop employee
That depends on who asks
What's it like having your son suck you off?
I was too for the longest time. To be honest the catching something part is what kept me away for so long and is the reason I’m not still there lol. But it’s something I wanted to try and I think it was worth it for sure.
No you have to find one that has a theater and/or peeps
How do you find one
Planning on going tomorrow no joke
Google it lol
i've sucked over 9000 dicks and haven't caught a single thing. you'd have to be pretty unlucky.
Fuckin damn well better
Lmao how do you ask
"Hey bro can I get sucked out back?"
Impressive but also not worth the risk imo
Apparently it depends on the race of the guy...If it's darky it tastes like fried chicken and watermelon
that makes sense
I mean all the sex shop employees I’ve ever met are pretty chill to people. Unless you get weird or creepy with/towards them they will probably just say yes or no
It's not out back for me. We have private booths that play movies. One has a hole leading to another. If anyone asks I say "no, that's illegal" and just let them find it on their own.
If customers start talking about it or it gets out of hand we can remove the dividing wall and put a normal one in
i had one that tasted like chocolate. it even looked like chocolate. it smelled like shi..HANG ON A MINUTE
Imma shy permavirgin who's never been inside a sexshop
I just want muh dicc sucked so I can writefag better for my erotic fanfiction
>do you video booths have glory holes?
What's the chance if getting a lady in the other booth tho
if you see a lady in there then expect them to be with a guy holding a camera
What's the difference between as Blackman and batman?
Batman can go to store without robin'
It happens, but not often. Usually some cuck will come in once a month or less and bring his gf/wife. We used to have an ex cop who brought hookers in for group sex in the theater.
Once. And only once. Did I witness a 7/10 milf go into the booths on her own just to suck and fuck through that hole. You would have thought it was the second coming of christ the way all those old creeps reacted
soliciting is even more illegal than the glory hole
disregard that. i suck cocks.
I can't get anywhere close to 9000 but I've been sucking cock for 20 years. Never caught anything and tested every 4-6 months. I did speak to a nurse at an std clinic once who said she'd only seen an iral infection once in her its rare but not impossible.
Oral gonorrhoea 'self resolves' in 6 weeks. Hiv can't bind to the surfaces in your mouth or throat and is destroyed in the stomach, but there's a risk if you have a cut or open sore.
this is true. i'm very careful about the things that i eat to ensure that i don't get even minor abbrasions in my mouth around suckoff days, to minimize the risk of infection.
Glory holes are illegal?
It tasted like AIDS
Sexual acts in public are illegal. Having a hole in a wall is fine, but knowingly allowing people to put their dicks in it is not.
en establishment with a glory hole requires a SOP (Sex On Premises) licence which can cost six figures (in Australia).
God i want a milf to suck me off through a wall. God damn
Why did you awaken this need in me?
In the USA, only Los Angeles can get those. Its straight up illegal everywhere else
But a sex shop is a private place of business not public
Hey man I just facilitate. She offered her pussy up to me but I dont shit where I eat if you know what I mean
i didn't realise that. it must really suck (pun intended) to live in the land of freedom.
No. All stores are public buildings in terms of accessibility. Are you from the US or Europe? We have stricter sdx and nudity laws
LMAO Nigga got brain wash Yea Forums into thinking sucking dick is cool.
Are you from the US or Europe?
sucking dick is fun for the whole family!
Did you like it?
>the world is two continents
american education
You like it?
Well I guess I gotta check out places around me
this comment got me curious about SOP. Applying for a license in the UK is like 3500 euros
The general population of b you fucking chimp
US for me as well. We are too prude about sex. But working there was funny most of the time
did it pay well?
HELLLLLLL no. 8.25 per hr. Which was min wage at the time
that sucks. at least you could've got your cock sucked at any time
>Nigga got brain wash Yea Forums
this board is now so full of victims of oldfag lulz that it's nearly a support group.
Examples include:
"shouldn't share"
"shoot'em up"
"gay potato"
and much much more.
Have a look around and enjoy yourself but beware.
If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.
So what's the etiquette for having your dick sucked
Do you have a handshake before you leave and say thanks
From what I saw it was no eye contact and go rinse your mouth out shamefully
Does AIDS make you sad?
how does cock taste like?
kiss each other lovingly on the mouth through the hole and exhange social security numbers
did he shave his pubes?
just turn and leave bro. that's the whole point of the glory hole
That doesn't seem very courteous
what could you even catch?
I've sucked like 40 dicks never caught anything
don't even have herpes
it's an anonymous hole in a wall. it's not like yuo're sharing a hotel room.
i mean you can say thanx if you like but it's not expected.
not often, like other user said its rare, usually some cuck with his girl or wife usually avg looking chick, but gets so much attention from dudes there
Makes sense.
I live in ny and there’s like 3 or 4 “bookstores” with video booths I’ve been to two of them many times to give and receive head .....
friendly reminder to wash your foreskin thoroughly
>slightly sweet
Only if its full of undigested sugars, which could hint at diabetes.
i'll be sure to mention that to the guy the next time i taste a sweet load
Is there such thing as a straight gloryhole? Outside of women being paid for it i mean
Kek. Fun is illegal in Australia
When will govts. Set up federally run public gloryholes
it's true. fuck off we're full!
You can find them in many places not always legal sometimes seedy. In Denver where I am from there are plenty of adult arcade places with glory holes, booth with windows, and the gay bathhouses have swing rooms, and lots of gay sex.
Who was phone?
How and why do gloryholes still exist?
>gay bath houses
What's the average cost of living near you, mate?
because your mom retired
I go to a sauna in the uk which has a gloryhole (Edinburgh). Between the std posters there (the local aids charity pays for general std testing weekly at my sauna) and visits to the std clinic myself speaking to staff you can mainly catch
Herpes (both kinds can be caught on the mouth)
Hiv (through cuts sores etc).
Skin diseases like cold sores, genital warts (the hpv virus orally even if you don't get warts) and molloscum which is a horrible lumpy thing I caught years ago though I got it on my waistline from wrapping a towel.
This is all possible but very rare.
I'm offered free vaccines for HPV and Hep B at my clinic.
what kind of a retarded question is that?
Could one of you boys or femanons come sucks my cock?
Not good enough, faggot. Come up with something better.
Adult theaters are better. I used to go to one occasionally and get stark naked and then just kind of become everyone's boy toy
its expensive especially if you are single. Need to make $40,000 US dollars at least but that is still possibly living in a shit hole
I can understand the desire to suck cock, but why hasn't anonymous sucking been outlawedd?
why would it?
Gross. KYS faggot.
>I'm offered free vaccines for HPV and Hep B at my clinic.
Feels good to be European.
Sucked some dick in the past, never caught anything.
Look at the guy, look at the dick. If it's a filthy pickle then don't put it in your mouth.
i went to a porn arcade for the hell of it. it was much bigger than any other i had been to. it was dark and two of the booths had videos playing and i thought the person had just left before the time ran out so i took advantage of the free porn.
the second booth is the one with the glory hole. the one i went into had a shot of jism across the screen. when i came out i saw some old fat dude at the end of the little hall just standing there looking "away" and i realized it was a trap