Why do people still buy consoles? Are they fucking retarded?
Why do people still buy consoles? Are they fucking retarded?
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Shut up you dumb bitch.
I'm guessing you're triggered? Do you need a safe space?
They are easy access gaming
Because some people would rather spend 300 on a mini computer with limited gaming and a comfort zone aspect to it instead of dropping 1-4k on a tower.
I think if we were all rich we’d agree to play from towers with a controller.
If you have the choice and choose a console then you’re a retard.
So is PC gaming. You're admitting they're retarded then?
It costs far more than 300 and you fucking know that. You have to upgrade every 4-5 years AND pay for online service now.
Actually very wealthy and fairly serious gamer since 1983 or so.
I have all PS gens, prior Dreamcast, n64, SN, Odyssey, Atari.
Have had very expensive towers.
Too lazy for tower upkeep.
Needs are met
Well yeah no shit you have those things because you can't fucking play it on a PC. Do you play games you could play on PC on a fucking console? Of course not.
I have a friend that I even offered to build a gaming PC for. He still wanted to play consoles. Yep they are retarded.
at the beginning of this gen? no. now 5 years later? yeah they're pretty much only for exclusives which are dwindling and don't exist on pc. also they only new game are fucking 8bit style shit's available on all 4 platforms. they do not make any sense anymore, at all.
And yes I know there are emulators but no it is not the same damn thing, I don't care what anybody says
yeah uh, any modern computer can play any console game.... not just 1-4k you don;t know what your talking about. my 8 year old non upgradable laptop is still hanging in there bo.
How many exclusives are released per year? Like 4-5 games? Hardly an excuse.
sorry philbert "shrug emoji" am pc master race now
that was my point
Oh, my bad
Well that’s just wrong kek
or they could spend that to upgrade the computer
instead of paying a fortune in console accessorizes
it's not hanging in there well....
all the ones that are legit not hype basic white bitch or government school system tier have 8gb ram.
name a game that needs more than 8gb ram?
no bullshit my fucking dell e4 something something from 2011 plays fallout 4.
>console accessories
What the fuck are you even talking about? Retard confirmed.
>implying RAM is all that’s needed to game
dud i used to work in retail and laugh and console tards with their buying controllers, batteries, chargers, cables, controllers spending a fortune
buying a new console is like buying a 5 year old PC
not to mention you can play / get pretty much any game for free on PC if you want to
consoles have drm and shit
I spent 300 on my console and haven’t bought a damn thing extra. You’re using anecdotal evidence to prove nothing.
enjoy paying $60 for games lol
i mean it pretty much is.... there's a reason on th back of pc games all they mention is ram,graphics cards, and oddly enough not processor speed just a processor and "equivalent" but if your graphics card is low you can always yeet graphics in the .ini file something you CANT do on a fucking console.
>enjoy paying $60 for games lol
Generally PC games off the shelf cost the same.
But PC has the major advantage of STEAM sales or sites like G2A that exploits regional price differences from countries with low income/cost of living levels
And there's of course the piracy free option
It's really not. Even the newest, shittest computer can run games released in the last 10 years.
not to mention egs coming in clutch for all gamers
> mfw
It won't matter in a few years, when GaaS platforms like Google's STADIA will overrun consoles and PC gaming alike.
Gaming on ANY device and platform
All you need is a webbrowser and at least 10 mbits connection and a compatible controller
yeah i know ALOT of places where 10mbit's is literally impossible
You're opinion bud. Good job though.
Some people don't understand what gaming is and pretend that playing fortnite with 2 chop sticks is some how fun.
Yes, because American vidya companies are so ethical. Are you having fun in this fantasy world you've created?
Yes,yes I am
>Implying Gony and MicroJew wouldn't fight that in court
I hope everyone on this thread knows you can build a slightly more powerful gaming pc for the same price as an Xbox Scarlet or PS5 when they come out
Oh good, we agree
Now that we've figure that out, I'd like to know; how do you like them Yankees this year?
u are fucking retarded if you think this "games as a service" crap isn't gonna fail miserably like it is currently
Why now both? I play pc at home but just got a ps4 for travel. I stay in a lot of air brb and hotels. PC is not always practical. I haven’t had a console in 8 years and it’s kinda refreshing to have again.
>Prefering a controller over mouse/keyboard
I bet your phone shows "H", "H+", "LTE" or even "LTE+"
"H" archives 10+ mbits easily
"LTE+" even goes up to one gbits
5G deployment, the new standard, will take a couple years to be deployed, but my educated guess is, it may slowly but surely replace wired internet connectivity. (i.e. cellular network based consumer home modems, like these hybrid-routers)
You got any proof it's failing miserably? Seems like there are endless zoomers with braindead parents willing it put money into it.
how is my phone relevant mate?
i heard 5g needs line of sight.
mabey not FINANCIALLY, but most of the "live service" games themselves are shit.
>how is my phone relevant mate?
I expected you to be smarter than that
It's a simple connection - cellular connectivity (i.e 5G) will, over time, replace wired connectivity (i.e. DSL) in homes and businesses for your internet needs.
Cellular networks are way easier to maintain and faster, cheaper deployed in coverage than to put fiber-optic in every last miles homes'
sometimes I can't even watch youtube at 480p using mobile data where I live (North Carolina)
>I don’t like people who get enjoyment from things I don’t get enjoyment from
>I don’t like when children experience gaming for the first time and can branch off in later years to better games
Exclusives. I have pc switch and ps4 bc i wanted to play rdr2 and zelda.
Just so I can buy a load of physical copies of games for cheap easily when the markdown comes or it hits the used market. When everyone was in line to preorder the switch I bought a ps4 on markdown. I got Xenosaga ep. 1 for $1 at gamestop a few years ago and the cashier told me he hated me because he bought it when it was new. Sucker. Ps3 games are going for as low as $3-4 because everyone's trying to get rid of their inventory that they're still stuck with.
I can take a console places a lot easier than I can a tower if say I'm going or a trip or something. Plus easy set up for multiplayer for visitors
Sure I'm going to build a gaming PC once I figure out what I want and my upgrade path but I shop around so much I get deferred treatment and extra goodies from some physical shops. Quite frankly I'm not wasting much money just going the console route the way I do. I'd certainly as hell not play a Bethesda sandbox on a console but for the majority of things I don't care, it cost me hardly anything.
nigger cell service doesn't exist in every home. your also SPECULATING like fuck on the future way i hear it 5g is a crock of shit right now. also, half of my county and alot of north carolina are currently stuck with "3" mbs. the fuck are you talking about
Proof that if you're wealthy your not necessarily smart and probably lazy as fuck.
right? fucker lives in a metropolis and is therefore delusional
ITT: faggots who give a fuck how others enjoy video games
Inb4 graphix faggots
>admits to being lazy
>gets called lazy
How fucking stupid are you? The guy said he can’t be bothered. Not everyone’s life revolves around gaming you fucking NEET.
It's ok to admit you have a handicap
Time for you to move out of your shit country, 'nigger'
ackurrey arts panuuseded "fysdicull"
hey i'll give you some credit for at least defending yourself samefag rich retard.
does it not upset you that a disc is just a fucking steam code?
I’m not that guy. Only consoles I fucked with were the old school Nintendos up until GameCube. Nice try though
enjoy those city lights and random crimes city nigger
walks outside and enjoys privacy*
because the v smile is a console and no one who hasnt played a v smile is not a gamer
Same. I love comfort over any other thing. I just want to relax on my couch and enjoy some crazy Dolby Atmos games on my home cinema instead of sitting on a damn desk only to enjoy some more frames per second.
PC gaming is dying.. consoles allready won. You fucking dipshits are in denial
What discs are you buying?
cope harder
user..i... did you not know? fucking turn the disc over only the first 5% i even burned
>home cinema instead of sitting on a damn desk
My gaming PC rig is hooked up to my 80 inch living room TV, gaming via Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, gaming at 4k resolution with my Nvidia RTX 2080
> Fucking poorfags
8k pc gaming is already in full throttle leaving the consoles in the dust and you're claiming victory for consoles? lmao
Oh for PC you mean? I don't buy those physical. That's just stupid. Especially if it actually requires a steam account to use. That's even stupider.
Because you can’t play Mario Party properly without an N64 controller that destroys your palm.
but they don't cost 1-4k they cost the same as consoles. also, any tv and an hdmi cord.... $20 power a controllers
Can console players even be called Gamers? I don’t want those casuals fucks sharing a title with me
ok keep telling yourself that faggot
The largest possible size for a home television is 56 inches, you fag. Technology hasn't got there yet, unless you're a time traveler.
Stop LARPing.
no for playstation and xbox also..... and what pc games DONT require steam or EGS and also fucking why? you used to just buy a goddamn game when you bought a game
And you have to pay for all the games on console
Show me one half assed gaming computer that costs the same as a PS4 that isn’t a fucking tablet. I’ll wait.
no your just being gay. it doesnt have to be a "gaming" pc to game you dumb fuck
tbf ps4's are fucking cheap now but most pc's with 8gb ram will play any fucking game out there and they cost less than $500 you know why consoles degrade so fast in value.... they only do one thing, play games, and not very well.
It's called building it yourself.
It does need a GPU tho
>The largest possible size for a home television is 56 inches
Holy shit, do you live in nigger-land???
Google LG 82UM8070PUA
Samsung, LG make those for a while already. Poorfag
I mean I buy the switch for exclusive games like breath of the wild and mario kart but thats about it ps4 and xbox can suck my dick
Well what about rdr2.. best open world game out there and only on console
>don’t have to have a gaming pc to play games
>can’t show me evidence of a pc that can run a PS4 game with compatible FPS and graphics
which every single computer has.
shut the fuck up you triggered kike
I currently own a switch, Xbox one, PS4 and PC (2700x, gtx 1080ti). Honestly the only reason why I put my money for the consoles is for the games they exclusively have and I love and enjoy. however that's my reason, the reason why I see a lot of people just buy consoles in general is just for casual gaming. Now you can casual game on the PC, sure but people just want to go home turn on the Xbox and just sit on the couch or whatever and play games. Seriously if I was in middle school and I came back from football practice or whatever, I just want to sit back and relax. Plus a lot of people who just casually game just don't want to learn how to build a PC or learn anything about it. Why? Because they don't care. Why would a 18 year old guy put money into a PC when the only thing he just wants to play his call of duty with his friends? Plus the troubleshooting and shit that comes with having a PC, people just want to play games quickly with no hassle and cheap, that's my reason with console fags. Sure you can call them retarded for not buying a PC or learning to build one, but a lot of them just want to play casually play games and that's what consoles brings to the table. Also since cloud gaming is becoming a thing soon, I honestly just see it better to just build a PC when the time comes because a lot of people are not going to have the internet for that shit.
>no evidence that you can run a PS4 with comparable stats at a cheaper price
Yeah, I’m on board with this but it still gets a little more expensive. This is the best way though, definitely more bang for your buck.
well no cause ps4's are $150 now.
>It does need a GPU tho
Even CPUs have GPUs - integrated. They're not as powerful as dedicated, discrete GPU cards, but even the aged AMD A8 APU had considerable 3D power
> every single computer
please tell me your joking and aren't this retarded
Short answer : Yes .. but for a variety of other reasons
Find me a $300 dollar computer that can do it. I’ll even let you use a more recent model (since PS4 came out like 5+ years ago)
Literally any cpu with more than 6 cores doesn't have an iGPU
Not for PlayStation. My Ps4 only connects to the internet about once a month. I can install games offline just fine. Xbox I don't know - I wouldn't put it past them. Last time I checked you couldn't play your downloaded games when xbox live was down or you didn't have an internet connection. When I own something I expect to have it not a window to it so to speak.
And why would I want to have my games funneled though an online platform with partly security like steam? Steam accounts are broken easily and unless you have - what you call it - verification code that you actually own those games on you stolen account, you're fucked. Console accounts would be just the same in this regard.
The irony of this thread is that we all enjoy gaming but can’t stand how others enjoy it. It’s like getting mad at how some other guy jerks off. The point is we’re all cumming.
Threads like this are why orange man and co. blame video games. I can just feel the rage.
for new? i saw like 399 and 350 in the link i posted in this thread a long time ago.
Show us
your lying. and i don't i want to be able to just buy a game that fucking exist on the disc i purchase.
i...google hp.... selected 8gb ram and selectd 250-499....so.... no... i won't show you.
Why do PC fags call console fags retarded? Its like they cant stand other enjoying something they don't own
>implying you only need 8gb of Ram to play PS4 console games with comparable specs
Are you handicapped?
because consoles are inferior. in most ways. if we all went pc. exclusives wouldn't exist, you could adjust your own settings
read this fucing thread before posting shit again
thats just for the cpu, the graphics card will have its own memory
>still no link or proof
just telling you what annon meant idiot
And PC fags care why?
Mobile gaming is the future. Pokémon go is still good and I’m actually fit unlike you fat fucks.
Because of the exclusives. Too much of a gamer to skip them. I love my PC so much I fuck it...but Horizon Zero Dawn was the shit. Would have sucked if I never played it.
for the same reason people cared about people buying Battlefront 2 loot boxes
>Literally any cpu with more than 6 cores doesn't have an iGPU
Age old i3-4330 - Intel® HD Graphics 4600
Modern i9-9980HK - Intel® UHD Graphics 630
Try again pleb
If you play onlline you did pay extra
user What are you even talking about?
>i3-4330 only has 2 cores
> ur right about the second one
Still waiting for some new Jaguar games.
>implying PC users don’t play online
>implying you don’t pay for any extras on a PC after initial purhase
just google "Battlefront 2"
Do you know what 'implying' even means you console retard?
>implying I don’t
Why to PC fags cry about what other console fags are doing with thier time and money its like they're insecure about there platform so they make a thread saying how inferior a different platform is to theres.
well well well
look at how retarded you are
Cause they know that pc gaming is dead and won't believe it so they make fun of consoles to feel better. It's 2019 pc boys and not 1998
Ok retard
Mah niggah. Chips Challenge veterans playing Starcraft baby
stfu faggot
Just wait till xbox brings the scarlett out. That thing is powerfull as fuck and has 8k. Let's see what pc fags say to that and why there all mighty towers are so much better..
Embarassing post bro
Oh look a tri-fag appeared
I own a gaming PC, a PS4 and a Switch
I like some of the exclusives and you can't deny they have a lot of dope ones.
In 2014 I upgraded my Q6600 with a $20 Xeon that OC'd to 4.2Ghz and paired it with a 970 gtx for 1440p gaming, no console could even come close to this housefire.
But now with so many people building $500 Ryzen rigs that are getting 75fps, it looks like only kids and retards are in the market for a console.
I'm just gonna post in the loli thread this thread already gone to shit
>and has 8k
on what games?
at what graphical settings?
if you think it's that simple your fucking retarded
btw you won't even be able to notice 8k resolution unless you're literally glued to your screen
>your fucking retarded
Idiot watch the 3e presentation
Your and you're
Are pc fags this retarded that they forgot basic English?
are you so retarded you have to be a grammar nazi instead of addressing my point?
what the fuck is the E3 presentation gonna teach me?
Some decent games come out only on console and 300$ is chump change unless you’re some fucking peasant. There is no excuse not to have a good gaming PC AND a modern console if you like vidya
Exclusives and stability.
Console is for true gaming
PC is for true 4k porn
Anyone who actually had any sort of skill knew that you didn’t need to buy the ooot boxes to be good. Stfu you nigger fuck.
It is just mind blowing that someone would go out of their way to buy a vastly inferior product and then defend their purchase to people who didn't fall for the console meme.
What type of games do you play?
Insecure much
>It’s just mind blowing that I’m a fucking neckbeard who has to grasp at a false sense of superiority. I didn’t actually have friends who wanted to hang out and play games together in real life. Look at my fedora and cower before my obesity and BO.
You clearly don't know shit about that situation so kys faggot
For the last three years I've been travelling Europe, so, I haven't played anything but before that I was playing GTA 5 and Fallout 4
>projecting fucking HARD
For exclusives lul
I put over 150h into that game in the first 2 months of its release. Tell me again how I don’t know shit? Dont project your retardation onto me nigger, just because you were getting assraped repeatedly.
You sound like someone who owns an Xbox
You sound like someone who is too poor to own a PC and any of the consoles. Sad.
>using poor as an insult
what a piece of shit
Someone needs to teach you how to handle bait.
Triggered consolefags
>It costs far more than 300
Well, initially, yes. After that, upgrades come in way cheaper than what you pay for consoles with their lifecycles and lack of compatibility. Also console games are way more expensive on average, with AAA titles and just incredibly more expensive if you factor in indie games.
As a matter of fact, if you have a case, a HDD and a PSU, you can upgrade for ~350€ and have a machine slightly better than any console, go for 500€ and you're good to go. Depending on your game buying habits you'll break even after two years, earlier if you game online.
The economic argument is definitely dead.
The comfort argument hardly stands and is more a debate over interface and/or shelf space, which in case of the first is A irrelevant to the gaming experience and B a matter of taste anyways and shelf space would depend on how you organize it. You have a computer anyways? No more additional space required, then, less, in fact, than with a console. You don't have a computer? That's at least an argument there.
Any other point is a straight win for PC gaming.
"Exclusive titles"
Yeah, well, stop buying consoles and all those titles will appear on PC and there you go, you and everyone else can play everything. By buying exclusives you just increase the industries interest in giving you an artificially smaller pool of games.
Yeah, PC fags, that's just not an argument. If stealing is the solution, why not steal that PS4?
lol what the fuck
i bought a pc during black friday that cost 300 bucks. that thing can play every game on the market now. i even play black desert online which has one of the highest graphics of any game out right now lol. youre just in denial or completely retarded
lol i cant believe there are people still this technologically illiterate. youre sitting here trying to defend console gaming and proving exactly what op said. youre a fucking retard if you havnt even figured out a basic hdmi/wireless key/mouse setup yet
I literally have an 80 inch tv are you off your rocker nutcase?
I use mine for a streaming box and the odd blu ray (not that I buy a lot,) it's pretty comfy and it's alright to play the maybe 1 console exclusive a year that looks interesting
Because if I buy a console I I don't need a new graphics card every few mounths.
Did you even fucking read his post? His arguement is basically convenience of use and access. Not many people have a set up for couch gaming on TV with a pc. The ease of unboxing and playing vs computer set up. Fucking think
Dude where is your argument? I come home from work sit on the couch, relax and play Nier with my 360 Controller. You can even start with the Steam big picture mode turning your interface basically into that of a console. Also my PC came from sale completely ready to roll. Because I was just too lazy to do it myself.
you don't need to buy a new graphics card every few months with a pc ether
In this day and age, only 3 people play consoles:
1)retards that are technologically illiterate(90% of the population
2)little kids
3)people with alot of extra money lying around that want exclusives
There's literally no reason for anyone to buy a console anymore other than exclusives, and even then, anyone with half a brain can just emulate it.
The excuse that you just wanna sit back on a couch and play is no longer valid due to it being very easy to run an HDMI cable from a tower to a tv and then just sit back with a wireless setup(you can even get a wireless controller to play with).
Console is fucking garbage. All of the new consoles have so few titles worth playing coming out on them now compared to how Playstation 1 and 2 were back in the day. That was the golden age of console gaming, and now its just a joke. Paying all these subscription fees to play...lmfao. Only a twat would pay2play a game they already paid for. Plus the price of console games is a fucking joke. PS4 is still trying to charge 20-50 bucks for PS1/2/3 games if you go through the playstation network. Where as you can buy those games used for dirt cheap or play them free on emulators(which intelligent people do).
Consoles are literally hanging on by the skin of their teeth with exclusives only. And the fact that you cant play people on the same game on other consoles is so fucking laughable that its just sad.
Aside from pirating, Steam sales and humble bundles make pc gaming dirt cheap. My friend owns 1000+ games on pc thanks to bundles and sales. On a modern console that would be ridiculous amounts of money to pull off.
New consoles are garbage and the accessories are tremendously overpriced.
Consoles are awesome :D
I just sell my old graphics card and add around $100 for the new one, that's not bad for 1440p gayming at 60fps, and its much cheaper than upgrading a console.
4) people who live in a small apartment
I just bought a PS2, seriously how fucked am I?
That's not lying. I'm a gamer since the 80's. I don't want to miss some of them and have no other option. I have that extra money so I don't have to wait for an emulator to be developed. Orbital is still in developement afaik.
The problem with Sony and Microsoft is that they stopped innovating new tech, instead they just began building second rate PCs, but that is not a smart business model.
How powerfull scarlett is and all that shit. Just watch it fag
When did one of them ever innovated the tech? Sega and Nintendo maybe with some of their unique concepts but Sony and MS? The most innovating MS presented was Kinect and we know how that turned out.
that wasnt made as an improvement to gaming
it was an improvement to national security
The controllers, I'm still using the wired 360 PC controller.
That was no innovation since it's a blatantly rip off of the Dreamcast Controller.
I just preordered a sony ps5. Roast me
Well.. because I'm poor man.
plug'n'play aspect and perception
building a tower requires some effort on the part of the user and most normal people see computers as tools for work, something to learn a few skills off of (recipe books, mechanical guides, etc etc), social network, and something to just back up all your photos and memories on, and sometimes do taxes/banking on. Gaming is still a "Niche" use of computers, widespread as it is on stuff like youtube, that still doesn't fall into your average family member 9-5 worker's lifestyle.
its not really retardation, more just a perception thing
consoles fill that perception and are seen as the specific "gaming" station, and people will pay extra for convenience consoles offer in them requiring no setup, no hassle, no loading windows or gutting a PC and giving it new parts, you just fuckin' plug it in and go
Imagine being so underaged or so autistic that you think gaming on a pc is in any way socially acceptable.
Keep being social reject incels, guys. Kek
I have a pc and a console, can't see the problem.
PC is upstairs in the study and I use it for strategy games and what not when I'm alone.
PS4 is in the lounge, my kid has one in his room. I use this for a quick blast on borderlands 2 or fifa or w/e split screen with him or we multiplayer with both of them if we're no co-op. PS4 is easy, quick, convenient and I don't need it to be anything more.
Sure you can have a pc in your lounge, but I don't. I don't care who does - do want you want. My set-up works for me.
windows fucking sucks
i just want to come home from work, relax on the couch and play games on a thing that works reliably, thanks