Don't say it

don't say it

Attached: eric-idle's-favourite-food.png (1024x1024, 1.45M)

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dont say what?


Attached: goletcheck.png (585x583, 123K)

Dis spam tho it illegal or somethin I dunno.

fucking impersonator come over here you little bitch i'll rip your fucking nuts off and shove them up your ugly ass fuck you

Truth be told, I hate when people use names on Yea Forums. Almost every time I reuse a name, they take note either negatively or like I'm a friend when in reality, I'm trying to make the board stay in line with what people want from it.
I mean, there is no way to tell how much anyone cares or whether they actually get upset. Hell, there's no way to tell how much I care.

But they almost always take note, which I don't understand.

I post here every day and have done so for the last six years but I've never heard from you before now so I can't help but question your motives here ese

Unless they are truly all different posters.
Oh I suppose that would make sense.
Though, sometimes, based on the volume, number of threads, etc. it doesn't look like it would be the case.
I suppose there must be more nowhere men than me.

>I'm trying to make the board stay in line with what people want from it.
Don't do this


it's really funny when people get upset about being impersonated on [s4s] like there there aren't tripcodes on this board for a reason

This guy gets it

*puts an extra fry in your bag out of kindness*

One fuckin' fry? Is this guy serious? Get outta heah

i'll never get why namefigging is so divisive but i'm not going to question it.

Because attention-whoring and making yourself into a known personality seems like a counterintuive thing to do on an anonymous website. That being said, the dynamic is a little different on this board. As someone else mentioned you can't use tripcodes, so anyone can use anyone else's name and it's usually not just one person creating a persistent identity, it's a group of people taking turns pretending to be a particular identity. So, some people miss that whole thing and get offended by the perceived namefiggotry being perpetrated here, and some people really are just unironically being attention whores and trying to maintain a persistent identity on the funposting board. People do what they do

thanks, i get it now

I agree but it should say anonymous board. like I said you can be a known personality, that's what the boards with tripcodes are made for but not this one

Yeah. That's mainly why I do it. Honestly, I don't really have an agenda, I just like to use every name. Its like a game and its kind of funny.
I don't really mind them that much, I just think this is how it aught to be. Lest for what I do on here anyway.

...It just gets really weird and boring.
I used to see the threads that resulted in the Yea Forums "avatar" rule before Yea Forums was a thing. Actually, used to participate in them briefly to understand them and to see if anything interesting might come about from them.
In the end though, it just comes off attention-whore-y and weird. It comes off that way, I don't know that it really is, but something about having a name puts you in a weird position on an anonymous board and I think it might affect how you perceive what you are doing on the board.
Especially if you are tying it to a personality or a meme of some kind.

But all that can depend I suppose.

nevermind I didn't read the whole thig at first lol

I would like even more variety than them actually caring to respond to my posts or to make enough (within reason) and/or make them in the right places that they wouldn't be able to really stop it, but its not a big deal like at all too me.

I also like to imitate their writing style, image naming system, etc if/when possible. Not always, but if I'm bored enough or whatever I may.
Or I'll make up a new meme for it, but if it goes too far I'll give it up when it starts getting weird.

>I just think this is how it aught to be
it's nice to know there's more guys but me doing this

Attached: 1560880756634.gif (460x405, 39K)

That's because Yuji Sakai is an intelligence construct who collects data for use in Global medical procedure and you're here also? Why tho? Like who told you about this place?

moot told me about this place

let me go check on that for you

Attached: Screenshot_20190813-184935_YouTube.jpg (1920x1080, 478K)

Speak of unperson.

I doubt that you know what the word moot even means

It has two definitions

you should use Yuji Sakai as namefig too
Spam gets you Ebola

I already have a name like that i use

A moot point. Sesame rosebud password.

Oh, also popcorn. Popcorn is good too.