Tits and Face. Nudes Only.
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She has the power
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discord dot gg/jCSjJp
Sall ya need
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I want her full folder so bad
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I’m so dumb. I saved tons of them from that day and had to delete them from my phone. Rrrrrrrrr.
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Kinda wanna fuck mercilessly
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I have a wetransfer link, but I don’t know if ai can put it here without being banned lol
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Looks like trashy fun. I like.
Make it rough
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Trashy and slutty. Although the two arent mutually exclusive.
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So cute and those tits look so pliable
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Usually open a vola if there's enough interest
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Do it. I got videos and shit
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Just make one or post your Kik?
anyone sharing their wives?
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Show me more of this cutie
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With a bit more interest I will. But can't post videos on here
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Think of a hairy meatball with a hole in it
Nah there’s no way that is beat to hell
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volafile zuduxug4
Uploading currently
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Reminds me of a camel’s lips and tongue
Nigger if I gave a fuck I wouldn't be posting now would I
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Better than a hairy meatball
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Ha, I know her. Emily Carlsen from Washington.
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Even seen these before and did you always wanna know what they looked like?
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not tits and face but next best thing
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My fiancee
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dem nice suckables, here is my cousin i might be marring
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We got what you want in here
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Any of this Washington slut?
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sorry no kik only expose her here
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Too many gross fat girls with trashy tattoos 2/10
Her name wouldn't happen to be Jordan would it?
MFW I see a reflection in the towels