Youve got mail

@ u

Attached: kim jong un i knwo ur reading this pls i love u more than anything.jpg (700x696, 72K)

time to fuck shit up

take what you can give nothing back

Attached: 1565494292346.png (182x187, 43K)

done and done

actually this isnt true because the past and future are just illusions they dont actually exist

there is only now

anything in the "past" you are simply imagining
anything in the "future" you are simply imagining
you are just intellectualizing the phenomena of the present mind
anything imagined in the past or future are NOW

there is only ever now. as soon as you start intellectualizing the pure present awareness of the now, it has already passed and you are imagining a "past" that does not exist, you are still always only in the single-pointed "now".

so you see you cannot change your pas, but you also cannot fuck up your future because there is only ever now.

Maybe, but there will be other nows than this this one and I will fuck them up

where did you come from

no this now is the only now there is

the mind's eye
i read that book too, it's all true

nybody know where i find heroin flint MI

check up your ass

Whatever pseudo, pretty sure that the concept of time as we know of it, allows that there will come a fucking up of shit

Yo What da fuq did you just motha fuckin say 'boutme, you little beotch? ah'll gots you know ah graduated top o' muh motha fuckin class in da Navy Seals, an' ah've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, an' ah gots ova 300 confirmed kills. ah be trained in gorilla warfare an' ah'm da top sniper in da entire US armed forces. you be nuttin' ta me but just another target. ah will wipe you da fuq out wif precision da likes o' which has never been seen 'bfoe on dis here Earf, mark muh motha fuckin motha fuckin werdz. You think you can git away wif sayin` dat sheeit ta me ova da Internet? Think ag'in, fucker. As we's speak ah be contacting muh motha fuckin secret network o' spies across da USA an' yo' IP iz being traced right now so you bettah prepare fo' da storm, maggot. da storm dat wipes out da pathetic little thin` you page yo' life. you motha fuckin dead, kid. ah can be anywhere, anytime, an' ah can kill you in ova seven hundred ways, an' dat's just wif muh motha fuckin bare hands. Not only be ah extensively trained in unarmed combat, but ah gots access ta da entire arsenal o' da United States Marine Corps an' ah will use it ta its full extent ta wipe yo' miserable ass off da face o' da continent, you little sheeit. If only you could gots known what unholy retribution yo' little "clever" comment wuz 'boutto bring down upon you, maybe you would gots held yo' motha fuckin tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, an' now you paying da price, you goddamn idiot. ah will sheeit fury all ova you an' you will drown in it. you motha fuckin dead, kiddo all ye damn hood ratz..

you're mad that you don't understand what they're talking about, but they are correct

I know, I just don't care, I'm still going to fuck shit up one way or another

that's fine, you do what you do

Thanks I really needed your approval. See you in the now. The now that hasn't happened yet, as opposed tot he now that has happened. Which for the purpose of making sense in the real world, we call the future and the past.

Since I've developed a speech impediment and can no longer do this myself which is frustrating, don't be afraid to deliver, on the odd occasion, a concise and devastating verbal smackdown on my behalf, as dictated to you by me.
I'm not full white. I'm half Japanese. I'm 31 and have the face of a teenager, skinnyfat, a bit of a manlet (5'7"). I'm Christian, by belief anyway. I'm also a tripfag on /pol/, because it's too awesome of a tripcode not to use on what I guess is my home board, and because it makes it easier to look it up again when something had come to me that's absolutely brilliant, not joking. trip is: anonymous2 (no, I'm not confusing it with 'name') Look it up on 4plebs. You should have all you need to assess me further.

Ahh my bad, I'm sorry I don't speak faggot.

Hey that's pretty cool. Everybody told me though when I had a mustache I let it be too wide. Do you have a grooming guide for them

what book

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle