Movies that actually scared you
Movies that actually scared you
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Damn... "Don't look now"
Hi i am new around here and i just wanted to say Reply to this post or a spooky ghost will reap your soul tonight
This movie scared the living fuck out of me as a kid
Movies like Armageddon, Day After Tomorrow, 2012, etc. are the only movies that even begin to scare me, because of how plausible they are. Shit like that is way scarier than any movie about ghosts or anything like that. Hell, I was dying laughing throughout Annabelle Comes Home.
No actual order
>The Visit (M. Night)
>Lake Mungo
>Absentia (film, not series)
>Get out
This movie was fucking ghey
Midsommar gave me a panic attack when i got home lol
Are you fucking shitting me? Get the fuck out of here and go back to school
The Peacemaker (1997)
Tell me this is a copypasta, you write like an unbathed 16-year-old
>Get out
gtfo nigger
The Grudge
The Exorcist
Lake Mungo
Pulse (jap version)
Mel Gibson is terrifying
ITT movies that scarred us for life pic related i was 8yo
>inb4 a retarded reddit tier underage posting "hereditary"
Martyrs was gross but not scary
b/ro you're too late
I am terrified of the upcoming Disney Negro Mermaid movie.
I thought the first act was. It didn't scare me the way The Grudge scared me, but it fucked me up pretty bad.
better be the thai version
>niggers are allergic to water
>literally kills them
>mfw entire plot of is a social commentary on niggers
Kys youngling
Martyrs was haunting man. It's one of my favorite fucked up movies
whatever faggots, also Ill add Megan is Missing. Thats right, those faggots posting screamer movies are shit tier. And no, Im not a nigger Im a beanner kek.
kys oldling, go fap to traps
The Babadook was trippy the first time I saw it, but only because I was living in a creaky as fuck house.
It had its moments, but they were few and far between for me.
>The Visit
That scene under the deck was scary af
>Lake Mungo
There were points in that film when my goosebumps were actually painful
10/10 as far as low budget horror goes. Some very spooky moments.
Jap or American? I've only seen the American and it sucked sucked ass.
>Get Out
... get out.
I've logged your IP and given it to ICE. Have fun getting your kids back from the pound
Not gonna kms but I am doing the other thing ;)
The Gate. Obviously when I was very young. But it gave me terrible nightmares. Those little clay men tormented me through my formative years, even after my complete memory of the actual movie faded.
OH no doubt my dude. It was an effed up movie, one of my favorite fucking messed up ones, along with:
ICE doesn't deport us any more. If anything, I'll end up getting a free bus ticket to anywhere in the United States I want to go.
>Tell me this is a copypasta, you write like an unbathed 16-year-old
At least I ended my sentences with a period.
Huur duur, hillbilly racists can log IPs from a secured server, duur.
May I suggest southside Chicago?
You mad cuckboi?
This was the least scary shit of all time. That ending scene was SO. LAME. Horrible lead and horrible child actors. The only alright idea were the suggestions of the monster, early in the movie, before we saw it (e.g. when it lifted up one of the kids, but we only saw it indirectly).
saw this high as balls, rough time
I remember when I was twelve
So not pasta... No hope for humanity then.
West side is more bearner town if the poster is wetback.
I saw this in the movies, but I was "rolling on molly" so I didnt even remember I saw this until I read about it in my diary years later. I said that it was bad.
Anyway i am most afraid of the wrong turn movies.
aka swedish people are weird
All shit tier
ok nerd
Christ, that was the most childish rebuttal you could've thought up. Did you tip your fedora in pride at such a sick burn? You really REKT me bro.
Huge waste of time: Normies doing art film with mild gore.
It was LITERALLY as if a summerfag tried posting in a gore thread
"Nice try" come back when your balls have dropped
you have chosen well
Fucking spics
Yeah this one was pretty fucked up.
Heriditary sucks ass
please bless us with your horror masterpiece, you're not as smart as you think homie
Liked Antichrist and Audition. Never heard of the other one.
A Serbian Film was fucked too
I swear, I'm thinking these people are some Jew shill telling us hereditary is a good movie, where in reality, anyone with a brain knows it's a brain dead tard movie
Cool. Can you recommend me some spooky films that aren't shit-tier?
how so
Looks gay.
Is gay.
The Descent
The Ring back in the day
Midsommar was such a fucking pleb attempt. Nothing about it was original. The effects were decent, but the plot was thin. There was tons of forseeable buildup all for nothing. The promised BIG ending was fucking being burnt alive? There's wose stuff in game of thrones
There were so many holes in the plot I thought I was watching a 70's sci fi film.
You're one of the normies that lauded the VVitch as a masterpiece
yeah it was trash. why do they try and force that down our throats?
You’d think, but somehow got good reviews and is a 7.3 on IMDb.
Scary how this fiction gets passed off as a fucking documentary
how am i supposed to know what movies to watch if you losers don't post any
this isnt a horror but the bisection in this movie was rad, spooked me
Are you implying that the Holocaust didn't happen?
Are you retarded?
Never seen this or cannibal holocaust. Gross or nah?
There aren't that many movies that are actually scary user, don't blame us, blame Hollywood.
There's only one good scene.
Pet Sematary. Both the movie and the book it's based on are the scariest fucking shit Stephen King's ever made.
BT is only gross in a handful of scenes, the rest is a bit bland.
I'll save you the trouble of watching the whole movie for the one scene and link it here, it's practical effects done right.
The only thing horrifying about Hereditary was how ugly that little girl is. When her head finally got knocked off, a wave of relief poured over me like an orgasm.
Nope. Implying the pimping of war and suffering via kiked out Hollywood stylizing is scary as hell.
Read the book by a rabbi (if Amazon did not ban it)
Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering
This movie is fucked up
actually decent, probably best horror I've seen in recent years, sequel was AIDS
that fucked me up in gradeschool
Also trash, same director though so it makes sense
I like house of 1000 Corpses and TDR but they aren't traditional horror, more just gorefests
and am partial to the first 3 saws, those twists blew my mind and I'll stick by them really bringing tortureporn to the forefront.
No, it was pretty fucking gay
I think Kubrick made a good point about this film. He said it wasn't a film about the Holocaust, it was a film about success. The Holocaust involved the slaughter of millions of Jews, whereas Schindler's List was more about 600 survivors.
If you want documentary, watch Shoah. Although, something tells me you'd just dismiss it all as Joo Conspiracy.
>Listening to IMBD or online reviews
Being this sheeple
I don't care what the normies say, the music sucked me into this movie in the first minute and I felt like I was pulled into the Further when it happened
That film fucked me up when I was a kid. It still gets me to this day.
So it's true. You literally are retarded.
The original
Referring to which movie?
Ok I'm sorry. It's just most if these movies are shit and sjw propaganda filled that kills the mood of a scary movie. Hereditary is shit, but you should watch it bc if I place myself in the average normal person, then it should be scary for the average movie goer. Get out is ok, but you should try it too bc of same reasons above.
Also watch:
>the witch
>literally any conjuring movie
>terrified (Argentina version)
>babadook (I liked it enough, kys)
>inside (2007; just really gory)
>shutter (Asian version)
>the bay
>the ruins
>the descent
>the orphanage
Seen Cannibal Holocaust?
Also thanks b/ro
This, when the guy walked up close to the 50's looking mannequins all smiling in unison and you can see that it is clearly a real person just standing there, slightly swaying a bit, I nearly shit my pants
Shut up, fat ass.
besides the animal abuse its kinda meh, not scary. Good plot but really, probably wouldnt be famous it hadnt shown real animal death.
Mentioning the babadook destroys any credibility you had
Original premise, bad execution.
yeah, I have it on DVD.
Story is meh
It's pretty gross, I think the director had to prove he didn't kill anyone, they did kill live animals for the film, which is why it's so notorious. If you're into gore I'd give it a watch.
This was quite good, I'm a sucker for one shot scenes so the opening scene already had me hooked. The tall man with dark eyes crouching into the bedroom was probably the highlight of that movie for me
Kys I liked it enough
>fuck the kid and mom though
If being well read on fact based topics constitutes retardation in your mind good luck with your eugenics. I tried nigger.
>Schindler’s List
>literally a novel
>disclaimer at the start of the novel stating not fact
Fucking burgers
U liked babadook but not heredetary? Hating popular things doesn't make u or ur taste in movies any better lol
No one said I was listening to the reviews, dumbfuck. I said it SOMEHOW got good reviews, implying I don’t like the hunk of shit.
I see reading comprehension is not your strong point. Maybe you’re more suited for the FB/VSCO threads, autist.
Aw yiss
In the movie The Ruins where this guy had mutant vines growing inside his broken legs
forgot pic
I think you should go back to r/eddit
Awwwww, faggot.
It's been observed in cinematic circles that horror movies quite often are "sjw-y" because the genre lends itself to political and societal commentary.
Even Alien has a message in it, and one that would probably be considered "sjw propaganda" if it was made today - It was about rape, and specifically about subjecting men to the kind of rape women experience.
"liked it enough"
That's the path to becoming gay. Getting a finger in your ass "liked it enough"
The attic scene where he hears the chants and foot stomping but when he opens the door it's all just a bunch of dead bodies covered in blankets
Fuck out of here with that man-hating, SJW bullshit. Also, it sucks in general.
This was surprisingly good. I didn't find it particularly scary, though.
babadook was OK, it wasn't great but i liked it bc it reminded me of old bogey man stories that used to scare me as a kid. Hereditary on the other hand is a shit fest of a movie made by jewllywood forcing us to like that shit faced little girl
This got me tbh
Thanks based user.
I'm always on the hunt for the grossest movie
this movie has its cheesy moments but I thought it was pretty good
jurassic park. i was 5 and i begged to see the movie and holy fuck did the raptors scare me. great series of dreams after that though, learned how to lucid dream from them.
No. It wasn't.
Scariest movie I've ever seen.
It was only aired twice on TV. Once at it's premiere (two scheduled reruns were canceled due to complaints, the head of the B got sacked) and once on the anniversary of Hiroshima.
The original Alien (1979).
The only movie that truly scared the crap out of me.
you'd like a serbian film then
just a fucked movie
Oh, the same adbice I offered you, but with a different destination. Nice to see you’re also incapable of creative thinking. Enjoy being spooped by shit like The Meg or Ernest Scared Stupid.
Can we all agree that bad Ben was a masterpiece of a scary movie?
This is a film that you need to experience when it's released (especially if you're a britfag). It hasn't stood the test of time.
Does are some nice fucking tits
anyone else interested by this
Anyone liked the killings of a sacred deer? I thought that was a creepy, weird ass movie
The guy who wrote the script says it was. And its pretty overt. The first thing that happens is a man gets face raped and forced to give birth.
Now, every movie is becoming SJW-y so I’ll give you that.
However, Alien was not. As a matter of fact, gender was never even specified in the script, iirc. The great thing about movies like Alien, is that Ridley just happened to become good at survival when push came to shove.
If Alien had been made now, it would’ve been Shoved down our throats that she’s a strong, independent woman that doesn’t need help from any man. Also, the Alien would probably have a an exposed dick, just so we could see a wo,and defeating the ultimate evil male.
Oh hell yeah. Can't wait. Eggers is a new Master.
I don't expect it to be scary, but I'm sure it's gonna be intense and infinitely tasteful.
Anxiety fir days
Salem's Lot.
The original TV version from the 70s or 80s. Scared the hell out of me as a kid.
By today's standards tame. But there is some real artistry in that film that makes it worthwhile even now:
the Glick kid at the window
momma Glick in the morgue
Ned Ryerson's break-in
Really well done non-sparkling vampires. Conveys the horror of vampirism, unlike most films.
ur gonna have to take the L on that one my dude
The guy who wrote the movie said it was about rape, specifically about male rape. Is what it is, sorry if you feel masterpieces can't have social messages.
second this
This movie was fucking horrible. I can’t beliebe I almost saw it in theaters.
This bear scene in Annihilation
everyone is telling me they didn't like this but I feel like it's the same people who can't go 5 min without their phone
The bear scene in annihilation.
Also signs when I was younger.
YES. I am longing for a true Eldritch/Lovecraftian film. Can't get enough of that underappreciated cukboi of old.
HOWEVER, i don't think it;s going to be that and I'm getting my hopes up.
I really enjoyed the cinematography of the Witch though the ending sucked and it got cheesy. I am looking forward to listening to the dialogue and camera work. Doubt it will be anything other than a psychological thriller.
Hope it's not a huge letdown like annihilation but I'm a huge fan of Willem Defoe.
While Pattinson may nail the dialogue if I hear one more person talk about the physicality of his role I'll club a seal. He's a faggot and will always be one.
Honestly loved this movie
Just like JK Rowling tells us Dumbledore or whoever is really gay. Even though her writing doesn't. Same kinda look at me, I was a visionary who is still relevant retconning horseshit. Either it's in the story or it isn't. And it isn't.
Retarded but the scene where they snapped the babies neck got me
It reminded me of clickers from the last of us
The Devils Backbone.
I don't think anyone disliked Mother because it was boring. They seemed to have disliked it because it was pretentious and it's metaphors were hammered so hard it was more like Biblical plagiarism.
I've been procrastinating. I do like some plot and I hear this one is straight snuff.
What a faggot.
It's a shitty Roman Polanski ripoff that tries to hard. I didn't find it as awful as I expected going in because of all the hate
You need to kill yourself immediately.
I think willem will give 110% percent in this movie and I hope it brings something out in pattinson
pretty excited
But the movie Alien totally supports the claim it was about male rape. It's literally what happens in the movie. A man gets penetrated and is forced to give birth to a monster. People at the time of the movies release talked about it.
It's not an ass pull. It's up on the screen, you just don't like it and don't want it in a movie you like.
The Changeling
yeah no it's like if a rapist made a movie about his sexual fantasies, absolutely incoherent plot and more like a vintage movie for psychopaths and rapists
It wasn't an allegory like everyone said, it was straight off a gradeschool level metaphor for the bible.
It wasn't even Jennifer Lawrence's actual tits which IDK why she was so prudy, not like it worked out for her.
Please don't breed.
I agree with this, I think, like Platoon, it's going to be a life-defining role for Defoe
You don't understand what the word literally means, because no one is literally raped.
The scene where the vampire is scratching the window will stay etched in my brain forever.
It may have been the drinking before I saw this but literally the only movie I started to feel sick during.
Lovecraftian horror just doesn't lend itself well to cinema. It's like unrealistic geometries - If a book tells you a triangle has 230 degrees in it, you can kind of conceptualize that on some level. But you'll never be able to put that weird triangle on a screen.
Then give us the source, neckbeard. Either way, it’s clearly not about rape, so you’re full of shit.
Watch it for yourself and find out, dumb fuck.
“Everyone says this movie sucks ass, but I’m going to disagree with them, even though I haven’t seen it myself.”
Special needs motherfucker.
What an amazing movie.
A sure sign of defeat.
This. Totally this.
Yeah. I guess I'd settle just for like a flooded city set during the 1920s with some actual depictions of eldritch creatures.
I know you can't really translate the psychological aspect and cosmic nihilism but I'd settle for just a decent attempt.
Being this desperate for a fictional movie to make some sort of societal statement.
A man has a reproductive organ crammed down his throat, against his will, which deposits an egg. he then gives birth.
If you feel like quibbling about whether rape requires a human penis to accomplish, you're welcome to it. Sorry you can't cope with politics and social commentary in movies, good luck to you in the future.
I disagree. The movie is a slow burn but the third act is amazing.
It's like saying every vampire film is about rape, because it involves taking something against their will. Except the every vampire film isn't. Anyone can make the case that virtually anything is a metaphor for rape because most action, adventure, and horror films involve compulsion or force.
Just a slow burn of horror.
OP Here... I get what you're saying. But I was born 6 years after it's release and it scares the fucking shit out of me.
Highly worthy of a remake.
look at these cucks arguing over who has a more uncircumcised needledick
The comfiness levels in this film are off the charts, but it's no particularly scary.
I'm sorry you think your media can exist in an abstract bubble. Good luck maintaining it in your mind.
You’re an idiot.
Nice to see someone here is capable of critical though.
sorry you're right I should've agreed with the sorority girls who love the hunger games,
why are you tryharding to be an asshole in this thread about scary movies, silly nerd
Just Luke you end tour months
Mommy’s little boy better watch out. This stress can’t be good for your blood pressure, tubby.
... did you just go full retard?
"One thing that people are all disturbed about is sex… I said ‘That’s how I’m going to attack the audience; I’m going to attack them sexually. And I’m not going to go after the women in the audience, I’m going to attack the men. I am going to put in every image I can think of to make the men in the audience cross their legs. Homosexual oral rape, birth. The thing lays its eggs down your throat, the whole number."
At least I got to jack off to the scene with the red hair girl.
Finally a good scary movie
thought the private torrez scene in this movie was gnarly.
i liked the whole vocal cord tearing causing his voice to squeal part
you gotta be trolling lmfao
good flick
As you link to a site called MadGhosts as your source... kek dis nigga ain’t even be trying
still one of my favorites. still scares me to this day.
Nabahowitch orphan I know . you
I think he's talking about the Thai movie Shutter
That's a quote from the screenwriter of Alien. That site is just quoting an interview he did in a documentary.
If you want to rent the documentary to see for yourself, go for it. I'm certainly not doing it just so I can get a clip for you.
chiming in to say you're fucking retarded the article literally takes the quote from a documentary about the movie
Great one. Love the blood-testing scene. And the badass ending.
Now I’m gonna show you what I already know...
definitely. The practical effects scared me the most about it.
I watched this one when i was a kid, and it scared the shit out of me. I've seen both in later years (original too) and honestly its kinda creepy. Not that movies really affect me anymore tbh.
Great movie. I saw it too late in life to actually be scared by it, though. A shame, I think.
Proving my point. Interview is from 2002. Movie was, what, 1979? Retconning.
There's a common problem in sci-fi and swords and sorcery: some people, including a lot of the genre's writers, have a huge inferiority complex. So you get this steady stream of "oh no, this isn't about little green men" interviews and justifications for the genre. It's such palpable try-hard bullshit.
Everyone in this thread has seen Alien. How many of you were horrified because you were all like "Dan O'Bannon has finally shown me the horror of rape?"
Oh yeah, I guess not all Asians are Japanese lol
Correction: the original THAI version was good. The American version was not.
haha the chris Kattan ghost saving the remainder survivors was great xD
ahh i see. I still think the effects can hold up to this day... but thats just me.
Wonder if they ever got down from there :D
Oh no, the effects definitely hold up. I'm just not scared of them.
Based retard!
My sister and her boyfriend at the time were always into Japanese horror movies. I still remember the beginning scene to this day. I don't think it's classified as horror though. But man this movie scarred me lol.
The scene where the alien walks past those people filming a home video scared the shit out of me as a kid, though I was only 7 at the time.
second one is even better tbh
"The deleted scenes above also establish that the prisoners have livestock on the colony - a foreshadowing of the alien’s host as presented in Fincher’s original edit. In the Assembly Cut, the alien bursts out of an ox; in the theatrical cut, the host is a dog - a pet belonging to one of the inmates. Several shots were also inserted into the opening few minutes where the dog is shown peering into the escape pod and a facehugger scuttling around nearby. "
So by Alien 3 animals are getting "raped"?
The screenwriter has intent but what the finished product becomes often (mostly so) is way different.
A parasite (what the Alien is) is the better view; that is scary. Parasites infect hosts all the time to feed and reproduce.
OH i see. Is there a movie that really scared you?
This. I genuinely believed that bitch would climb out of my big TV as a kid.
yeah the Thai version was pretty dope. are you talking about the one with Joshua Jackson? that American one? kek
So the writer is lying. The obvious parallels on the screen are incidental. And Giger put down his sex and penis fetish so he could work on this film.
You can believe what you will and think everyone's as bonkers Rowling if you like. I don't know what to tell you.
Different movie, by different people. This should not surprise anyone - Even the first sequel to Alien couldn't stick to the same genre, let alone themes (Which is fine, Aliens is great).
And of course, by the time we get to Covenant, even the Alien itself isn't a unifying feature.
The only movie I can think of that really, truly scared me (Jump scares don't count) was The Gate. Terrified me for a while when I was younger.
I'm sure there were other movies that scared me, but I can't remember them.
Top kek
If a writer says his then 30+ year old project was really about something that 30 years later has become part of the zeitgeist, yeah, I'm gonna chalk that up to marketing and grifterism. I mean, sure, I could believe all those Hollywood types flying on private jets deeply care about climate change like they say, or I could conclude they're selling something.
A pretty decent movie that actually scared me back in the day was Stephen King's Rose Red. Something about rotten ugly ass Ghosts used to give me the chills.
I agree that what a franchise becomes is not always holding to the theme of what started the franchise.
The real terror in Alien came more from the android on board with it's mission and too the fight against this new and unknown threat.
The concept of rape is muted, if it al all even shines though. Without that interview - most people would not make that abstract a connection as rape.
In Alien the real terror first came from the fact the infected crew (male but that is just due to the male being brave and stupid to check out the face hugger pod) SEEMED okay for a spell.
Rape - male on female- runs the obvious risk of pregnancy. Even male on male rape is more about power or injury to another - then the physical part ends.
This was some weird alien attack and it seemed to be over, not the start of a new creature.
There WAS a rape and impregnate sci fi film... Just not Alien
O'Bannon's claim is super plausible. I mean, it's not like they were making films about male-on-male rape back then. Like Deliverance. Or attempted rape. Like Midnight Express. O'Bannon is a fucking idiot.
>which is fine, Aliens is great
But it's not. It's a cheesy B movie. When will this meme die?
>But it's not. It's a cheesy B movie. When will this meme die?
Never... Anything by Cameron gets lionized. Even more with the theory that Aliens was all about the Vietnam way (80s movies after all) as a metaphor...
We will be getting deeper meaning from Aliens: Colonial Marines (which is cannon I guess) the video game soon enough. Gang rape theme maybe?
Yeah, the xenomorphs were Charlie. Just like the first one was an after school anti-rape lecture. 3? Why toxic masculinity of course! It's all SJW word salad all the time. Nothing is ever sci-fi. It's so much more important than that. If You Were A Dinosaur, My Love.
According to Dr Michael E Jones Alien is the unofficial sequel to Deep Throat
Next up is the reveal that Brokeback Mountain was never about two fags... It has always been about the looming truth that quantum computing has the potential to redefine what thinking and what consciousness really are.
The theme! It is SO obvious!
We should make an entire tv/pol thread to find out the true, obvious messages of movies in general
>ICE doesn't deport us any more. If anything, I'll end up getting a free bus ticket to anywhere in the United States I want to go.
Can I request that ICE give you a bus ticket to somewhere OUTSIDE of the United States? Happy travels!
Sadly this would be a fail... The answer, retroactive continuity is now for everything, would always be BUTT SEX. There can be no other answer.
here you go, son
I too, have Asperger's and enjoy Yorgos.
scary bcause niggers rite?
spooked the living crap out me when I was a kid.
The music is so fucken eerie.
the tree rape scene got me fucked up lol
My favorite scary movie.
Love this movie, genuinely scary good shit.
probably the best horror movie of the last decade. def the best mainstream horror. I really liked that movie. sequel isn't bad either. got Shannyn Sossamon in it
The RedLetterMedia cucks mocking this movie so much ruined it for me, and I love me some Ethan Hawke.
just yesterday I watched this video Ethan Hawke did for GQ where he breaks down all his most iconic roles and movies. I had no fucking clue how intelligent and thoughtful that man really is. (no homosex). but he's as sharp as a tack and the whole interview took me by surprise