>be you
>find a genie that grants you 3 wishes, but with some basic rules
no wishing for more wishes
no wishing for the ability to wish for more wishes, etc
what do you wish for?
>be you
>find a genie that grants you 3 wishes, but with some basic rules
no wishing for more wishes
no wishing for the ability to wish for more wishes, etc
what do you wish for?
More genies
A glass of water, and two napkins
A death note.
That’s all I’d need
1 billion dollars, every major video game ever released, and every major game ever relased
More genies that can grant me whatever I wish without rules.
**loli in a bag**
i'll have a coke
3 wishes?
A bag that produces unlimited gold coins
Eternal life
Eternal youth
3 burbger
mind control, shapeshifting, unlimited supply of Jamaican beef patties
Is this a wishmaster type situation?
>All women to be killed
>BustAKnutt™ Succatron 9000
>Genie to kill himself
this guy knows what's up
1. I want a kind of calculator where I can enter a number and then this number comes out as a currency (calculator as a camouflage)
2. A clock with which I can manipulate the time. Time travel, stop time and so on.
3. I and all my friends and relatives should never get sick of anything Like cancer or Something Like that.
>no wishing for more wishes
>no wishing for the ability to wish for more wishes, etc
I wish for infinite genies then.
I want my enemies to die in immolation can I do them all in one wish?
Professor X level mind powers (telepathy, mind control, etc)
Eternal Youth
The ability to wish for the ability to wish for more wishes.
1. Be 19 forever.
2. Immortal (the kind that heals up again instantly)
3. Able to manipulate time (Go back to the biggest rollover on Lotto and win it, invest in stocks I know are going to go up, visit a casino and bet a million on the next number etc).
1 and 2 are so I can go back in the Marines and kill like a fucking God.
3 is for when I get tired of 1 and 2.
>Be 19 forever.
Hell on earth.
19 year olds are all retards.
Every. Single. One
Spoiler; I like to kill already and so am unlikely to get tired of killing.
Speak for yourself user, I'd already been in two wars by then.
The powers of a genie, minus the lamp shit and being blue.
I wish my my wishes were able to be stronger than the rules
I wish for more wishes.
If i cant do that, i wish everyone in the world had infinite wishes, but could not use them, only transfer them to me.
-Complete invulnerability
-Ability to morph body anyway I want, such as turning into someone else, making my penis grow to 10 feet or whatever dumb shit I want.
-Ability to mind control anyone or anything with a mind
1) 1 Trillion USD
2) A Magic Drinking Chalice which I can use to restore my health to perfect repeatedly
3) To be a 10, looks, personality, everything, I want to be the version of me that is a 10
Nice trips nigger
I wish that the genie dies
Modern redditors need modern REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Wish Will Smith out of existence after mib.
1) ask the Genie for powers like the Genie has.
2) save my 2 wishes for later.
This is how you become genie
no more none white all dead or sent to another country
the ship unsc infinity so i can rule the earth a stop leftist faggots
then a coke i guess id be kinda thirsty
Based and redpilled
Then you're stuck in a lamp until someone let's you out
>a ten by whose standards?
Genies gonna fuck ya
>the hability to change my body however i want painlessly
>the hability to influence the toughts of others
>not suffering any negative consequences for the previous wishes
1. I wish I never get caught.
2. ?????
3 . Be a drug lord
Retard confirmed
1. Omnipotence
2. Omniscience
3. Omnipresence
I'm god now nigga
No you’re Q
1. Be a demon
2. Live forever
3. Be really sexy
1. Immortality, the kind that heals you from aging and disease as well as injury. With an opt out clause that lets me an hero if I get fed up living.
2. The ability to materialise whatever I think of in my mind on command
3. The ability to shapeshift at will, I want to change my gender to female but why waste a wish on that when I can get it for free with my new superpower
I mean Q is basically a god so I'm cool with that. As long as there's none of that council shit that can strip me of my powers for misbehaving.
I wish to be an eternal genie, and to be able to interpret wishes as I please, despite the wording. Allowing me to be manevolent or benovelent at will. Then I would wish that the universe would recycle itself so that what was shall be again. For my final wish, I would wish that everytime the universe recycled, I would be able to spend 1 life time with my family as I already did. I would then hide my lamp for people to find, and live my life until summoned.
Kek, you're welcome user.
Wtf is wrong with you.
>The power to control time for all beings and matter independently of each other.
>The power to control all lifespans including my own, also works retroactively.
>The power of invulnerability.
A top of the line, ever evolving gaming pc with a program on it, akin to Word or whatever, that has magical powers; anything I write becomes reality, but only when I use it and only when using the right words.
I'd wish for the ability to always have the right amount of money in my pocket, or atleast be able to purchase whatever I want to purchase.
The genies freedom ofcourse.
My stepfather's multiple sclerosis cured, my mother's back healed,and their ages turned back 25 years so they could actually have a happy life together.
To be debt free
To be cured of my depression
To always have at least double the money I need to pay for any and all bills that I have for the rest of my life.
ultimate mind control including over mass groups of people
immortality for me and my family members
maybe like super speed or something along those lines
>1. I wish to remain as obscure as I currently am for as long as I choose regardless of any other factors.
>2. I wish to be the wealthiest human on earth without contest
>3. Save the 3rd wish for later.
I pretty much rule the world now, from the shadows even. Good times.