Be in coffee shop

>be in coffee shop
>be behind this guy
>suddenly 2 masked guys burst in holding 9mm glocks and demand money from everyone

"Ha ha, losers! This right here is a good guy with a gun!"

>die in a hail of gunfire

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ask Israel

Attached: screenhunter_123-nov-20-10-10[1].jpg (296x392, 48K)

>reach behind with right hand
>grab stock
>bring to ready position

>reach behind
>fumble for stock
>can't grab it as it's upside down and slung over the wrong shoulder

>die in a hail of gunfire

Nobody is going to rob that shop while he is there, deal with it.

>walk up with box cutter
>slice neck and sling strap same time
>pick up ar as cuck bleeds out
>everyone dies im a hail of gunfire

No-one's going to give him a second glance, because he's a fat fuck gun fetishist, and once the bobbery starts, he's going to be the first one to die because he's the one with the penis extension slung over his shoulder

although bobbery sounds a lot more fun

Only thing you have ever robbed is your mommy’s panty drawer.
As a thief myself, deterrents work

Where trained servicemen/women are required to keep possession of their weapons at all times? Yeah, i'd much rather be behind her at a coffee shop than some wannabe tacticool amateur.

What an asshole. For starters he’d be shot before his tubby ass could untangle himself from the sling. That’s only if he didn’t shit his pants first and slip on it.