Girl in pic let me and three of my best buddies gang her after a wet night out...

Girl in pic let me and three of my best buddies gang her after a wet night out. It was probably the funniest sex Ive ever had sharing her wih my mates.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are you such a betafag that you post pictures of girls on Yea Forums to try and start false rumours about them and make them upset?

Dude this isnt a rumour, it is pretty well known in the friend group

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so what did you do after you woke up?

The day after? Kind of had a bad feeling because I would always be the guy who had that group sex...

Attached: CC5DAA63-7AF3-4B90-8BBC-4EE3D8972102.jpg (1080x1080, 43K)

If it were true you would have some sort of evidence. Post pics or chat logs at least, you massive homo.

post more pics. she has very nice legs!


>Went on Yea Forums
>Started this thread

She do DP? DAP? DVP? TAP? TVP?

You are supposed to stroke his ego, he has a fragile self esteem. If he doesn't receive validation from anonymous teens on Yea Forums and partake in Yea Forums board culture he will cry and masturbate his frustration away, because he really has nothing going on in life. Other than this.

So be nice to him, stroke away.

Lol u wouldnt even understand our language

Attached: 78BA82AF-6EE2-4BC1-A4AF-6F08551F53BD.jpg (1080x1080, 179K)

go on, we have translators nowadays

So what should i post?

Attached: 68F77AD4-BA8F-4480-A6AC-C3EB62A82E66.jpg (1032x1032, 105K)

nobody has a gangbang and doesn't take pics these days. post proof or go Brandon yourself.

This OP is a faggot. Imagine being so desperate for self esteem that you would pretend to have had sex with a hot girl on a basket weaving forum.

Post proof you retarded autistic faggot.


KYS faggot.
Understand that?

To quote the classic philosopher Homer “pics or it didn’t happen”

Post your an hero faggot

Attached: dumbass.jpg (640x439, 47K)

How much are penicillin shots these days?

his story would have to be true for him to need that

only a literal virgin would ask that

but why do you have pictures of her posing? do you have anything else than her modeling?

he only has pics he stole off social media

Did any balls touch during this?

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Yea, we need proof, is not like you talk in a unknown languaje with your buddies, traslators nowadays can do the job with homo lang. Come on, we need proof or evidence

This is a common pass time for a lot of anons here. Can you imagine living such a desperate and sad life? Lets ask OP what it's like.

Of course they did, what kind of question is that

waiting for OP to post the nudes...
Getting older...

It means you are now gay.
>Its gay if balls touch.

No pix, means it didn't happen.

yeah. still, it happens that girls have drunken threesomes or foursomes and noone has any proof other than pics from social media and then make awesome thread about it...

i dont know about this.

another language? thats clearly from australia, i dont think were going to need google translate for that

Jesus op could you be any more pathetic?

U double penetrate her?
Creampies? If so which holes

Can you stop lying?

>still, it happens that girls have drunken threesomes or foursomes and noone has any proof other than pics from social media

Not today it doesn't. EVERYONE has a phone with them all the time. There's no way that at least one of the guys wouldn't want pics of it, especially if the slut looked like the one OP posted.

>any proof other than pics from social media

methinks you don't know what "proof" means, user

post more

you forgot the DVDA

True but he never answered

OP here. Sorry guyz, i lied about that all bcs i am closeted and in fear that my family kicks me on street

She has the same look as the real dolls.

TVP is my best matchup

I trash sky toss

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pics or didnt happen

which language is this?


>being this much of a wizard

fucking newfags


Greentext your last conversation with her. The one where you ask her out and she tells you to fuck yourself. Go back to Mom’s basement and your fleshlight faggot.


This belongs to BBC.
i would pay high prices to see her getting banged by a proper bull.