Everything takes so much work and its really tiring

everything takes so much work and its really tiring
thinking bout just not doing anything anymore

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ok Boii

you've done alot lately
maybe you should take a break
you're a good boy

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how about you fucking kill yourself?

ive done a lot and still have more too do
maybe I should try to take a break
don’t know how to respond to that without insulting boii

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You need to take a trip to dromund kaas and see the imperial capital for yourself. So you can remember exactly what you are fighting for.


Well I hope you don't think about stopping the transition...

I have thought about giving up on all on those ideas, like while I doubt id ever act on it I still occasionally think about how I could potentially be happier as a girl
im just too tired to deal with all of that now

yoggo, listen to me loud and fucking clear. you would be a million fucking times happier if you were a girl. Look at the facts, retard. you're depressed, you post pictures of anime girls on a dead imageboard, you are feminine, you are obviously born a boy but you were meant to be a girl. This much is obvious. You are going to start taking hormone replacement therapy and consuming estrogen pills 3 times a day. You will substitute all of your meals with soylent or soy based products. You will dress up in frilly cat kawaii knee socks and take pictures of yourself. You will take pictures over you flacid cock over a 3 month period showing how it progressively gets smaller and more feminine. You will carve my fucking name into your thigh to show your devotion to me. I am your God. YOU WILL BE HAPPIER AS A GIRL, FUCKING RETARD. This isn't hard to understand. You need to become a girl for me and for yourself. Send me a picture of your asshole with your flacid penis and balls stuffed behind your legs. You need to wear make-up.

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Shut up schizo fucking go take your pills


I refuse to be told what to do by some retard who needs pills just to not be a danger to everyone around them so blow it out your ass faggot

i spilt my pack of goobers and this thread&replies came out

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How much do you charge for a gram of goobers? I really need the stuff see

You would npt say that to my face irl fucking bigot. Don't fucking demean yoogee when he's going through his metamorphosis.

>thinking bout just not doing anything anymore

I'd just call the cops and tell them some crazy person is threatening people and get you locked in the psych ward. No need to even speak to you to do that

yoogee is going to go through with his transition whether you like it or not so suck my cock. Have fun here ebing left behind by the world.

i know how you feel if you're talking about work/school/similar things. i gave up at one point and after being NEET for a while decided NEETdom wasn't for me, so i found an alternative.

maybe you could take a break or try to explain to those with expectations what's going on, see if they help. i don't know anything about you though so this is just conjecture.

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women are not productive members of society

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Imagine being so mentally ill that you think I'm talking about him and not you


Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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oh I know all about NEET life, i would be a NEET if I had a way to financially support myself but I dont
im scared of actually letting myself stop and take a long break because then id like it too much

yoogee you need to become a girl to save yourself

imagine there’s no gender...

Just be

this, it's really not that hard and complicated even dummies manage that until they die