Thought on new Slipknot?

Thought on new Slipknot?

I’m so pumped on it.

ITT: Mags allowed, Fags disavowed

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Also new Corey (#8) mask is fucking (sic)

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we are not your kind

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first two albums was great, all the other ones are mainstream shit

I'm not a fan of the new album. The songs are ok but it sounds over edited.

Iowa was their best imo

New masks are fuckin awesome though.

Yeah pretty much

New album tho

I didn’t like the singles so much, but goddamn some of those songs are Iowa heavy
Nero Forte and Orphan fucking slap

What’s your favorite of the new masks?

Slipknot is fake as fuck.

edgy as fuck

I really liked it TBH
Overal good album, different then the first albums.
Deffo better then the gray chapter

My favorite shot of the ‘knot

Best era

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I was really surprised. Honestly feels like a follow up to s/t and Iowa, wasn’t expecting it to be that good at all after the singles

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Who is tortilla man??

The new custom percussionist

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Sid's old mask was better. Now he looks like a queer sith with a spotify rapper grill.

Whomever it is with the mask that looks like a burn victim.

I saw two Cory Taylor masks. One looks like a face guard for basketball. Woopty doo. The other looks like the pic

Your opinion is very special

I know but WHO IS HE??

This mask.

He recently updated it
Added stitching to the sides to keep the cheeks from bowing out

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Who I he? ....
You don't recognize
The best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best the best

Zack Hill

It's Dave Grohl.

Burt mother-fucking Bacharach

That guy fucks

Fucking kek


Slipknot is really over edited and way overrated, not a fan since AHIG. Really liked the first 3 albums.
They put a great show live ignoring the cringy shit that Corey says and overacts like calling the audience family and rolling in the floor "gasping" for air

Coreys new mask fucking blows

Fucking idiot. Learn what it means before you use it in a dumbass way

It's not Dave grohl, you fuckstick.

I think the 2 new variants are way better

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Stitches version

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Those plates are badass but how does he hear

Prove it

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It’s a slipknot song u cuck

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No, it's just a fact.

Anyone have the source for this Dave grohl theory? Would like to see the theory

Sure about that?

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> opinion is fact

Fag detected

Would you like some more bait

Wow this has traction

It's really funny because I was making shit up because I think I'm funny


Not bad

*Knocks on slipknot's door
"It's me Dave."
"Dave's not here man."

When youre promised iowa levels of heavy but get a song that rips off alice in chains' vocal style and soft shit

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Orphan is basically heretic anthem part 2


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Chipmunk on drugs

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I think it’s oretty badass

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Their stupid I am glad the ones daughter over dosed and died.


Its stupid also like you even know him.

That’s so uncalled for

RIP Gabby

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Agreed. Anons can/shold still show some respect.

Karma will bite his ass, if he can even have kids

Wonder if she ever did anal ?


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Respect for those pieces of garbage

pretty keen im just hoping it's more enjoyable than grey chapter and i have a feeling it will.

i push my fingers into my ass
it's the only thing that slowly stops the crave
if it turns me on

pretty dank

Was gunna give it a listen but then I heard the lyrics to one of their songs that said "wouldn't kill myself to save my soul" and I am here like shut the fuck up Corey if you kill yourself you go to hell you wouldn't save shit. So fuck Slipknot support smaller better bands, not these washed up 40 something opiod addicted fuckheads

you're absolutely correct how about we turn this into a new TOOL album thread?
Who's keen?

No goddamnit Tool sucks ass too