What does Yea Forums think of my gf?
What does Yea Forums think of my gf?
I looked at her pictures and got Hep C. Thanks
She's hot
Cute post more
We think that that's not actually your gf lel
Nice ass
hey look it's taylor swift
have fapped to her before, keep posting
I would love to get blown by her
When? When I posted her the other night?
In my underwear
More ass
Really hot
>I'd fuck
Those tattos though, how do you di it ? They are a travistey if ive ever seen one.
Any vids or gifs
Amazing ass more
Holy Fuck
I agree, every-girl I been with has retarded ass tattoos.
Why are you even on here? you should be blowing load up that pieces nose right now. then after her asshole.
My fav thing abt her though. she has an iud
So does mine and i just put some little homies in her ill give a few hour to sleep then she's gonna chug before i go to bed.
I lo-key hate how tattos are the norm now. Cuz people arr living so in the moment nowadays that they just say"this will make a good tatto let me get it" and it createa a comodity and their body becomes an abstract peice of art with fucked imagery.
I love that all these retards are going to regret it so much.
I am a very artistic person I just can't get behind it. art is very trendy and styles, moods and meanings can change and evolve. You could get a tattoo next thing you know its a meme. A lot of things I have been interested in my life is a phase because things do not age well..
Raid these fucking pedo’s
More of her pussy user
Well art is subjective so the relativity of things not aging well is all subjective. Yeah im an artistic fag too.
Idk how this thread is not blowing up op if this is truly ur gf good fucking job rip those tats though. Bump it up.
She is a goddess, any more??
heroin addict
She looks great, I'm happy for you user.
fat horrible skin
pretty much the ideal body type and her face is gorgeous too. She will remain looking good for a long time, and probably be hot as an older woman. Her boobs wont become yucky and her body will remain naturally skinny with a nice booty and nice shoulders, etc
are these trash tats real
Op is dating an art hoe, lucky bastard
That face, would cum on
just make sure to treat her like a fucktoy in bed, and nod your head and agree with her in public
i think she's a disgraceful whore for taking such lewd pictures.
anyone who respects this cow is a degenerate, desperate retard.
She’ll cheat on you with a nigger
This but unironically
More face op
I'd pee in her butt