How do we stop degeneracy like this happening to Millennials and Zoomers?

How do we stop degeneracy like this happening to Millennials and Zoomers?

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you don't

most will kill themselves later on or raise kids that hate their retarded ideology similar to how their parents raised/didn't raise them. Life is a pendulum. The extremes will eventually see it swing away

Lol what a fag that guy is

boomers being retarded, what else is new, also that guy is gay as fuck

ok bye OP

Cant, at least zoomers are the fun degenerates and not the gross kind of degenerates

I'm glad I don't live in an area where people look like that, I would never stop laughing and would probably die from an asthma attack.

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Can you explain how his hair color/style affects you? Thanks.

dude does what he wants and gives no shits what whiny internet people think. that's aces as far as i'm concerned. unless, i guess, he's like some sort of instagram influencer or some shit. in that case, then, you and he can both go to hell.

Because it's a cry for attention from a pathetic old fag and therefore it makes me cringe. I'm guessing you don't understand this because you tuck in your pee pee and dance around in mummy's nightgown?

Let people do whatever they want you retard, yes it's a call for attention why should that bother you? Crying because someone else is doing something you don't approve of is idiotic

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Yeah. I'm glad, too.

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>20-something thinks he's a Gen Xer for no reason

You can't. College makes men in to pussies.

Kids have life too easy. They don't have to do shit, and expect everything handed to them for free. Until we have a large scale conflict which would require a draft, we have no means of culling the weak other than their involuntary celibacy.

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I am letting him. Could you explain how I'm preventing him from doing what he wants? I'm allowed to have an opinion just like him. My opinion just happens to be that I think he looks like a fucking idiot. The world will go on regardless.

Is that the Mario Theme Spaz?

I can't tell if this girl is unattractive because of the way she's moving or because of her broad shoulders

You have good facial recognition skills. Yes, it is him.

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What are you trying to say?

This has got to end.

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The people who want this to happen have saved money for thousands of years and have been planning this for thousands of year.

You're basically asking how an ant can stop a bolder

Well you got me there, you're not preventing them you just seem to like to complain about other peoples choices to perhaps find someone who agrees with you so you can feel validated, carry on

The I-gore stare gave him away.

I-gore? I don't know what that means, but it sounds weird. Could you explain what that means?

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You'd have to watch Young Frankenstein.

user is a pewdiepie kinda guy

That hatchet guy tat on his hand looks like a Swastika

Oh, I see, you meant the name Igor. I hadn't seen the movie that guy was from, so I didn't get the reference, at first.

>complain about other people's choices

Literally what you're doing at this exact moment. Good job trying to analyze me though. I'm sure that really gives you the validation you're after as well.

Can it low-key become the new symbol?

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What validation? I couldn't care less if other people think you're a retard too

Recreational drug "culture" needs to end, too.

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If yall nerds got ur way everyone would be a potato neckbeard

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All culture should end, one big meteorite hits us and we're back in square one

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That's easy, once it goes legal the rebels won't care anymore. Give it a few years and they'll get bored of it..or move to heroin and od

You just don't understand. What a cuck.

What exactly don't I understand friend?

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Dub dubs speaks the truth. They already in white make up. Don’t worry AOC will make people think it’s real

Is that symbol actually a Juggalo thing, or just that guy's personal tattoo or paint going on?

I’m 31 but I don’t have long pink hair and act like a faggot. What am I? I’m still not up to date on boomers, Zoomers, and millennials.

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It’s a juggalo symbol

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Are Juggalos usually pretty chill, decent people?

Am I the only one who flashed on Donald Sutherland in Kellys Heroes? Woof woof.
Whats old is new again.

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I say we take anyone born born between 2000-2010 and toss them into WoodChippers...then have the old folks start over

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old folks are the reason new folks are shit, new folks are the reason things are shit and will be the reason the generation after them will be even shittier

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No clue never met one I just knew what the symbol was

Patrick Fullmer. NYC

Varies. Some of em are really fucking cringe. I've met a few that seem like relatively normal, wholesome Christians though.

OK, thanks for clearing the symbol.

They sound like decently normal people, maybe even better than that in some instances, but just very obsessed music group fans. I understand that.

It's creepy as phuque and I wouldn't let him babysit a small animal. Other that that, kewl.