Alright Yea Forums what the fuck is this. Appeared 2 days ago, throbbing. Hurts to touch. Feels good when run under cold water
Alright Yea Forums what the fuck is this. Appeared 2 days ago, throbbing. Hurts to touch...
When did you get a seal's penis OP?
Medfag here sorry to inform you that you have aids
its brain cancer, your fucked, just live it u w coke and hookers cuz u aknt got much time. do the things youve always dreamed of, yknow. ask that girl out, go skydiving, ride a motorcycle, steal a car, rob a bank. rape your mom, kill your father. just do the stuff anyone would do but never does because they dont know life is gonna end soon
that could be an infection. Get it checked out.
IDK, man... It looks like cancer to me. And I'm an Army medic.
It will slowly get bigger until it completely envelops you. You literally have to chop that limb off to save yourself.
Thumb aids. You will be dead within a week if you dont amputate the arm
Blood blister. Heat a needle until it glows and pop it. Bactine on a Band-Aid
Blood blister.
Why are you wasting time on Yea Forums? See a doctor immediately. also nice digits
Pop it
Came here to post this.
Op post pics after you pop.
looks like a blood blister, though you must have been seriously warped to get one that big and not remember
Did you hit or pinch that part of your thumb? If so blood blister. Harmless. Pop it fag.
If no, brown recluse bite. Harmful. Thumb necrosis will follow shortly. Fag.
I'm a 4th level alchemist.... It's aids
a fast spreading form of cancer or a simple blood blister
You got a planters wart frozen to remove it and this is the blood blister. You know exactly what it is OP
I'm a Navy Seal medic and it looks like aids
and im a walmart doctor, its definitely cancer
OP see
this is the answer you're looking for
You guys are washouts who couldn't hack it. Who cares what you think.
I went to webmd school and it's lupus
Dr. House called and he wants his diagnosis back
This is Feinderbuschenbier. If you don't remove the thumb your balls will become raisins and your penis will implode