What is the most fucked up thing you want to do sexually?

What is the most fucked up thing you want to do sexually?

>Mfw I want to eat a shit ton of spicy food and have sex on a toilet while fiery diaharea comes spewing out my ass

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I'd like to have sex with an attractive woman, with all the lights out, under the covers, in the missionary position, for the purpose of procreation.

You fucking degenerate

have my brother's baby

I wanna bone in a hot tub full of orbeeze

i want to impregnate multiple wives and give them everything they need to bave happy fulfilling lives, and give the children a safe environment to grow up in, then reward my wives with sex when they are good mothers.

mem cant have babys

op says what we want to do

i want to fill my asshole with orbeez


>I wanna feed girls baked goods containing my cum.
>Impregnate all of my wife's friends.
>Drug my wife's friend and fuck her in front of my wife.
>Fuck my ex and her sister in a threesome.
>Kidnap a girl and drug and brainwash her into being a willing sex slave who bears my offspring.
>Fuck my daughter's friends behind everyone's back.
>Have a daughter and groom her like Craster to be a lifetime sex toy.
Pretty much covers it.

I wanna cream pie both my neighbour's wives in either side of me and knock them up but not tell the husbands. Even though they dont know, i'll still be surrounded by family

So many situations

>Rape random slut on the street
>Knock her ass up
>Tell her she’s mine now

>Find the drunk passed out whore at a party
>She’s already covered and filled with cum
>Just go balls deep in there, zero fucks given

>Watch multiple guys (5-20) fuck my girl
>They can cum anywhere they want
>Fuck her while the last few spray their loads on her pretty face and perfect tits

>Have my girl tie me up, gag me with her soaked panties, put nipple clamps on me, and peg me till I squirm with pleasure
>MFW we have that planned for Thursday

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I want to fuck my wife covered in someone elses blood. Preferably we cut them open together and have them watch us fuck in they're gore as they bleed to death.

Find a really super-innocent teen girl & stalk her to learn when she will all alone somewhere outdoors, like evening jogging on a trail in the park.
A devout Catholic school girl would be perfect.
Then I would:
1. Sneak up behind her and cover her nose and mouth with my hand.
2. Wait while she struggles until she passes out from near suffocation.
3. Drag her into the woods to a site that I've already chosen and prepared.
4. Strip her completely nude and tie her hands and feet behind her around a tree.
5. Slip a noose tied with a slipknot over her head and around her little smooth throat.
6. Throw the other end of the rope over a low hanging tree limb.
7. Slap her a couple of times to jar her into full consciousness.
8. Slide my cock into her pussy and begin to slowly fuck her.
9. Pull slowly on the rope stretching her lovely neck and tightening the noose.
10. Stop pulling periodically to let her get a breath and give her a false sense of hope.
11. Just a minute before I cum inside her pull on the rope one final time.
12. See the look of disbelief on her face as she drools, unable to swallow or breathe.
13. Push my cock all the way inside her, gazing at her purple face, as her eyes fully widen and roll around while her tongue bulges through her lips.
14. Finally cum inside her from the feeling of the inside of her pussy spasming uncontrollably and her bladder releasing its warm contents all over my cock.
15. Enjoy her distant cross-eyed death stare knowing the confusion, terror and shame she felt in her final moment.

Raise kids and make life better
What do you want to do user?

this is quite possibly the cringiest cringe that ever cringed.
well done user kek.

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I want to have a gang bang.


you need help dude

>you need help dude
Why is that?
Is it just because I want to sneak into a cute little devout Mormon teen girl's house when she's all alone...., and then:
1. Sneak up behind her and chloroform her.
2. Put her on the bed.
3. Strip her completely nude.
4. Tie her hands behind her back with an 20 inch long cord so her hands are still at her sides.
5. Turn her on her back so that she was facing up.
6. Wait for her to wake up.
7. Tell her that she is going to die and the last thing she will feel is my cock inside her.
8. Start fucking her very slowly while beginning to tighten my hands around her throat.
9. Keep fucking her slowly, only loosening my grip long enough for her to get a tiny breath periodically and not die yet.
10. Right before I'm ready to cum, fully tighten the strangle and look into her face as her tongue protrudes, her eyes cross & her face turns purple.
11. At the moment she begins to have that final distant stare, cum deep inside her pussy as it twitches & spasms from her final death throes.
12. Revel in knowing that the last thing she felt was terror, surrender and my hot cum filling her pussy.

These are perfectly normal impulses for any virile male to have, user.

I'm glad you'll never be able to fulfill these fantasies. Good luck dying alone and unsatisfied

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>the cringiest cringe that ever cringed.


>imagine taking these posts seriously
wtf is wrong with you people?
this is some god-tier cringeposting like i haven't seen here in years and worthy of becoming copypasta.
relax and enjoy it for what it is... pure lulzy cringe.