Don't give me your hand-me-down waifu

Don't give me your hand-me-down waifu
It don't wear the same
I want waifu that looks good on
With a fit that screams my name
Yeah, I was afraid-

Of becoming a casual businessman
On matters of the heart
Of becoming a casual businessman
Or something even worse

Attached: isako16.jpg (255x255, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

her name is hatoba tsugu, she's a virtual youtuber you can find her videos here:
hmmm i really like the way she uploads the things she likes, even if it seems really mundane on the surface.
y-yeah i guess so
nope. nothing from this season caught my eye
oh wait how could i forget i watched two seasons of avatar the last airbender
that is true! i hope it remains so for you as long as possible :)

Attached: DdJtAq0U0AEDJ-B.png orig.png (480x655, 149K)

still here

Attached: Smug.jpg (1920x1080, 149K)

Attached: yui-smoking00-a0.png (566x589, 829K)

Attached: Ritsu 1557.jpg (4096x4096, 743K)

Dogfucker here, how is everyone?

Attached: Thicc blond.png (756x1300, 745K)

She quet expressive

Attached: adorable-seras-victoria-seras-victoria-hellsing-alucard-female-vampire-E06f4708cb51a522c48d6b8d2e2b6 (463x810, 42K)

same for you and wow! I tried to play wow a while back with some peeps but i couldnt get into it

Attached: 1471393721536.png (2400x2084, 1.61M)

Attached: Check.gif (365x359, 1.2M)

I can't get into MMO's myself. I like single player games more.

Attached: Drugged fucking.jpg (827x1169, 163K)

Have we met?

Attached: 20190713_110719.jpg (189x189, 18K)

lots and lots of art to pick from.
ehh im super into one but ive tried others and they werent as fun.

Attached: 1451402731977.jpg (1000x954, 498K)

I get that. I guess I don't get into games that much since I got a bit older. Mostly because I hate being charged for things that should just be gameplay unlockables.

Attached: Bat Milf.jpg (1063x1675, 118K)

There is alot of Seras too, but very little is good

Attached: 1424141714139.jpg (800x450, 153K)

i wish i saved more project files

Attached: WhenDoWeGetGFs.jpg (584x856, 352K)

Tell me something interesting about you

Attached: images (1) (4).jpg (225x225, 8K)

Why aren't you on discord

Attached: fcc9757fed197915e2c8eee08dc41574.jpg (568x798, 114K)

hey there
im good, had a quick day at work and ive been playin vidya ever since
how about yourself?
thank you
i got into it back in 2008, so ive got quite a bit invested in it now.... i still only play off and on though

Attached: DjdqrP1V4AAHybU.jpg orig.jpg (1140x1309, 197K)

Aegis claimed.

Attached: 5dd38e2d3253c9ef8d28e19936ac2a1e.png (800x1236, 1.15M)

I play a ton of them. Some are worse than others in that respect.
I mean it is older so not as much in peoples minds and all that
something interesting happen?

Attached: 1466394699117.jpg (688x971, 298K)

i like Yui and (fash/)vaporwave imagery
not feeling it
nice poster

Attached: 1552006741385-3.jpg (850x478, 155K)

Is there something about her personality you find appealing or relatable

Attached: 73829836_p13.jpg (1856x950, 1009K)

Can I talk to you here?

Attached: d1a4b8cae8535ae3437b7c9fb415da69.jpg (600x600, 135K)

Plenty of things but Im sure you can find that sort of thing in any character really.

Attached: 1507435725384.jpg (451x640, 46K)

i-i won't press too much or anything though, no worries
yea! so i'm not gonna sleep. it's dark anyways, i have trouble sleeping when it's dark..
although doing nothing is really mentally taxing..
that's alright, i'm not much of a seasonal watcher myself.. i havent watched any anime in a while regardless
yea, have you been enjoying that?
hey how's it going

Attached: v2.jpg (984x1400, 1.05M)

Are you still on drugs mate?

Attached: B1B2651D-D7C8-4748-B95C-A8D0108E2AD6.png (1600x1200, 205K)

Cool I too find it AESTHETIC

Know any good Vaporwave playlists?

Attached: seras-victoria-seras-victoria-hellsing-ultimate-hellsing-ova-anime-manga-anime-E8afb3aeeff692d96065a (500x676, 45K)

I'm good just working on a story. What game are you playing?

I get that.

Attached: 1b863d1cf78a7e8873e3f0249ec4af38.jpg (960x720, 406K)

hello hello, I love you all

i was thinking about escaping soon
i wish
i do, too. i really love it. it's a hobby of mine
no, sorry.

Attached: Gamers,.jpg (1200x820, 803K)

hello hello, I hate you all >:( >:( >:(

well waaay back in the earlier days i was an idiot and compromised my account security, so i stopped playing for a while, and ever since then ive never really stuck to playing it, i always get bored eventually
i think the nice poster here is you :)
you can always ask anything youd like, i just reserve the right not to answer :)
hmmm... i-i guess thats okay then?? not like i can stop you anyways :)
you should find a thing!
well i am a seasonal watcher. sort of, when im in the mood. i have no idea, i make everything up as i go.
i have! its as good as i remember, maybe better. book 1 is still very slow though. but i love toph she's my favorite character
i see, well good luck! i hope it turns out well
im playing world of warcraft

Attached: Da0M1vVUwAIXiwp.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 268K)

Yeah I guess so

I think what character you find relatable sais alot about the real you.

Tomo seems introverted to me are you an introvert

Attached: seras_victoria_color_by_th3_inf3cted-d527cu0.jpg (600x696, 93K)

can i fuck one of ur doggies?

Pure genius!!!

I thought you said you don't like being vague
I don't know what that means
Our conversation last night was nice

Attached: 0d197cbba6ac0071de56070578382724.png (1600x1000, 1.03M)

Hi pooch pounder

Attached: AshamedInstructiveBushbaby-size_restricted.gif (500x281, 568K)


Thank you! I hope you have fun with it.

Attached: Short stack doll ref.jpg (1560x1380, 133K)

puppy pumper

dog dogger

i do not like paying for a sub but its such a fun game soooo worth?
rip account
Sometimes. I guess it just says more about what I like. She is. Yeah thats a fair assessment.

Attached: 1394387115915.jpg (442x351, 62K)

fido fiddler

What is she like?

Attached: 75046668_p1.png (1815x2517, 1.78M)

youre very welcome and thank you!
oh i guess i forgot to say i got the account back.
and im less dumb now so i havent lost it again since

Attached: DbPJRyBUMAAGtiD.jpg orig.jpg (1600x2048, 370K)

Attached: oool.jpg (1024x1449, 322K)
i just used a different synonym for "leaving"
i was thinking about leaving soon
it was beautiful

Attached: Despacito.jpg (900x885, 400K)

Can I help you?

Hello! How goes it? Are you still working on your comic?

Attached: 55b52cc4bea23996b09bab24fa1b0339.jpg (646x736, 66K)

we know

top or bottom?

this is a fair description tho she has progressed a bit seeing as the mango has been running for quite a while at this point.
well thats good id flip if i lost my account

Attached: 54239857928374.jpg (605x325, 63K)

I just got my final grade back

I got an 82% in particle physics

Attached: 1528219693191.jpg (1181x1071, 236K)

yes by letting me turn ur dog's fortune cookie into a creampie

pretty good

Leaving /waifu/?
That song has a nice texture to it

Attached: Mai71.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

congratulations, friend!

Newest progress

I'm going to make her outfit/body tomoro

Got a few ideas

Attached: sketch-1565139391705.jpg (1200x1920, 288K)



Attached: 0e4eb17ab2895a6c5fcdb404b0d13bbe.jpg (1038x2000, 770K)

that's really good
good job.
leaving the thread
i like it a lot, thanks

Attached: TeaTime.jpg (708x772, 279K)

alright, glad to hear it
what're you up to?
o-okay, i will keep that in mind
i'm not sure x.x
i tried a few things, they were hard so i stopped, s-sorry
i've pretty much never watched a seasonal, i much prefer binge watching
it's been a long while since i've watched, but i've also been thinking about rewatching it for a bit too.. toph is probably my favorite too, followed very closely by iroh. but it's been a while, i'd have to rewatch to really say

Attached: (706x900, 1.05M)

oh, okay
are you planning on going online on Discord later?

Attached: Mai157.png (750x615, 458K)

How is the discord versus the Yea Forums threads?

Attached: 7b1c818c8cc57c12ebafa995c4e56aa5e32d6937.jpg (944x819, 198K)

I did not know that there was one specifically for waifu!

there isn't

I see!

I don't use any Discord servers, I just talk to people through DMs

Also, do you need a cigarette?

Attached: a6330d8f00c1ddbb90096a2db54d9339.jpg (622x621, 254K)

i hope youre feeling alright friend :)
haha, yeah... i did. ive played at least a little bit in every expansion since, but never went as hard as i first did so long ago
please do
well it doesnt matter, as long as youre doing what you truly wish to be doing :)
oh, fair enough. ive seen a few that way. i dont really like it i guess but it gives me things to do sprinkled through the week
that is a patrician's tier list youve got there friend. you should! its good.

Attached: DbTnF2sU0AAVbMy.jpg orig.jpg (768x768, 50K)

there is

My mistake, I thought there was one. :(

Attached: Demon butt.jpg (900x1547, 82K)

I see.
I see!
I see.

Attached: icy.jpg (275x183, 8K)

I hear a lot of people like it a lot less lately too

Attached: 1465855863330.gif (720x405, 202K)


Attached: D0xumxFWkAEQKz3.jpg (888x1200, 100K)

Only trannies use discord.

no can do ask others


This is a character I have been working on.

She is introduced in the story as as an experienced mercenary, working odd jobs on the frontiers of civilization, bounty hunting, and some assassination work is hoe she makes a living.

She puts on a facade of being in it all for herself, but is always sure to leave every place she comes to better than how she found it. She wont hesitate to risk her life for what she believes to be right or just.

An introverted, and contemplative. She put much though into everything she sais and does so very little. even though she keeps her distance from people and avoids making personal relationships with people, she really is very lonely and would like nothing more than to find a place she could live her life peacefully, and with people she cares for, yet she has very good reasons that makes that an impossible dream.

Attached: sketch-1565053741573.png (1200x1920, 1.51M)

Sup queer

Attached: imgbin-shinobu-oshino-monogatari-series-kizumonogatari-onimonogatari-shinobu-1gKqZCdfQEiWD2a8hvuEBKD (728x868, 80K)

Eh it's fine. If it's that big of a secret, I'm better off not bothering.

Attached: 9f2cf6fc86a1a2641c80ca5ce755d432a7b91fb8.jpg (608x860, 96K)

Sup schizo

Nice so far but have you thought about what really is going to draw your viewers to her?

Attached: Buttt model.png (1300x2580, 1.3M)

y-yeah, theyve been doing some stuff in the past few expansions that people have sort of disagreed with
i dunno i dont really play it enough for all that i dont think

Attached: DbEw5NVVwAAtb2S.png orig.png (800x1200, 336K)

why are you thinking about leaving?
you're welcome will do!
i'm not sure what i truly wish to be doing ;-;
yea i guess it is nice in that aspect, something to kind of look forward to and stuff
thanks, y-you too. i should! but even watching stuff has gotten kind of hard recently..

Attached: __koito_yuu_and_nanami_touko_yagate_kimi_ni_naru_drawn_by_nakatani_nio__91d44d5e9d2e7eef45487df70c24 (1178x800, 363K)

ah creative stuff like that isnt my strong suit good on ya tho.
any big thing people point to?

Attached: 1555017773706.jpg (850x686, 328K)

Her actions

And what she said to another character I'm working on

Attached: ezgif-5-f913525d03a6.jpg (600x973, 105K)

not schizo

watcha been up to?

Attached: 42346784645234.jpg (198x255, 9K)

just had some pizza and doing some phone game. sup with you?

Attached: 1465646646012.png (231x149, 26K)

what kinda pizza

sorry, 'truly' was a bit of a red herring. do you wish to be here, in this thread?
yeah, and it works sometimes, if its something i really like, like one punch man season 2 and stuff, but it usually doesnt and i drop stuff after one or two episodes
thats fair, i understand.
hmmm nothing worth taking the time to explain right here right now, but there's kind of a general move towards more 'random' rewards, as in gear with randomly generated stats instead of fixed, specific pieces, and some reward structures that invalidate other kinds of things
something like that.

Attached: DccETm0VAAEMP8D.jpg orig.jpg (2048x2048, 757K)

:) :) :) :) :) :)

im tired, ac broke yesterday so it was hot af and couldnt sleep much last night, making some tendies rn tho

Attached: d30d2ae06e0bf0d681955e98ff9d6ba5.jpg (236x280, 11K)

Attached: isako18.jpg (255x255, 17K)

pepperoni and black olive pizza was gud.
ah yeah that would be an annoying change.
sounds like a blast. been playing any games?

Attached: 1472259487809.png (800x1100, 325K)

not big on olives personally but it sounds real nice right now

been playing alot of minecraft lately with jules and yunob, also played some league today cause i hate myself

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Basically she has been a loner for nearly two years, and ends up running into a close friend she believed to be dead. Relieved that he survived she joins the band of mercenaries he has been gathering. That is what instigate the primary narritive into action.

I think I will have an ark with her as a loner to introduce the basics of the setting and her character.

Attached: c4819d8fcba76c4e6fdff325812cf22b--anime-fantasy-fantasy-art.jpg (236x236, 16K)

yeah not many people get down on them
sounds chill. how is the manetheon changes?

Attached: 7532562375.jpg (862x816, 216K)

yay smiles
n-no it's fine, i got it.. i do, yea, but i also kind of want to melt into my bed or something
alright, well it's nice you can find stuff like that
ahh i wish i had the energy and motivation and whatnot to do stuff
sorry you probably dont want to hear this stuff though..

Attached: mpv-shot0012.jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

idk its not out yet, i think they just put it on the pbe the other day, you still playing games with faglord and his minions?

Attached: 2308479204.jpg (873x702, 24K)

Attached: KaoSlep.gif (500x281, 1.02M)

Attached: superthumb.png (300x250, 74K)

am just sitting. doing phone game atm since they started an event.

Attached: 1423746281735.png (600x800, 202K)

did yuu make a discord yet?

nice thumbnail swap, gross phone game

Attached: 11296729_686325088162196_1132294716_n.jpg (480x480, 26K)

have you watched haibane renmei?

is chill.

Attached: 1478847712199.png (510x546, 90K)

Attached: a9d17c79d565e02a4f9e94a9080d9ea8.jpg (1266x2048, 280K)

I made a discord

Attached: 2151843.jpg (600x426, 57K)

stop pretending to be me

Attached: (´・ω・`).jpg (605x630, 239K)

theyre great
i see... have you tried melting?
y-yeah, thats true....
no its alright, you can tell me whatever you want
goodnight, sleep well
my instincts tell me ill feel really bad if i watch it...

Attached: DbPLBllVwAA6Qmh.jpg orig.jpg (853x661, 51K)

is shit, i got my chicken

Attached: 1503732556255.jpg (758x426, 28K)


Attached: CF417756-872A-450E-AFB0-96EF08D9A613.png (750x1334, 2M)

I am me tho
nou and cool.

Attached: 54728245787.jpg (373x373, 47K)

>tomoko will never make you take deep breaths through her stinky pale toes and infect your lungs with her smell, giving you her feet induced pneumonia

Attached: tomokofeets.jpg (1200x1710, 630K)

Attached: 3.jpg (720x720, 108K)

imagine being that pillow

Attached: tumko pillow.jpg (355x259, 19K)

did you get out of the fairy zone yet

Attached: 1492770046448.jpg (480x480, 34K)

only if thats where my feet were at. tomoko footsies sounds fun
nope will fire up the game here soon i think tho

Attached: 1547158433088.jpg (657x1200, 255K)

i haven't, no.. too scary
yea! you're great too
n-no, because im busy talking to you
what are you apologizing for?
ehh, well it seems kind of sad and stuff..
y-yea your instincts may be right.. i really liked it myself

Attached: zlu6gzdgu0d31.png (703x1000, 603K)

you should discuss tomo feet with me.

I think there was another person who liked her feet here but hes long gone.

Attached: tomoko_kuroki_by_femdva_dd2l62p-fullview.jpg (1280x2304, 203K)

Attached: isako19.jpg (255x255, 21K)


Fuckin weirdos.

Attached: Disgusting.jpg (800x600, 75K)

Not much to discuss.

Attached: 1478417797878.png (465x550, 137K)

t-thank you
i wish you could do both
b-being lucky
well, i once looked at a piece of character art for it and cried for a while.
it definitely seems like something id be interested in, b-but....
i-i guess im just a hypocrite at the end of it....

Attached: DYk5TZSU0AAjLeL.jpg orig.jpg (1450x2048, 101K)


Attached: capturee..png (239x43, 5K)

i havent played in like a week, ive still been getting that weird shit happening with my eyes occasionally and im worried it might trigger it again

whats scary about it?

Attached: b3bccdc549121a57d48fd083aa2cee57.jpg (360x500, 41K)

i just like the legwear and thats about it.
Might be time for some gaming glasses? The colors might be doing it or something

Attached: 007.jpg (600x860, 155K)

very mean.

I have no one to discuss tomo feet with.

Attached: tomoko smelly.jpg (540x960, 49K)

idk i went and got my eyes checked and doc said there was nothing wrong with them, i might need to go see regular doc about what else could be causing it

Attached: 4ecc4a389cd169074b98f084d6c04c68.jpg (540x577, 43K)

because you are weird about it
going blind then already old man?

Attached: 1452483480613.jpg (1000x1000, 266K)

who wouldn't want to die from sniffing pungent tomoko feet?

Attached: tomokofeeeeeeeeeet.jpg (1024x683, 121K)

Attached: isako20.jpg (255x255, 20K)

i just said theres nothing wrong with my eyes.......
need to ask doc if i could have some other problem causing it

Attached: D42.jpg (480x658, 48K)

Id rather live with her like a normal person.
i just wanted to take a joke at ya

Attached: 452843798743.jpg (850x1457, 178K)

She will try to force you to sniff her biohazardous feet eventually.

Does she even clip her toenails?

Attached: __kuroki_tomoko_watashi_ga_motenai_no_wa_dou_kangaetemo_omaera_ga_warui_drawn_by_mironomeo__6930339d (533x800, 81K)

she's canonically clean you retarded footfag

She wont and she bathes frequently.

Attached: 902394893257.png (635x789, 184K)

Attached: sad tomo.png (600x700, 170K)

eh, idk if i wanna go to bed early tonight or not, its finally getting back down to a comfortable temp in my room

Attached: 1523287588019.jpg (600x780, 47K)

in a swamp maybe

Attached: tumko37.jpg (730x464, 68K)

i mean you are tired yeah?

Attached: 1477931061640.jpg (480x600, 29K)


give me all the tumko pics you have

Attached: tumko14.jpg (341x225, 10K)

yea ive had a bit of a headache all day too, but i dont wanna wake up early af tomorrow

Attached: DEyAsqhXcAAkWjv.jpg (1200x510, 60K)

thats a lot.
well idk what to tell ya

Attached: 3425625783252.jpg (850x850, 93K)

i went through the entire manga to get pics of her feets.

Attached: tumko4.jpg (359x545, 40K)

i dont doubt that

Attached: 1555739298636.png (790x501, 111K)

aw come on. Doesn't the tumko like my devotion?

Attached: tomoko.gif (500x281, 145K)

eh, what should i play?

Attached: 1503721245986.jpg (960x540, 62K)

its too obsessive on feet id say,
idk what sounds good??

Attached: 1472337164951s.jpg (125x70, 2K)

Damn, Tomo is nasty as ever

Attached: SabeR341.jpg (850x1202, 293K)

sup nyan

Out of all the names to give me. Why nyan?

Attached: SabeR254.jpg (2048x1538, 195K)

yep. She likes to make people breathe in her feet scent so they get infected with it. Bad girl.


Attached: sadtomo.png (488x697, 249K)

go make out with your dad

My problem is, I'm dumb
This I might overcome
I just wanna punch whoeeever lead


Attached: isako4.jpg (255x255, 12K)

Attached: 573-1girl 2015 allo_selene bangs black_gloves black_legwear blunt_bangs character_name dated dress f (1000x1118, 613K)

ashamed of your old identity or something

Hi, is this the 2D feet thread?

Attached: 7A8ABA1E-1AAE-430C-ABAA-A0396BC68123.jpg (850x1065, 95K)

idk, maybe i'll go play more league til i wanna kms

Attached: 1505547023778.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

sure is, fill 'er up


Attached: 450.png (360x450, 219K)


Let the smell infect all the air uwu

Attached: tummkogivingthepillothestink.jpg (850x700, 73K)

Shit, I posted the wrong song.

Attached: isako10.jpg (255x255, 16K)

No wonder its so hard to breathe in this thread! 5 century unwashed vampire feets!

Attached: __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_fkey__d643419f06bf6a30f9a61440df58969c.jpg (1200x1659, 273K)

no fuck off

you're going to get hit again slow it down

Sheesh man.. that's disgusting. U'd get along with cirno quite well. He loves feet.
Can't, fuck ain't around.
I don't even know what nyan is. Is that a waifu? My old identity has nothing to do with nyan u dumbfuck.

Attached: SabeR884.jpg (1673x2605, 434K)

so right when the round starts?

Attached: 1475044620033.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

not even a good liar. where's the /adv/ thread at?

NEEED to discuss feets with him. Cirno's feet stink too.

those flowers in the background are a good analogy of tumko's feet stink.

Attached: cirno the feet.jpg (474x474, 33K)

pretty much

Attached: 1505548216499.jpg (513x770, 69K)

Nor do I know what kind of thread or board that is.
Did this nyan hurt you badly my lil user?
You are the worst..

Attached: SabeR171.png (1145x1852, 1.67M)


Attached: 1514078697719.png (933x1393, 51K)

very mean

nup. Thread's already infected with stinky girlfeet.

Attached: tomokofeet.jpg (850x601, 127K)

c'mon don't dodge questions. how's toobs doing?

Do you have a problem with cute anime feet?

Attached: 790B88FB-F0D1-472C-B23B-F865EC6BFD83.jpg (4093x2417, 710K)

canonically clean

canonically clean

match start is always the worst

Attached: 1451551184117.png (418x418, 125K)

who? boobs? I'm not your personal masturbation trainer. Go watch a porn if u want boobs.

Attached: SabeR861.jpg (1754x2480, 209K)



Attached: 2089187.jpg (424x600, 44K)

Tomoko is a stink. A STIIIIIIINK!

Attached: tumko read.jpg (1024x629, 87K)

No hard feelings, but why did you block me sometime last year for telling you that your whiteness obsession is unhealthy? Were you just fucking around? Is that your schtick? I don't get it.

Attached: isako17.jpg (255x255, 20K)

if it was trap feet you'd like it

canonically clean

damn you got me

Who let the feet fucks out again?
Also, what the fuck is a nyan and why am I that?


Attached: SabeR37.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

tell her that her sister misses her.

But why? Are you gay or something?

Attached: BED61961-530D-4066-B860-22E92B08129B.jpg (1403x1046, 143K)

Who the fuck and what sister?

Attached: SabeR24.jpg (850x1308, 171K)

she'll know who I am, don't worry.

Fine, I'll play your game. I'll do that.

Attached: SabeR66.jpg (850x679, 99K)

Are we home?

Attached: hatsune miku00038.jpg (670x581, 128K)

Attached: Natsuki 181.jpg (1644x1193, 550K)
