her name is hatoba tsugu, she's a virtual youtuber you can find her videos here: youtube.com/channel/UCGaUWM5OQ7hU1JwbqvNBR4w hmmm i really like the way she uploads the things she likes, even if it seems really mundane on the surface. :) o-okay y-yeah i guess so nope. nothing from this season caught my eye oh wait how could i forget i watched two seasons of avatar the last airbender that is true! i hope it remains so for you as long as possible :)
I get that. I guess I don't get into games that much since I got a bit older. Mostly because I hate being charged for things that should just be gameplay unlockables.
hello hello hey there im good, had a quick day at work and ive been playin vidya ever since how about yourself? thank you i got into it back in 2008, so ive got quite a bit invested in it now.... i still only play off and on though
I play a ton of them. Some are worse than others in that respect. I mean it is older so not as much in peoples minds and all that something interesting happen?
:) i-i won't press too much or anything though, no worries yea! so i'm not gonna sleep. it's dark anyways, i have trouble sleeping when it's dark.. although doing nothing is really mentally taxing.. that's alright, i'm not much of a seasonal watcher myself.. i havent watched any anime in a while regardless yea, have you been enjoying that? hey how's it going
well waaay back in the earlier days i was an idiot and compromised my account security, so i stopped playing for a while, and ever since then ive never really stuck to playing it, i always get bored eventually i think the nice poster here is you :) :) you can always ask anything youd like, i just reserve the right not to answer :) hmmm... i-i guess thats okay then?? not like i can stop you anyways :) you should find a thing! well i am a seasonal watcher. sort of, when im in the mood. i have no idea, i make everything up as i go. i have! its as good as i remember, maybe better. book 1 is still very slow though. but i love toph she's my favorite character i see, well good luck! i hope it turns out well im playing world of warcraft
i do not like paying for a sub but its such a fun game soooo worth? rip account Sometimes. I guess it just says more about what I like. She is. Yeah thats a fair assessment.
this is a fair description tho she has progressed a bit seeing as the mango has been running for quite a while at this point. well thats good id flip if i lost my account
alright, glad to hear it what're you up to? :) o-okay, i will keep that in mind i'm not sure x.x i tried a few things, they were hard so i stopped, s-sorry i've pretty much never watched a seasonal, i much prefer binge watching it's been a long while since i've watched, but i've also been thinking about rewatching it for a bit too.. toph is probably my favorite too, followed very closely by iroh. but it's been a while, i'd have to rewatch to really say
i hope youre feeling alright friend :) haha, yeah... i did. ive played at least a little bit in every expansion since, but never went as hard as i first did so long ago congrats! :) please do well it doesnt matter, as long as youre doing what you truly wish to be doing :) oh, fair enough. ive seen a few that way. i dont really like it i guess but it gives me things to do sprinkled through the week that is a patrician's tier list youve got there friend. you should! its good.
She is introduced in the story as as an experienced mercenary, working odd jobs on the frontiers of civilization, bounty hunting, and some assassination work is hoe she makes a living.
She puts on a facade of being in it all for herself, but is always sure to leave every place she comes to better than how she found it. She wont hesitate to risk her life for what she believes to be right or just.
An introverted, and contemplative. She put much though into everything she sais and does so very little. even though she keeps her distance from people and avoids making personal relationships with people, she really is very lonely and would like nothing more than to find a place she could live her life peacefully, and with people she cares for, yet she has very good reasons that makes that an impossible dream.
y-yeah, theyve been doing some stuff in the past few expansions that people have sort of disagreed with i dunno i dont really play it enough for all that i dont think
why are you thinking about leaving? :) you're welcome will do! i'm not sure what i truly wish to be doing ;-; yea i guess it is nice in that aspect, something to kind of look forward to and stuff thanks, y-you too. i should! but even watching stuff has gotten kind of hard recently..
:) :) sorry, 'truly' was a bit of a red herring. do you wish to be here, in this thread? yeah, and it works sometimes, if its something i really like, like one punch man season 2 and stuff, but it usually doesnt and i drop stuff after one or two episodes thats fair, i understand. hmmm nothing worth taking the time to explain right here right now, but there's kind of a general move towards more 'random' rewards, as in gear with randomly generated stats instead of fixed, specific pieces, and some reward structures that invalidate other kinds of things something like that.
Basically she has been a loner for nearly two years, and ends up running into a close friend she believed to be dead. Relieved that he survived she joins the band of mercenaries he has been gathering. That is what instigate the primary narritive into action.
I think I will have an ark with her as a loner to introduce the basics of the setting and her character.
:) yay smiles n-no it's fine, i got it.. i do, yea, but i also kind of want to melt into my bed or something alright, well it's nice you can find stuff like that ahh i wish i had the energy and motivation and whatnot to do stuff sorry you probably dont want to hear this stuff though..
:) theyre great i see... have you tried melting? y-yeah, thats true.... s-sorry no its alright, you can tell me whatever you want goodnight, sleep well n-no. my instincts tell me ill feel really bad if i watch it...
i haven't, no.. too scary :) yea! you're great too n-no, because im busy talking to you what are you apologizing for? ehh, well it seems kind of sad and stuff.. y-yea your instincts may be right.. i really liked it myself
:) t-thank you i wish you could do both b-being lucky well, i once looked at a piece of character art for it and cried for a while. it definitely seems like something id be interested in, b-but.... i-i guess im just a hypocrite at the end of it....
idk i went and got my eyes checked and doc said there was nothing wrong with them, i might need to go see regular doc about what else could be causing it
Sheesh man.. that's disgusting. U'd get along with cirno quite well. He loves feet. Can't, fuck ain't around. I don't even know what nyan is. Is that a waifu? My old identity has nothing to do with nyan u dumbfuck.
No hard feelings, but why did you block me sometime last year for telling you that your whiteness obsession is unhealthy? Were you just fucking around? Is that your schtick? I don't get it.