If she was my sister, I'd fuck that pussy.
I want to pay akari to fuck me
Let's negotiate a price. I want a soapland setting.
So you cool with 3k yen?
Oh, you're a smoker? I rescind my offer.
Do you have any cute non-smoking friends?
jesus doesnt smoke
He also doesn't have a cunny
where are all of your avatarfriends? Someone needs to come in here to defend the little girls from me
this is premo bait
Jesus died for our sins, be respectful
Not disrespecting. It's perfectly fine to not sport a cunny - but you're not my target for soapland prostitution.
why do mexicans have to die for our sins i dont get it dad
I very dubt it, i dont trust lewd lolis
Mexicans dont die for our sins, they make the sins
laugh at my meeemee!
What can I do to earn your trust?
Haha goku
I lugh
thak yu fren
Dont post lewd lolis, loli lewds are not ok
I can't help it. The trend has been set.
Besides, it's okay to lewd Momoka. It's her job. She chose this career. She has the thankless task of reducing men's prostate cancer risk from all around the world. This is what is truly means to be an idol.
Here is her blu-ray, on sale now.
Ok then, bye
dont leave me
Umm, I'm still here for you. But I'll leave if Konata comes back if she wants.
Well shit
Now I feel bad
Like I ruined the thread
Can you ever forgive me?
I spent the entire day writing and drawling
I made alot of progress on Sky's character intoductuction, and the first ark
Sky is introduced in the story as as an experienced mercenary, working odd jobs on the frontiers of civilization, bounty hunting, and some assassination work is how she makes a living.
She puts on a facade of being in it all for herself, but is always sure to leave every place she comes to better than how she found it. She wont hesitate to risk her life for what she believes to be right or just.
An introverted, and contemplative. She put much thought into everything she sais and does. even though she keeps her distance from people and avoids making personal relationships with people, she really is very lonely and would like nothing more than to find a place she could live her life peacefully, and with people she cares for, yet she has very good reasons that makes that an impossible dream
what if she gets put in a dilemma of choosing whats right and getting paid? would she choose whats right? that would be a cool scene like she is tasked to assasinate someone but it turns out its a "mother" to a group of orphans and she provides for them that kind of scene i would like to see how far she is willing to push her own vs others and what does she think is morally just. does she think its fine to take the life of someone she deems "bad" very interesting stuff
Way in thought she would go about it would be to find someone like a local warlord, who abuses their power. She would get into his good Grace's by offering to do a hit for them at a cheap price. All the while finding information on his enemies and who would pay good money to see him dead.
She would arrange to meet agree on a price and enact it. All the while the warlord thinks she is working for him.
So basically she is the one making offers and finding targets that deserve it.
Killing innocents is the last thing she wants to do, but accidents happen.
Yes she does feel justified killing people she deems evil
What she sees as evil though has a loose definition and that has ended in tragedy on more than one occasion for her.
Hey you
I would like to see her get put in a dilemma where she has to choose and maybe she finds a way around it like a warlord threatens to kill x if she doesnt kill orphans etc but then she figures out away to save both
anime nigger
Dont talk shit about my gf
im sorry
Hi sorry
She seeks to punish evil people, because she is projecting the guilt she feels into them.
She has done many evil things in her past she connot justify. She is willing to risk her life to rid the world of evil, because she believes she deserves to die regardless, so she might as well spend her life doing what she believes to be right.
This is a good and bad thing. It is very taxing on her mental health and she has begun to have bursts of ruthless violence. At this point she is in a very bad part of her life, so she comes across as almost villainous at some points.
Mabey the warlord has a family he genuinely cares for that will most likely be killed once the warlord is out of power.
Yet Skyler's sense of justice is her own she may go through with it anyway lying to herself that they deserved it because they supported their father's oppression.
She actually has a big part in her backstory that gives her a hatred of most governmental authority figures, so she would have little sympathy tbh.
Where have you been
I was thinking of a power dynamic like that.
Like a father that is good to his kids but he is horrible to others
im sorry...
Are you alright?
I am going for the edgy antihero that acts the way they do because of their difficult life, her backstory is basically how she got to that low point in her life and the rest is how she pulls herself out and finds redemption for the guilt she cannot bear
i dont know
are you?
I see
You are all left!
Basically she has been a loner for nearly two years, and ends up running into a close friend she believed to be dead. Relieved that he survived she joins the band of mercenaries he has been gathering. That is what instigate the primary narritive into action.
I think I will have an ark with her as a loner to introduce the basics of the setting and her character.
hello hello, I love you all
I like it you could have a prologue of developing her base character then in the next ark she develops as a person and grows with these new character we get to learn about whom aswell she could maybe be awkward and on the edge at first ready to fight or flight eventually becoming comfortable with these character she has grown with
hello friend! are you well tonight?
hello friend! are you well tonight?
Im doing my best today how are you?
I am also doing my best, friend
Yes she builds a great sense of friendship and responsibility for the other people in her band.
She eventually becomes their leader and then the Raven King shows up and turns everything on its head.
But that is still very vague atm
Glad you see what I'm going for
Was thinking it would feel like a Man with No Name spagetti western.
I like spaghetti do you?
Talking to Ali about my manga
No hug?
If I don't make it yes
I see! you are the art friend from waifu threads?
I do not often type hug things, I am sorry.
What kind of sauce do you like with it?
I like a tomato sauce with a bit of ricotta and some diced chicken for protein
thank you friend
That's good Aki the only person I will hug that I wont subsequently bite
I see! I am not for biting, friend.
You are good at digits
Dunno it's been awhile since I tried
Im hungry now .... but its too late to eat
Trust me Aki
You are the only one
I'm eating popcorn
Same idea here I have family over tomoro so I cant stay up tonight
I have to work in 8 hours
Go to sleep Aki
Goodnight fren
It was nice talking to you
Goodnight Aki