Just found my old finger box in my dad's basement yesterday. He died last week and we were separating the goods...

Just found my old finger box in my dad's basement yesterday. He died last week and we were separating the goods. Brought back some damn good memories. Used to carry it everywhere.

Attached: fingerbox-english-19thcent.jpg (550x382, 50K)

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Wish i could say i was as nostalgic about the ones I had growing up, but my dumb ass family kept buying me cheap ass ones so I've got like 6 or 7 beat to shit ones (nikos, a-hearn, no-name chineseium ones) polluting my apartment.

My family would always joke about my dad having an addiction to these things, he would have at least 6 in his room. We eventually convinced him to cut it down to 5

I'm a fingerbox salesman user. Ask me anything about them

Attached: fingerbox-7971.jpg (512x384, 31K)

>tfw my fingerbox went missing years ago

Attached: 980c885b36df46200c0d56cf1f9d1152819aa1e9v2_hq.jpg (1024x795, 56K)

What's the rarest model you've seen?

I’ve Got an original made by A-yo

Attached: 8C31515C-6472-4F7F-A37E-96E534723DF7.jpg (600x400, 17K)



>Finger Box or "fingerbox" is a tactile art piece created by Ay-O in the 1960s. The boxes are small hollow cubes with a hole in the side. These boxes are filled with various objects, such as hair, cotton balls, nails. It is then on the art's observer to put their fingers in the hole of the box. Online, people have used the box as a type of prank, where in which people ask about the box and others pretend to know what it is and to have owned one since childhood. When someone asks what the box is, others in the thread mock the person who asked.

What year is this?

You just googled "fingerbox" and posted the result trying to look cool? Cynical teen bitches like you should not be on this site as you must be at least 18 to visit this place you faggot.

wtf is a finger box?

probably this perfectly restored 16th century one made in Turkey that belonged to an Ottoman royalty. I saw it at a fingerbox convention once - sucker would go for millions if it was for sale, but it was just traveling around with the European Historical Society

They're great man, had one since I was a lad

FUCKING KEK... believing knowyourmeme.com and not knowing you're getting trolled, is summer over yet?

>Literally out here thinking that the know your meme page would be correct. Get a grip faggot, these are actual things

Shit man that's awesome

Not even knowing about digital fingerboxes.

Gtfo newfag!!

Attached: UT8VBeyXXxbXXagOFbXl.jpg (307x309, 11K)

Trips confirm. Almost thought it was 2005 again.

Dude you touch this shit. It's hard to explain


Attached: DqH9XGKW4AEHMzV.jpg (1159x665, 91K)

I stuck my dick in a finger box once, guess that's why they're not called a dick box

I'm not new. I've been year since 2017.

>not new

Better luck next time zoomer

supposedly someone I know claimed he saw one that belonged to Hitler, but idk, sounded kind of like bullshit

Nice trips


Sounds like bullshit but hey, who knows?

user that's new