Name my band, Yea Forums

Name my band, Yea Forums.

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Grandma's Boy and the Basement Dwellers.

Who's grandma's boy?


Church boy and the virgins

Shark boy

Quindarious Gooch

Deer in Head Lights

Six Talentless Faggots

Walmart shooter 6


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the cucks

Shorts gang

Six finger cuck punch

Butthole servers

Sexy bag


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The twisted testies

the raging faggots

The Glory Holes

Long Shorts and the Grass Stains


The School shooters

We Wear Dork Shorts

Sharkboy and the Lavagirls

Islamic Love Bandits


Shithead Stephen and the Smegmas

The Sux Pistols

Band in all 50 states

5 dads one chad

The "hey we got just one dude who wears a tank top" band

Clearance Rack

Half Lit

Who's the Chad

Bored Shorts

A Guy that is cool at parties, that Coca-Cola addict, the guy who still uses the okay hand dead meme, a Supreme Gentlemen, my Redneck uncle that wears shorts and button up shirts shirts, and a Chad in disguise as a Virgin.

Florida; The People

Neckbeard and the school shooters

The Virgin Chads

The Army of 6

six for gay orgies

trump rally fluffers

transexual donkey punch

Yea Forums and the /newfags/

Mom, I need bail again

Douche and the Tools

My wife's son's

Blacks Scare Us

Incel Hex

the soy boys


Antifa: Turd Division

Pride March Casual Friday

The Village Idiots

Beta and the Orbiters.

Black Republican Caucus



Pope's alter boipussies

penis bouncer


Generic angry white music band

virgin squad

Shark Week and The Sunscreen Ain't Cheap

Good one

Leonard Skidmarks


>Shark Weak and The Sunscreen Ain't Cheap

Is what I meant

Yay This Thread Again And The Google Image Searchers.
OP The Cock Smoking Child Raping Cancer AIDS Machine.

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panic! at the golf course

Crosby,Stills and Skinrash

The Nigger Lovers

Shithead and the Shitheads

Five Guys and a Twink

He wears t-shirts