
yon yon ni san


Attached: isako.jpg (255x255, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Aegis claimed.

Tire, yet cant sleep, wonderful.

Attached: 6a607e1e1671595817270d2844b13f93.jpg (2552x1971, 421K)

Attached: Ritsu 1557.jpg (4096x4096, 743K)

im sure. i know you can do it. and even if its not that sort of thing, i know that it will happen for you eventually :)
fine 6/94

Attached: DabJjdHUMAAGWSM.jpg orig.jpg (768x1104, 65K)

More like... /shitfu/

Attached: Check.gif (365x359, 1.2M)

Done madara posting OP?

I finished the drawling

Attached: sketch-1565139240224.png (1200x1920, 1.51M)

I like it. Looks pretty good. Reminds me of 1995 Motoko.

Attached: isako1.jpg (255x255, 22K)

Wait now its finished

Attached: sketch-1565139391705.jpg (1200x1920, 288K)

thank you.. you're really kind
m-maybe, if you keep the 94 to yourself

Attached: CRwgr3xUkAAa8u2.png (500x600, 129K)

Attached: nabiki-tendo47.gif (320x240, 1.58M)

Yeah I kindof saw that too

I think her face is more round tho

Attached: 1424141714139.jpg (800x450, 153K)

If you ce, love hobic jokes I will stab youe fa in thandemake trans peacp

Attached: fcc9757fed197915e2c8eee08dc41574.jpg (568x798, 114K)

But Yui is cute, why wouldn't I call her Onee-chan?

no i have a boyfriend

why do you think that?

leave me alone, I don't love you anymore

Erio is well-liked
I could never be like her

Attached: 16.png (1068x860, 893K)

If you respond to me Clitronella will spam the thread

But at the same time it will piss off Mai...

So do what you will...

Attached: 17.png (926x863, 875K)

youre very welcome. i-if you say so
the 94 is for you!
how's work?

Attached: DdecWhrUQAA0AsR.png orig.png (1169x858, 602K)

Attached: 4VZNrXo82d0M94ZH3.jpg (797x1080, 150K)

Attached: 4WCzPngn.jpg (1280x1080, 188K)

i know what you should do: stop posting...

Attached: 4X5.jpg (840x1080, 164K)

There we go. I like what you did with the hair. Like a blend between what you originally did, with some shapes to give it more definition.
And yeah. It's not like, 1:1 or anything. But i get the same feeling
Agreed. I think.

Attached: isako2.jpg (255x255, 23K)

You are a pirate

Attached: 372Remalicious.jpg (850x1133, 140K)

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Attached: 4xMTh7rF.jpg (1025x1080, 290K)

Attached: 4yl.jpg (764x1080, 238K)

Squirrel claimed!

Attached: bUF7X1fH_400x400.png (360x360, 175K)

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Attached: 4ZlxUZUrY8L1270.jpg (852x1080, 174K)

"I was a hitter. I couldn't express myself and I hit. I fought men and I hit women. That is why I am always on about peace, you see. It is the most violent people who go for love and peace. Everything's the opposite. But I sincerely believe in love and peace. I am a violent man who has learned not to be violent and regrets his violence. I will have to be a lot older before I can face in public how I treated women as a youngster."
-John Lennon

Attached: a6330d8f00c1ddbb90096a2db54d9339.jpg (622x621, 254K)

Attached: 5aC6Dm6Wi.jpg (763x1080, 139K)

it's the truth!
no, sounds bad
i'm feeling pretty sleepy.. help x.x
and not really doing anything either

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Ain't that the truth.

Attached: isako4.jpg (255x255, 12K)

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Attached: hearts.gif (498x250, 952K)

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These threads are still going on?

Attached: Nadeko184.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

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Attached: Mai71.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

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Attached: 5TQ49Aq5c9x78n.jpg (857x1080, 164K)

Big Mistake >:(

Attached: 5U9FWq2kJziAM.jpg (1440x1080, 223K)

Attached: 5X02ILZIy6bBY7lOw.jpg (726x1080, 170K)

Nobody cares about your spamfaggotry, except a few people stirring the pot, other than that nothing comes to par you spastic retard
>Mfw they keep making more threads
>Mfw they keep going
>Mfw they're basically cockroaches, not even nuclear warfare can stop them
Shit you're stupid pal. I use to spam these threads too, know why I stopped? Because I realized they weren't going to, and that I was wasting my time
>I also realize that I was being a fucking nigger faggot. Just like you. You stupid niggerfaggot.

Attached: nice background.jpg (750x879, 273K)

I think now that I have her head done I'm going to try to drawl themredt of her body and outfit

Attached: seras_victoria__with_colors__by_spacewaifu_dbgtumt-pre.jpg (730x1095, 90K)

Attached: 5x8hBG1Go960PN.jpg (769x1080, 163K)

Attached: 5XmOSO7lsR0OEveo.jpg (953x1080, 170K)

mi liu...

Attached: 5yUlj5.jpg (750x1080, 287K)

Attached: 5Zm56m69gC78Em.jpg (953x1080, 235K)

hello there
i-i dont know about that...
you need it more :)
you should sleep!
hello there

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Attached: 6BU9.jpg (744x1080, 240K)


Its messy...

Why even? Also who are you?



He went to sleep awhile ago, has work in the morning

Hi Murder~

Attached: Blood-chan.png (1143x841, 1.02M)

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Attached: 6i8UIxg2.jpg (828x1080, 99K)

im sorry to hear it. i hope it gets better, or if not that it at least ends soon
not much! playing vidya
how are you?

Attached: DaPtfrzUMAE93-Q.png orig.png (480x655, 359K)

Attached: 6ioqn1V.jpg (1473x1080, 358K)

look what WE did

Hello! Nice dubs

Hi cutie. It has been a long time

Attached: Nadeko69.jpg (767x807, 113K)

Attached: 6JqXgfls4F4ETI7y.jpg (1711x1080, 252K)

sup murder

Attached: 6KMr9GqiQUgtG2a3h.jpg (1419x1080, 180K)

I'm alright
H U N G R Y though

Attached: 13197653.jpg (850x1162, 189K)

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Attached: 6LRx.jpg (1175x1080, 252K)

Attached: 6MIR.jpg (1367x1080, 154K)

thank you
how are you doing today?
thats good
you should get something to eat!

Attached: DY0DtTNVAAAjwPV.jpg orig.jpg (549x714, 42K)

Attached: 6N0.jpg (817x1080, 158K)

Attached: 6N70W1o1xF.jpg (1080x1080, 115K)

>starts mass replying
u mad bro. I made that for you. don't deny me my you.

you little fagget.

>tfw you came here to shit on people and basically got shit on.

You must be just starved for attention to come online like a loser and try to be a bully or some shit.

Trolling a waifu thread is ten times more cringe then actually posting in a waifu thread. you're participating and trying harder then anyone in here.

Even now, in just this thread you have posted more then me. By a long shot.

have a good night fagget

Attached: 1552206841249.png (383x351, 267K)

I'm not trying to shit on you, but the dish washer we had never works...
I'm stuck cleaning so many heavy skillets for hours ;~;

hell yeah~

Come home
Take me to see Hobbs and Shaw
I don't wanna go alone

Attached: 335.png (964x843, 1.36M)

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Attached: 6pw4wUg0C.jpg (762x1080, 132K)


/^$/ >\d+\n){6,}/

Attached: nabiki-tendo53.png (400x322, 136K)

Attached: 6q67E40GY3LG68b6P.jpg (720x1080, 122K)

Attached: 6r23X6T.jpg (784x1080, 120K)

oh dont worry about that, i get it
do you mean the dish washing machine? (i frequently run into confusion like this haha)
if you dont have the right setup i can imagine that being a huge pain

Attached: Dh6g1i8VQAAFgDA.jpg orig.jpg (1500x1500, 156K)

Attached: 6rgue3Q134tO0476Z.jpg (1526x1080, 243K)

To the spammer. Thank you. I love the attention of seeing (you) regardless of the post

Who dis? My namesync is fucked up currently

Doing a little tired. Just got a newish job. How about yourself?

Seeing a movie with you would be lots of fun. Speaking of home, where did everyone go to after /animus/ got shut down permanently?

Attached: Nadeko93.jpg (500x700, 116K)

Attached: 6s2GuWlt610c.jpg (1775x1080, 152K)

Attached: 6S2j83Dadca64HJX.jpg (1081x1080, 133K)

well i do!
mmm, no, it's yours, and i don't
b-but that sounds hard.. and i want to talk to you! cant do that if i'm sleeping

Attached: 75823045_p8.jpg (1364x1539, 314K)

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Attached: 6Z84QV9TX.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

ain't using namesync, your filename structure is easy enough to recognize.

Attached: 6Zq.jpg (865x1080, 217K)

Attached: 2019-08-07_11-25-22.png (242x109, 4K)

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We need to wash skillets carefully by hand.
The last washer we had didn't want to clean either...
He was an illegal he was getting paid $15/hr
And he still didn't work...
We had to let him go

Are you still banned from /animus/?
We are all in limbo atm...
I think there is a Discord server but they don't want me there

He's my ex boyfriend in this community. He spams whenever someone talks to me, its great

Attached: 151.png (1195x866, 711K)

Attached: 7o5Yf8IL0S807.jpg (1073x1080, 164K)

Attached: 7OBFO5DtbXUy516.jpg (1920x1080, 186K)

Attached: 7pBG1gVd2pPixixp.jpg (745x1080, 192K)

Hello, you.

Attached: 6aab69d36d5f0983447b69b86f82b8df.jpg (652x1000, 348K)

Attached: 7uS8.jpg (580x1080, 76K)

eight chan got taken off cloudfare so there is no more website as far as I know lol

Attached: Nadeko104.jpg (650x365, 42K)

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Attached: 7xfVA4d85AvC0.jpg (874x1080, 141K)

>changing spam to get through filters


Attached: 7XSyG8t7T.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

Mora, because someone’s gotta claim a furry that’s not into anything way fucked up.

Attached: 6A2E4331-A739-47BA-9660-7C2EDB3821E0.jpg (1000x876, 162K)


Attached: 08RN.jpg (718x1080, 120K)

>He's my ex boyfriend in this community. He spams whenever someone talks to me

Attached: fjklf.png (128x128, 21K)

hey spammersan


Attached: 8gLgzyh0c.jpg (810x1080, 208K)


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Attached: 8AR509mOd180.jpg (1487x1080, 307K)

Don't grouplink me

Please be nice to me... my brother is in the thread atm


Oh thank goodness... Cloudfare was slow as shit

I know, I know shut the fuck up. It was a mistake to date him

Attached: 177.png (961x800, 1.33M)

imagine waifu threads living in your head

Attached: nice casino.jpg (1296x728, 585K)


Attached: 8Iut192v21.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)


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Attached: 8Lgr5q9ED.jpg (720x1080, 121K)

I highly doubt that.

Attached: bcb17a1b8b1fb0cb4196ef878357d6a1.jpg (900x650, 244K)

Attached: 8O1N5Jf0IOH5D.jpg (637x1080, 143K)

i wasnt laughing at you user, infact i should applaud you for hurting this man so much

Attached: 8PwZ9bp7sDRsQTvd.jpg (1080x1080, 162K)

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Attached: 8V5aET97HVCPaQ.jpg (1525x1080, 199K)

i see, i hope you can get some rest
thats good, i suppose. i hope you like it more than your last one
im good, had a very short day at work so ive mostly just been playing vidya all day
got any plans for the rest of your day?
f-fair enough....
it is wasted with me and you do!
i promise ill still be here and awake when you wake up :)
oh i understand. hmmm i wonder why? ive never heard of anything like that, although my situation is quite different im sure
oh wow, how unfortunate. thats pretty decent pay for the work.

Attached: DbM10vQVMAA8aE1.jpg orig.jpg (860x1190, 106K)

Attached: Natsuki 127.jpg (740x1035, 359K)


hello brother here.

There is a new thread

