"Gun-free zones are the problem!"

"Gun-free zones are the problem!"
>say that to the nine people who died in 30 seconds
"but more people would have died!"
>what youre really saying
"Those 9 lives were an acceptable loss, as well as victims to be shot in the future

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What I'm saying is that I don't give a shit

Those 9 lives were an acceptable loss, as well as all victims to be shit in the future.
This is a factual statement though.

Why didn’t those 9 people return fire?

>American government must never infringe upon the rights
>of its citizens to keep and bear arms, which we must do
>in order to withstand any attack by a foreign adversary
>or college students attending an engineering class.

Attached: Tree_of_Liberty.png (500x400, 21K)

Dude must have been a shitty shot.

>Benjamin Franklin: so Thomas what's your thoughts on slavery
>Thomas Jefferson: I have realized it's cheaper to make your own

Death is good. The world is too crowded.

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Center mass for fucks sake.

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Patriots are a lump some of all those things.


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Not too bad


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Friendly reminder that this non-white mutt was a leftist.

41 shots in 30 secs is actually pretty slow XD

Any jackass can mag dump at nothing.

no, politics on Yea Forums is the problem

>more than 10k people dying each year because of firearms
>where there is NO WAR
>but you know many more people are dying from natural reason
>thinking that's a good argument
>let's pretend it's nothing cause I'm a pussy and need my weapon to compensate my tiny cock

>in a country of well over 300,000,000 people
>Many of whom are black/Hispanic

Seriously though, if you get rid of them it gets much better. And then there the up to 3,000,000 crimes/year stopped according to the CDC.

But hey, fuck those guys.

Didn't the police fire more bullets than he did?

The graph also doesn't account for homicides by defense..

>what I'm actually saying
I don't give a shit about 9 people I don't know

well maybe if the 9 people wernt libtards who dont own guns they would of survived.gotta love how shit america has become,crys about shootings.only solution is more laws that criminals wont follow

Did this shooter have body armor too? What are some tactics to defeat someone employing armor?


Agreed, I blame congress for not allowing every American to open carry

Maybe we should be asking "why did a person want to kill a bunch of people?" and not "what weapon did he use?"

Head shots

Thinning the nigger and spic herd.


We have a winner.

im masturbating right now kek

Look man i get what you're saying and all but you should really never greentext ever again. Ever.

Actually, all I'm saying is a polite "from my cold, dead hands".

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I agree with this post.

Shh, they don't like good ideas.

This is the standard deflection. Other countries have mentally ill loons that just don't have access to firearms, so those countries don't have mass shooting problems

They don't want to talk about that because then they have to admit mental illness shouldn't be normalized

I understand wanting to murder a bunch of people. I hate people. I think a better question is "why do people think it's okay to murder a bunch of people?"

It's retarded what he's saying because not all Shooters have the same motivation

At least learn how to greentext if you're going to spam Yea Forums.

Attached: goodenoughforapoke.jpg (600x448, 30K)

ok nice great thread thanks for posting this i really enjoy it ty for posting this,REALLY liking this content you're putting out ya ooo yeah wooh ya nice hot fresh content ooooooh wooooh yeah great stuff thanks for sharing

I know for a fact you don't produce content here so it's easy to disregard what you're saying

Check em


you could pretend not to be delusional for a second

Guns should be prohibited absolutely. Period.

discord reZcEXC

weak and predictable

something wrong with this picture

post /pol/bait on pol retard

you can smell the smegma

sure kid

I can fire 9 shots an kill 9 people in less than 30 seconds with a 10 round magazine
that shooter has rookie numbers and wasted 32 rounds

I mean most of the 11k homicides are from niggers killin niggers anyways o.o

inside they do

Prove it or get the fuck out.

maybe we should follow the jewish example of how to stop mass shootings
in the 1960s it was a common occurrence for muslims to
>board a crowded bus in isreal
>open fire
>open fire again
>reload again
>open fire again
>then walk away
the isreali government then told every jewish citizen to start carrying a gun
the next mass shooting afterwards went like this
>muslim pulls out a gun
>every jew shoots the muslim
>the muslim died without firing a shot
there is a reason the palastinians have resorted to stand off weapons

but wait it is the jewish media telling the US that its solution to mass shootings is to disarm the victims
it is almost like the jews don't like the US

>Prove it

Make the news.

>this is what people actually believe

how will you know it is me?

Where were all the "mentally ill loons" in the 1950-1980s? The AR15 was designed in 1957, was available to buy in stores as a sporting rifle in the early 60's, why didn't anyone use them to shoot up schools then?
What changed?

Write the thread number in your manifesto.

>Those 9 lives were an acceptable loss, as well as victims to be shot in the future, when compared to the prospect of losing our natural rights.

Life became much worse for the bottom tiers of society. Houses used to be affordable. Online dating didn't used to exist, so women were happy with the below average men in their social circles. Nowadays, low tier men don't have any options.

Mass shootings have increased just as our population has. It's only natural that there's going to be more shootings as time goes on


There have been mass shootings in the United States before 1980, now Shooters are seeing that their face is going to be plastered all over the internet. If there's anything you can blame it's the internet but it's not like we can just stop that but we can do is enact Common Sense legislation

>Common Sense legislation
Let's see if I can fix that for you...
>Common Sense infringement of natural rights protected by the constitution
Now, if legislators want to pass some safeguards, I'm all for that. But they need to start by affirming the Second Amendment, and allowing all US citizens to open or concealed carry any weapon that they are legally allowed to possess. Then:
>all gun owners must pass state-run licensing with federal guidelines
>which includes background checks
>and mental health testing
>provide basic, free education for shotguns and semi-auto handguns/rifles
>do this in grade school for kids
>free one-session classes for adults
>must pass these classes for gun ownership
>and must renew license with full procedures every 5 years
>inexpensive but thorough classes on fully automatic weapons
>and a one-year-renewable license
>gets you automatic weapons
>can own anti-aircraft/anti-tank weapons or similar
>as part of a membership in a licensed militia, as well as individual license:
>militia can own government-issue tanks and aircraft
>if properly funded, housed, and with thorough training
>militia weaponry must be manned and used if US is invaded
>the only weapons that can be used for self defense are personal weapons
>all ammunition must be traceable
>all guns are tied to a license
>ballistics on all guns are documented at sale, or licensing
>for ease of criminal investigations
>possession of a weapon that is illegal results in severe jail time and the forfeiture of your right to own firearms

>let's pretend it's nothing cause I'm a pussy and need my weapon to compensate my tiny cock

Why are you concerned about the size of cocks?

I would call allowing shootings to end the lies of other people an infringement worse than taking away your little toys. Besides, with self-interested people like yourself in power, nothing will change. That's for sure

*ending the lives of

Hong Kong protester

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There's not a pile of bodies high enough to convince me that government is the only one that needs to have guns. Fuck. You.

Can you fucking imagine if they did? They may actually be allies, not our top geopolitical enemy.

Stop making good points on Yea Forums.

So far this year, at least 1,600 people have been shot in Chicago. There have been at least 300 homicides, according to data kept by the Chicago Tribune.

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How do they know it was 30 seconds rather than 90 seconds or 5 minutes, did someone in the bar set a timer as soon as he started shooting?

CCP affiliate here. The gun control debate in China goes something like this:
>People "We want guns!"
>Gov: "No, you'll use them to kill us"
>People: "That's correct!"
>Gov: "Well then you can't have guns"

The reality is that an armed populace would overthrow them. And this would work out *terribly* for that armed populace. Because revolutions don't happen in a vacuum. America will back the candidate that best serves AMERICAN interests, not Chinese. China will balkanize and fracture like the Soviet Union. The fractured states iwll be played against eachother- selling out to underbid the others. Russia will sabotage free elections and back a violent military dictatorship for no other reason than to stop an American corporate friendly plutocrat from buying out the media in a democratic election. Xinjiang will become a fundamentalist muslim hellhole. Basically everybody in China loses if the crooked as hell Chinese government falls.

>>say that to the nine people who died in 30 seconds
They are dead, and silence is agreement.

This guy got 8 in less time.


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lol have fun getting shot by a nigger with no way of defending yourself

>blah blah blah, I'm a huge shill faggot, please rape my face so I'll shut the fuck up.
Shit b8, neck yourself you waste of human DNA.

Cock shots

Shot placement, even high end body armor is only good for 2-3 shots in the same general area.

Right? If guns made people safer we wouldn't have all those gun show shootings.


people die, stop being a child and accept that the world is incapable of utopia

The government is not supposed to take care of everyone, it's supposed to secure your rights and protect the nation from invasion niggardly bastard

>Tiny cock
>Ad hominem
Are you retarded?? You know trashing someone's physical characteristics means your argument sucks?

The rate of fire was not the point. A high-capacity magazine lets you shoot more bullets without having to reload, and somehow the media think that slightly longer reload times are the solution to the mass shooting problem.

If you take for example Canada, you cannot own magazines that hold more than 5 rounds. Having to reload every five rounds during a mass shooting is a bit inconvenient, but here's the kicker: making high-capacity magazines illegal will not prevent people from modifying the legally available ones, let alone prevent them from acquiring high-capacity magazines through black markets. Such a law is effective only if you are caught in possession of such an item.

The only way that banning high-capacity magazines can help prevent mass shootings is if some undercover cop sold such a high-capacity magazine and used that to get a warrant on the buyer so they can investigate on if he might have motives to commit such an act.

Fuck off, you're shit.

Nobody cares about your gay-ass first semester philosophy class.

Stating that an 'ad hominem' argument implies an invalid argument is a fallacy in itself.

Waiting periods on firearm purchases decrease suicide rates.

Imagine thinking that criminals wouldn't break the law to get guns.

more niggers kill each other in chicago every year than in all your mass shootings

>you dont care about them

if they all had guns like they are supposed to, non of this would have ever happened.

>ban cheeseburgers

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