Waifu dig down underground now

Waifu dig down underground now
Through the soil, through the cooling clay
As the din fades above you
You're moving, you're secret, you're nowhere, it's all good.

And no lights lead you onward
And no signs point you on your way
You're just earth in all directions
It's endless, it's mapless, no compass, no north star.

You're all gone cause they can't find you
You're lost cause they don't know the way
They blame themselves, they blame each other
They're angry, they're sorry, they're worried, you don't care.

The shovels scrape somewhere up there
They just want to know if you're okay
Morse code tapped with hammers
You hear it, uou know it, ignore it, uou're on your way.

But at some point, oh, you've gotta come up for air
You wipe the rocks and mud, and dirt out of your hair
You're blind and queasy with a growing sense of despair
You don't know anyone.

You look around yeah, trying to find someone you know
You put your hand up in the air, you kinda wave hello
But if they do care, oh, they're not letting it show
This can't be new to you.

There's a feeling coming back
Connected by one thread
It's pulling at your hands like a spider web
Like a kite that isn't there.

If. It's. A. Life. Of. Poss. I. Bi. Li. Ties.
That. Pulls. You. Away.
That claws and tears, and challenges you to stay.

Well, then
If. It's. A. Life. Of. Poss. I. Bi. Li. Ties.
That. you've. gotta. live. Well, don't be surprised when-
They don't remember you!
Or simply don't want tooo~, yea-yea-yeah~


Attached: 904e016e3e4b33d628231e8b5ef4a892.jpg (1237x1195, 224K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i'm back from my vacation

Attached: 2feae2bb7cc5f4c99baf79f0ae04c11d.jpg (1000x1000, 232K)

But seriusly do you know a better way?

I tried a more complicated method using circles, and straight edges, but it was way too much work for what you get out of it.

Attached: 1560561456599.png (400x400, 151K)

Obito is best husbando though...

i don't know if i should tell youuuu
ah the mid west... are you a cowboy?

Attached: 95e2231564a6394d68f77df28fefe7d0.png (850x647, 493K)

Welcome to /shitfu/

Attached: 421.png (1002x554, 238K)

Attached: Check.gif (365x359, 1.2M)

Attached: Ritsu 673.jpg (1500x1500, 444K)

Aegis claimed.

Zelda is the best waifu in Smash.

Attached: b00836ea7ceecf585db5784eed024d40.jpg (1181x1748, 483K)

Oh, u just type like a cute shota, then

But you're a year younger than me :3

Where is he now while someone's hitting on his supposed bf?

It means only a little bit of stuttering

Unless the person stuttering is my gf Alice-san, obviously

Attached: Matsuri 69.png (887x767, 704K)

I dooo but its mine...
Alright I'll tell you...
Don't look at your paper while you're drawing

Attached: 3d8.gif (500x281, 1.12M)

He's sleeping right now
He works a lot
Please don't make fun of people who stutter

Attached: 11708eead2d979330aa0b5bf5cac2796.png (566x800, 494K)


the ban expired?
congrats! :)
w-why shouldnt you?
no im cowman! i mean a man-man
sorry thats a reference to my favorite show
no, im more like a generic brand canadian
t-thanks i think?
ah, i never wouldve guessed, as i sort of already said

Attached: Da-LKP2VMAA2I8k.png orig.png (900x1200, 239K)

I said hi to him yesterday and called you my cocksock and he didn't even reply

We were talking about text stuttering, also I don't actually care if people do it

Attached: 85.png (409x478, 159K)

Attached: 575-1girl adjusting_hair breasts chopsticks hairband highres large_breasts long_hair looking_at_view (1000x2000, 1.34M)

-pets your hair-

Attached: large.jpg (478x625, 132K)

That's how I learned to draw
It sticks to your mind better
The same thing can be applied to other things like piano and touch typing

i wanna be a cowboy ;~;
but i don't wanna wake up at 5:30
I have to find that show you're talking about..

>your cocksock >.

Attached: 2ccb3ca93301709fad0f5e116400eab8.png (724x1024, 800K)

Sorry I'm not that talented, mabey after I practice drawling for a few more weeks. I'll admit the mannequin is a crutch, but it's the best I got to keep the face from looking lumpy.

Attached: ezgif-5-8010d600e8dd.jpg (600x893, 108K)

I'm going to e-fuck him in front of u

Attached: citrusmanga.ru_2016-06-02_20-34-55.jpg (800x600, 165K)

I was workin on a secret after all. ;)

Attached: 74411137_p6_master1200.jpg (705x1000, 278K)

I believe you, it just sounds silly.

Nooooo break out of the mannequin nooow

I will k*** you

Its a little silly yeah
but it works
I just figured it out on my own

Attached: e44422950e6e3f873a6deb5483164a89.jpg (775x915, 178K)

im very new. ive seen waifu threads a few times over the years but i only started posting in them earlier this year
i see, thats unfortunate, but i really do think itll be back soon.
i dont really know how to be one, sorry
oh you mean like a farmer? there are farmers around here if thats what you mean, they get up early like that i dunno
well that was an exact quote but its not a particularly popular one i dont think
i can just tell you if you want to know
i see. sort of. not really
i hope you had a nice break at least ;)

Attached: DcvfhaRVQAEG-MY.jpg orig.jpg (2894x4093, 775K)

But I cant even draw perfect circles, when I am looking how could I do it while not

Attached: 20190714_000818.jpg (319x314, 64K)

Ignore Asakura. You just need to keep practicing to get better. Don't forget to find references for anything you want to draw so you have an idea of how it should look.

Attached: 3fd4965213cdb11232247403f8039705.jpg (675x960, 302K)

Who the fuck is Asakura?


Wouldn't have gotten as far as I have without that

Attached: seras_victoria_color_by_th3_inf3cted-d527cu0.jpg (600x696, 93K)


She probably means look at the lines, and trust your head and hand.

Do you look at the paper when you're writing words?

Or do you just write words?

Attached: 0A9VrQCkGxX.jpg (1141x1080, 202K)

A fitting avatar/waifu.

Attached: 0A13nCByUzYG.jpg (627x1080, 118K)

Attached: 0B1yuCa32B4.jpg (982x1080, 116K)

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Attached: 0d303ro4KF4Zv.jpg (1920x915, 328K)

Attached: 0dSlv6anC4zE.jpg (764x1080, 274K)

Bye n*gger f*ggot

You're so cute

What's your name? ^^

I'm not sure how much I care if it comes back at this point, between u and me. None of them seem to care much so I'm not sure if I should. They've kind of become jaded and low energy

Might be best to just come back to Yea Forums and maybe build something new

Attached: Matsuri 31.jpg (837x767, 111K)

Attached: 0ei0q81W.jpg (1080x1080, 137K)

so what are you doing exactly?

Attached: ec7f10b293488102f86f117884481abf.jpg (826x1169, 379K)

Attached: 0g8Sife.jpg (770x1080, 167K)

Attached: 0gMuKM4.jpg (867x1080, 169K)

Attached: 0Gvk2ZLAlI2b9.jpg (1080x1080, 184K)

Attached: 0HUISiQ.jpg (809x1080, 129K)

Attached: 0J4SNZy7ryb5.jpg (810x1080, 203K)

Attached: 0k5mKfeD7rgl.jpg (1107x1080, 246K)

Well there goes the thread

Attached: dcgalmh-89219c72-db21-432b-b47d-d997777584bf.png (216x319, 91K)

Attached: 0MiN69Sp64L.jpg (761x1080, 191K)

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Attached: 0n4816.jpg (870x1080, 195K)

Attached: 0NJKRvtKO6.jpg (1253x1080, 122K)

u-uhhh t-thanks? i-im sure its just a misunderstanding based on the way i type....
well i post tsugu, so you can call me tsugu poster, or just tsugu for short
hmm, i see. well i think its important for it to come back but it doesnt matter as much if people actually return to it or not. im sorry to hear theyve become that way
if thats the plan then ill wish you luck :)

Attached: DbeXCmuVAAY-6Q9.jpg orig.jpg (1412x1000, 124K)

Attached: 0nODqxU3aqG0.jpg (880x1080, 117K)

You should welcome the spam.

Attached: 771239541f195c065b91451cc54fb440.jpg (640x724, 292K)

Attached: 0NvAiOsRvD7X3.jpg (1393x1080, 196K)

Attached: 0oE09B6sG34viC1N5.jpg (783x1080, 166K)

What do you mean?

I'm drawling

Attached: 73829836_p13.jpg (1856x950, 1009K)

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Attached: 0pGaL2.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

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Attached: 0U4.jpg (1080x1080, 144K)

Attached: 0URcIi3J80F1wGqif.jpg (618x1080, 127K)

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Attached: 0v7R.jpg (1086x1080, 124K)

Attached: 0vlU3.jpg (1080x1080, 141K)

-kisses your cheek-

Nice to meet you, Tsugu

Attached: Matsuri 166.png (289x286, 79K)

Attached: 0W9a8cV.jpg (771x1080, 176K)

Attached: 0XW6Bh3vsW.jpg (1398x1080, 201K)

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Attached: 01QPC40U01j1ItDM3.jpg (844x1080, 121K)

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Attached: 1gQRH.jpg (1080x1080, 135K)

Attached: 1HNbV9u5.jpg (1092x1080, 134K)

Attached: 1I5Ft08T.jpg (832x1080, 156K)

hello hello, I love you all

Attached: 1it6ea.jpg (1320x1080, 169K)

Attached: 1kl9.jpg (1602x1080, 301K)

Attached: 1KQ4.jpg (1399x1080, 279K)

>Well most of that website besides our board is just nazi pedophiles
>T. i only used my avatar circle jerk

Attached: 1LF79At.jpg (1296x1080, 159K)

Attached: 1ljru.jpg (1440x1080, 269K)

Attached: 1mgyNH8cIGy73X6.jpg (1248x1080, 209K)

Attached: 1MJiw.jpg (1526x1080, 292K)

Hi sweetie, what are u up to today

Nazi pedophile please stay out of this thread

Attached: Matsuri 190.png (514x505, 376K)

Attached: 1P2CKNmf97.jpg (715x1080, 87K)

Attached: 1p72IGNRU8D6RIlm3.jpg (987x1080, 183K)

hello Erio! I am doing my best today. are you well?

Attached: 1P84vdTkx.jpg (1449x1080, 251K)

Attached: 1PnNh.jpg (750x1080, 201K)

Attached: 1Px9V2hX6QO.jpg (785x1080, 179K)

Attached: 1R7.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

You talk to Erio who is the progenitor of Blood-chan, but you do not talk to Blood-chan?

Attached: 1t1ndHPh7GjCGS.jpg (765x1080, 161K)

Attached: 1UV.jpg (583x1080, 105K)

reveal thyself, thot

Attached: 1VGh6RPu.jpg (1446x1080, 157K)

Attached: 1VmjHD.jpg (1080x1080, 254K)

Attached: 1w3ih1G6Q0S0mE8.jpg (1296x1080, 115K)

Attached: 1WHuKVO.jpg (1440x1080, 270K)

i-im really not worth that sort of thing, but thank you
nice to meet you too :)
im fundamentally opposed to a site being taken down on those grounds, but thats just how i feel about it.
well id welcome them for whatever that's worth, im willing to chat with anyone
hello there :)
how are you today?

Attached: DdOAWL2V0AAqSTb.jpg orig.jpg (723x1022, 67K)

Fuck you

Attached: 1x6xWN5.jpg (1382x1080, 286K)

Attached: 1YigY.jpg (760x1080, 264K)

Attached: 1Z5E0W6Y0zwe06.jpg (1438x1080, 287K)

You stay out avatarfag or i'll pop your prostate.

Attached: 02HYGWK46KoEP.jpg (698x1080, 107K)

hello tsugu! I am doing my best today. are you well?
no thank you, friend.

Attached: 2Betu.jpg (1008x1080, 206K)

Attached: 2C161HkB8M.jpg (810x1080, 153K)

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Attached: 2eUP92X1603Qgt1.jpg (1521x1080, 286K)

Attached: 2H9jM.jpg (1349x1080, 271K)

Why is spam happening now.

Attached: 2ikD.jpg (810x1080, 168K)

Attached: 2IZGgj7TV.jpg (1440x1080, 308K)

So vague uwu

Yeah my lip is a bit injured cause of a little motorcycle spill but it's whatever. Thailand ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

She doesn't know that I created Blood-chan by cumming in clay

Saying things like that just makes you cuter

Well, Cloudflare decided to stop hosting it, and private companies can do what they want, right? Or is it time to seize the means of production?

Attached: Matsuri 123.png (534x605, 268K)

Attached: 2n2QH4u.jpg (764x1080, 108K)

Attached: 2n8EctdHdkZ82.jpg (1350x1080, 333K)

Attached: 2nENu02v98tTfnl.jpg (1539x1080, 169K)

You're going to fuck me in the thread?

Attached: Matsuri 131.png (239x339, 87K)

Attached: 2nIp.jpg (1018x1080, 119K)

I see. that does not sound very bad. will your face be alright?
I do not know what was vague.

You forgot to give Blood-chan a likable personality.

Attached: 2Nn1.jpg (810x1080, 272K)

Attached: 2qXxE.jpg (810x1080, 182K)

Attached: 2R1U3L691fchpHu3.jpg (861x1080, 127K)

Who is your waifu?

Keep running your mouth and i just might.

he doesnt have one

im glad to hear it
im good, short day at work and now im just playing some vidya :)
im really not very cute, sorry
hmm... thats a very difficult question and i dont have an answer. i think the landscape of communication has changed drastically and its getting difficult to draw lines where they were once clear.
in short: i dont know.

Attached: DdCPyIqVAAAIzvn.jpg orig.jpg (518x728, 55K)

Yeah it'll be fine; there might be a faint scar but I wear makeup anyway :3

What are you doing today? ^^

She's a cutie



Attached: Matsuri 8.png (429x507, 178K)

I believe its because matsuri and tsugu spoke to blood-chan as usual.

non of the cripple chan have waifus

It's time, comrade

Rise up and seize the means of production, gamers

Do you have a Discord?

Attached: Matsuri 212.png (409x566, 195K)

I see! I am glad to hear this. are you playing war game again today? I hope that it is relaxing.
I see! that will help yes. I am unsure what would cover a split lip. is that concealer?
today I am posting in threads!

the thread?

Yes hello, is this /waifunimus/?

Erio stahp

Only one /animu/fag is here though

It's not a split lip, and I guess the injury technically isn't on my lip but right above it

Are u ready for waifu x animus friendship?


Attached: Matsuri 228.png (376x420, 169K)

Is there an animu thread?

Attached: -w-.png (593x815, 810K)

Stop what? uwu

Attached: Matsuri 176.png (289x275, 45K)

I see! it is just a scrape then.

This thread is marked as the animu thread in thread finder

Attached: Matsuri 7.png (387x370, 136K)

8ch is toast retard
Give it time
Waifunimus is the hip board to be on, fellow kids
Stop it all

Nigger faggot, tfu.

these threads cant die soon enough

Oh I see

Think is now our thread~

I'm sorry you still haven't got over our breakup

Attached: 9978330676707949955c0bf1a0e60e74.png (900x1268, 528K)

Nigger faggot, tfu.

i-if you say so...
i do but im not comfortable sharing it here, sorry
uhh yes? world of warcraft. its an mmo, like ff14 that i was playing a few weeks ago. dont ask why i switched
its alright, some stuff to catch up on but im working through it

Attached: DaVpfsuUwAA4yBV.png orig.png (425x400, 36K)

Motorcycles in Thailand r dangerous

I'm coming back to America soon tho; tired of teaching lol

Who dis

We could also try making separate ones but I don't feel like spamming everyone on Discord and trying to force such a thing to life right now

Attached: Matsuri 116.png (577x591, 353K)

I'm sorry your plan to make everyone hate me backfired. Now everyone hates you

Attached: 1cdd1fe5860f6ae75fc24e3729a75d9e.jpg (410x479, 106K)

Nigger faggot, tfu.

I'll do it :)

Attached: 3cf47e40157e11925b473115123240e6(.jpg (1918x1031, 787K)

I see

It won't be lewd when you have a pemanent cowboy walk.

Hi Alice2

Attached: e3e7efc1c8cff4da54b52593d71fc1aa.jpg (854x1083, 334K)


What are your favorite animes? ^^

Well like I said, I probably won't try hard to help it

Attached: Matsuri 211.png (288x315, 78K)

Nigger faggot, tfu.

Nigger faggot, tfu.

You will >:(

I'm going to ignore you now, byeeee

Attached: cee67016b276531cd0f54c7994e4468b.jpg (800x1023, 570K)

Nigger faggot, tfu.

Attached: 075Remalicious.jpg (504x800, 99K)

It's a mystery, isn't it?

thank you, im sure i will :)
...w-why are you so interested in me?

Attached: DcBVnphVQAAS8R1.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 323K)



Attached: 70813946_p0.jpg (1000x1375, 1.23M)

anyone uses 4chanx here?
Yea Forums catalog is kinda fucked right now lol

hum bug

Attached: レーベル1.jpg (2776x2776, 1.68M)

It's fine.
Nigger faggot, tfu.

hello friend

Are there people who don't use it?
Mine works fine

It's not fucked. Hide the mod's kuso thread and it's fixed.

Attached: 72254164_p0_master1200.jpg (750x690, 177K)

I mean I really dont care much I dont browse this board too much but I just came here and was surprised to see this

Attached: Knipsel.png (1246x611, 1.07M)

welcome to the board friend!

Change theme then. Or even better, use custom one so nigger mods can't fuck with the catalog.

Tsugu is a nice person

Unlike the rest of you

Attached: f86427d9de7de38534fdeedcdc41a3f2.jpg (1024x731, 105K)

Nigger faggot, tfu.

kys tranny

Attached: 36-362800_when-cruising-t-d-use-this-handy-trick.jpg (880x941, 100K)

>Nice person
>On Yea Forums
Pick one.

n-no im not really nice...
but thank you

Attached: DcCn6y7V4AAFITC.jpg orig.jpg (1416x2000, 392K)

At least I know I’m a bad person

Attached: 125Remalicious.png (1024x576, 139K)

What does it meant to be a good person?

Attached: 21639c9fe9abb8b6b7968853268514b9.jpg (1920x1040, 667K)

to conform to contemporary beliefs

Attached: D4Inq9SWsAAzehO.png (710x1024, 349K)

fuck off, Sono.

It means sacrificing your will to please others.

It means not being a nigger faggot.

Attached: 1200px-Facebook_Thumb_icon.svg.png (1200x928, 22K)


Attached: cd6755080aa83e8b2184d37e90d2f137.jpg (617x800, 129K)

the amount of hate sono gets pleases me

every ounce of it is deserved

I will be a housewife who doesn't speak up.

That doesn't sound good at all.

I see. I will avoid being a nigger faggot.

Attached: 51b4c8c0f2ad7bc6dd4edfceb794348f.jpg (650x1045, 206K)

Hey lover.

Attached: 74411137_p41_master1200.jpg (950x743, 219K)