>18 years old
>no experience w girls whatsoever
>all i do is work watch anime and exercise
>apparently decently attractive
>everytime i try to approach a girl she becomes disinterested in a week maximum or get rejected right away
>no confidence whatsoever
what do i do to get a gf?? what am i doing wrong?
18 years old
"No confidence whatsoever "
That's your problem fam.
Money and looks are icing on top, you need personality to keep a girl interested
Don't try to get a girlfriend, focus on trying to make yourself a person that chicks want as a boyfriend.
That being said you do also need social skills, which you it sounds like you have 0 of and don't do anything to change that. Try making some actual platonic friends before trying to get into a more intimate relationship.
i have friends but they are all weird like me
You smell creepy & / or depressive AF.
Women can feel it and they reject the idea.
ok wat do i do
Hardest part : changing mindset.
Having a GF isn't THE goal. Be a cool, helpful (but not a doormat), and sometime show you can have "angry" moment (i.e at work when something pisses you of, don't play it cool but not tard rage)
That's a mix that sends strong & positive signal as dominance in the group
Simple. Just find nice things for her.
That's literally it.
If you use a personal computer just download things from the internet using a web browser.
That way she doesn't have to use a search engine and lose her identity, or suffer through directed pictures telling her she is a cat lady.
Just don't be a faggot
you're looking for wrong goods in the wrong isle of the wrong store
you don't look for damascus steel blades in fresh food part of shitty gass station at the edge of town
if you are socially retarded you look for other girls that are missing the same pieces of puzzle like you
where do you find them ? no easy answer as it depends from person to person
how do you find them ? you don't try to be a "player" or any of that prancing lala homoshit 18 year old zoomers that spend all their monthly allowance on nightclubs and alchol spew; be yourself and chicks that dig that will REALLY dig that; if you act like something you're not the woman starts seeing through your sloppy lies and tricks and sees how lame you are, if you don't hide anything from people that show interest in you they won't get detered by your nonnormalfag way of thinking and living
i read this 3 times and i still have no clue what you are saying
Get off Yea Forums start swimming, going in a sports club. Hit on women in public. You'll fail generally but you'll get better each time
Try a match making website. Swingers or dating w/e. Let computers hook you up. Or hook up to computers. Whatever floats your cup of tea.
but all i do is watch anime
why do you want a headache? a majority of girls are drama queen cheating sluts
i never get matches on those idk . why
Stay in your comfort first, to gain extra confidence. Be a listener, not a talker. They lvoe talking about themselves and take mental notes for a throwback later.
Confidence lays in your body langage. Don't be all hunch-y. Keep your back straight & natural.
Wear outfit you feel trendy and comfortable (classic, stylish with a bit of warm colors, not too tight not too wide). Invest in a luxe parfum (chicks dig Diesel) and put a little.
That's a good start
what do i sxay to them
Say? Don't worry about that. Smile.
im studying computer programming and my back is fucked
but i need to get their attdntion somehow to start a convo i cant just smile
better hit the gym to do some back workout. Or stretch exercice to take off the bad posture.
Sooner the better.
About convo, start with co-workers. Rest room are the absolute BEST for it. Just sit next to them, don't talk immediatly if you don't know her, and just start with simple shit like "Wow, feels good to take a break. Been hours on that project."
She'll answer something and continue with "what are you workign on ?"
and then you got the first step.
yup, you and I share the same fate then
mostly likely girls that would like you are also closeted and have no other hobby side from anime
hence you can do what I did and live as a celibate, observe other humans, watch anime, do drugs in moderation and if the right one comes for you then great, if shes been with 10 other guys shes probably not the right one but if shes a purebread virgin then you're in for a treat mate
Shut up. You're 18.
I was a moronic incel at your age, and well beyond. Life will teach you shit, and if you work on yourself, you'll get laid.
I'm 48 and just had my first 2 one-night stands only recently. One of them was an 8/10 gril who just turned 20. I fucked her for 3 hours and she said it was the best sex of her life.
tl;dr At 48 I found myself eating a hot 20 year old's ass. High point of my life.
i work as a maintenance assistant at a university for the summer and dont have any female coworkers
what made u better then
Get a personality
i think i have a personality but for some reason i always get too scared to show it around people i dont know very well and i have no clue how to not do it
Three years of questioning everything about myself, and going to the gym.
This summer I tried to get more sun. I have a healthy glow about myself.
It's a combination of taking care of yourself, and experimenting with becoming more social.
God damn, that 20-year-old made me happy. There is hope, bros. There is hope.