Reminder: you are an incel because of the bbc hoax

Reminder: you are an incel because of the bbc hoax

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obviously you deserve to be a sissy faggot if you ever believed in it

it doesnt matter if you believe in it. women believe and white guys get cockblocked for ir

>women believe
where the fuck do you live? No women in my country believes that shit

yes they do they just don't tell you

Sounds like you fell for the hoax yourself.

no i didnt. i know it's fake but girls don't cause they're retarded

fucking autists making generalizations based on gender and race, how fucking dumb do you have to be

all races (well, maybe not asian) have a variety of dick sizes, is just that there are probably a larger number of big-dick whites with decent jobs, unlike blacks. maybe this is all circumstantial, in that a larger number of white men dont have to stoop to porn.


so women aren't weaker than men 95%+ of the time?

bbc hoax

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I'm an incel because I'm ugly have a shitty personality and modern women are STDs ridden whores. Nothing to do with porn myths

wrong. falseflag

The fuck does that even mean? What the fuck in post is a false flag? How could I be wrong about my own character and how would you know otherwise? Take your meds nigger.

>white guy 1 foot+ taller than black guy

Lmao yup that's fair, sounds about right.
>White boys needing a boost to make themselves feel adequate.

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>being this new

Attached: false-flag-alex-jones-is-a-false-flag-12067336.png (500x607, 90K)


could this all be the same jew? it probably is