Fucks up the name of the city where a mass shooting just occurred, with a teleprompter

>Fucks up the name of the city where a mass shooting just occurred, with a teleprompter
>Cucked into denouncing white supremacy
>blames video games for mass shootings

Dump Trump

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Other urls found in this thread:


What an ugly motherfucker send that fucking cuck back to where ever the fuck his family came from

Throw in that slurred speech ignorant fake titied ass cunt of his.

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Looking at /b threads one would get the impression that most of the people here can't handle basic social interaction much less public speaking. When reading off teleprompter it isn't the same as reading. You're trying to read ahead of what you are speaking so that your speaking doesn't sound like your just reading. Trump had an inopportune brain fart and combined 2 words on the teleprompter into a different word when speaking. Buts lets have people who practically piss their pants when giving a classroom speech harp on it.

Mcdolan chump is a brainfart cuckoldery. Kys cia nigger.

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he should have known the name of the city without a teleprompter, he's the president and giving a press conference on a mass shooting. and do you agree with the president about video games?

nobody cares kys

Exposure to casual violence desensitizes you to violence. If you're looking for a one-stop-shop to place blame, videogames are just as valid a reason for mass shooters than access to guns. Even more so since the "jump" in "mass shooting" (remember criteria has changed) will show a greater correlation to videogame ownership than gun ownership. Of course, just as blaming guns is silly, blaming videogames is also silly. But its a smart move politically. Leftists are always calling out to ban stuff. The democrats are trying to push Trump to allow more gun control because they know it will alienate his base. By countering with a suggestion ban to videogames it pushes the issue back to democrats. Since their base is more young people, attacking videogames is more of an attack on their base. If you really cared about gun deaths, stop-and-frisk was a highly effective method of removing guns from urban (black) areas where the majority of gun deaths occur. But of course that was "racist" so it had to be stopped.

Thanks for supporting my position. This guy had ample time to think about his response, type it out, and even spell check if desired. Imagine what he would sound like public speaking

>Irrational seething

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>someone posts a negative thing about trump

Imma post a meme. That’ll show em

It’s obvious he didn’t believe the words he was saying, just going through the motions. He’s still a giant fucktard.

להרוג את כל היהודים

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Stop dude. Just stop. One quick google search into “trump speech nonsense” will set your silly ass straight. The guy has no ability to speak coherently during planned events. Just stop already. STOP.

Take it to /pol/ or go back to Redddit faggot

Watched it, the video games was just some footnote shit; also any form of racial supremacy is retarded and a small-minded ideology. He blamed the mass-shooting on mental disorders as well racial intolerance and bigotry. Try again goyim

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enough to get elected president, bitch

Regardless if the man's president, that's all you think about while he's slamming you and the pople who voted for him in the ass. Terrifs are fucking farmers, steel workers, and coal miners. But hey, he's president though. I love this logic.

The Dayton Shooter Was A Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, And Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa
(Part of the left)

The garlic shooter was Iranian,Italian and had just posted in remembrance of his grandfather a shia extremist in full Muslim garb “Ali Asgar Vahabzdeh”. He also recently refered to white people as “twats”.
(Part of the left?)

The Walmart shooter was a registered democrat, Hardcore Progressive and White suprimist: who wanted Universal Income And Universal Healthcare
(Part of the left)
and of course dems are profiting off the deaths..

Try harder clown cuck

Use a biased search engine to search a biased phrase in order to find bias.

No I wouldn't put him on any list of great public orators. Especially when it comes to presenting canned responses. But considering 90% of the public ( so 99% of /b users) couldn't even make it as far as the podium I think its pretty petty to skulk like vultures looking to swoop down on any mistake. Its on the level of "orange man bad"

Great idea. Vote for a Democrat or a third party candidate (might as well not vote at all) and get a Democrat candidate elected who is guaranteed to enact stricter gun laws and more government spending. That's really smart and forward thinking.

I have listened to the mush-mouthed retard Donald Trump stumble over words that normal people can say easily. The guy is a fucking dunce

Go back to AteChan asshole...

Oops! so sorree, round-eye!

In favor of whom? Trump is better than the alternative, which is socialism.

> See Joe Biden
> See his comments on Dunkin Donuts.
> See his comments shilling for the black vote.
> See his numerous gaffes as VP
> See 1990 Gun Free Zone Act
> Voted for crime bill that incarcerated blacks en masse.

Mfw Biden doesn't need a teleprompter to fuck up and he's who the Democrats are lauding as their savior

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Trump supporters don't have enough brain cells to produce a coherent, intellectual thought so they use memes in a way to try and not look retarded


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His video game regulations made me laugh. Cuz we all know it's those digital world's that are dangerous, not the 500,000,000 guns floating around unregulated.

And how he says Israel is the closest ally of the USA. Are we forgetting the UK? The constant wars they get dragged into for relationships sake? Unbelievable.


> Floating around

Not only do they load, point and shoot without human assistance, now they float

My guns are really lazy or defective.

Arent you tired of making up excuses for his outright retardation yet?

>denouncing white supremacy

Finally donny has half a brain cell. Holly crap its a miracle.

So you are saying more mass shooters have video games than guns? Retard..

And anytime anyone criticized Obama for a teleprompter gaffe, they were racist.

Just makes you a hypocrite and a bigot.

When Democrats denounced violent music, video games and movies after Columbine, did you feel this way?

Did you call Clinton names?



Yup, same actions merited same response...But that's because I am not a partisan cuck when it comes to my American values

So, what you are saying is that you are NOT yet tired of making excuses... and still on the "but Obama but Hillary" stupidity...

move it to pol mate

No just pointing you and your leftist hypocrite racist bigot socialist fools can't keep a standard for more than four years.

I'm amazed how douchebags who hate Trump spend so much time talking about him.

So then you are projecting....got it, thanks!

I am amazed that douchebags that dont hate Trump still exist...

you guys arent even trying anymore. shill harded faggot

common sense gun laws are needed, and the dems would probabkly save the economy. no more war profiteering. you redneck fuckwad

Actually caring about pol what fucking Normie

I know a paragraph was little much for you to read. I'm saying if you are looking for empty correlations you would find a stronger correlation between prevalence of videogames (or cell phones, or internet) and mass shooting than correlation between access to guns and mass shooting. Up to the 1950s you could order a gun from the back of a comic book. Increased restrictions, background checks, more state laws and prohibitions and yet there is more gun violence and not less. My point is that if you think placing blame on videogames and banning them makes no sense than by the same argument blaming guns and banning them is equally nonsensical.

>blames video games for mass shootings
Sounds like a typical conservitard religious fanatic. If it's not rock music it's video games, if it's not video games it's books, if it's not books it's another race. They're imbeciles manipulating even larger imbeciles. It's nothing new

Except if I threw a video game at your face I might get lucky and knock you out but never kill you....so would you rather I come around you with a video game or a gun?

Yeah that's what I thought....not "equally nonsensical" after all...

>>Cucked into denouncing white supremacy
How can he denounce something that doesn't exist?

It is illegal immigration tho

nice photoshop op

I believe he meant " white supremacists" but yes, you are right "white supremacy" is a non existent concept

>Trump had an inopportune brain fart
Honestly, is there really a time when he doesn't?

By the way what ''mass shootings''? Most of them have nothing to do with politics,are you using this one to link it to others as if they are somehow related?Like if some bullied kid shot few people in school is somehow related to this one or the walmart one,even if they are all done for different reasons?

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He has IBS....irritable brain syndrome

They are actually linked by at least two common factors, guns being one of them...inaction by our politicians is the factor that makes them all politically tied

>dump trump

>like the left is any better at this point

at least you retards fought to defend your rights when obama wanted to take them away.unlike trump

It's a wrong term invented for plantation owners and used for people that don't have supremacy over non-Whites.I have never heard liberal media calling every Muslim or illegal immigrant that murders or raped some person Brown supremacist.So I am denouncing the term itself as outdated term used by anti Whites

nobody cares about immigrants,its time for you trumptards to realize this and get the fuck out of the republican party

Brazil and Mexico have more killings and guns are illegal.
But I am saluting to every person that will do it for political reasons if they already want to,it's obvious that GOP politicians don't want to solve the problem

Who said anything about immigrants?Many Illegals don't even have a passport they aren't even a tourist by definition.

>who said anything about immigrants

lol,your head has been up your ass for the past almost 4 years hasnt it? typical for americans,dumb as hell.go figure your country has been a pile of shit since 2008

Using third world countries as an example, try Australia japan and England retard.

Because you are a white supremacist?

You're all pathetic sad sacks. The best of you ran down your mom's leg. The rising rate of suicide for people your age suggests you all know it, too.

also,typical for a trumpshit to bring up mexico.you have no clue about that country.you only know what your idiot president has told you.im glad you lost house majority because of trump.i hope you lost senate and the presidency in 2020 also,its time for real republicans to take control.not you trump supporting libtards

look everyone its the trumpshit guy.
call me trumpshit next pretty please

that strawman reply

As a sociopath, he needs a script to help him fake his consolation speech. He’s cancer and it’s time to remove him.

yes. you are correct
bush 2 was america last good president

its the truth though,trump supporters are the only ones who bring mexico into every discussion they are a part of

... but with the same tools, nra cock sucker!

still mad about that election kid?
we heard this before.
pic related

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Don't be fooled by the liberal media's talk.Majority of homocies happens in Liberal controlled cities.
This mass shootings are just a certain percentage of total killings that are more crime and gang related as well as deaths that didn't came from guns but other weapons or accidents too that kill thousands each year.

This 'mass shootings' are used to take away guns.Notice how they don't talk about shooting in Chicago for example that much because gangs are illegal there.

Attached: Homocide murder rate FBI report.png (1024x768, 35K)

that strawman mindset

I think everyone hated Tipper Gore back then

Yes, yes i fucking did cuz it's a stupidly irrational stance that makes zero fucking sense, look at japan and korea, they have nearly zero mass shootings despite "SOOOO MUHC VIOLENT MEDIA WAAH" you absolute fucking brainlet

*because guns are illegal there.

lol,the nra is fucking destroyed.trump sits by and claps and cheers while one of the biggest people who can defend his anti gun agenda tears itself apart

>liberal media

so after 8 years of nothing but fear mongering.the right are the ones who pass gun control,but republicans still cry about the liberal media,pathetic

bumpstock boy?
is that you?

You are the fucking filth that even a nigger wouldn’t step in, stop making white people look bad faggot

It's because Japan and Korea are very close
to being ethno states and don't have multiculturalism that makes people violent and creates constant divisions amongs groups that live with each others and are in constant rivarly
South/central America has similar laws as Japan on guns yet each nation far more shootings due to diversity that Japan and Korea lacks.

No more like your a fucking white terrorist that needs to be raped by a black cock in jail, that will definitely make you less racist since you’ll probably like nigger dick way to much

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Awwww did you make that in ms paint? Your are a fucking stupid pleb aren’t you?

You are such a fucking dumbass, absolutely not true and it’s because you’ve never left your state of Alabama that you have no fucking clue. Stop being a niggerfaggot and accept that your a fucking pleb cuck

the point still stands though,the nra is tearing itself apart while trump smiles because its one less orginization that can stop his anti gun agenda.you trumptards are gonna learn in 2020 what republicans really care about and it isnt immigrants

>me love trump

>me think mexicans are bad and are gang members

meanwhile,you stick your heads up your ass's when some right wing extremist does a domestic terrorist attack.since they've been doing that more often then your scary brown people have

that strawman mentality.

that meaningful debate

>ignores 8 years of black lives matter

>complains about white terrorism

the pathetic state of america.make america great again? nah,more like make america more left wing

poor smelly euro

Okay leftists aren’t trying to outright ban guns. At least not the non radical ones. I’m very pro second amendment but I do agree with common sense regulations like background checks and not letting those who are mentally ill own firearms. If you think someone who has been diagnosed with mental illness should be able to go buy a semi auto rifle with an 100 round drum, you are retarded.

You know what really desensitizes people to violence? Waking up and seeing a new preventable mass shooting a week.

You talk about correlation but if you look at the facts, gun violence has gone down as video games first became popular in America. Not only that, but video games are popular in just about every semi advanced society and the USA is the only place that seems to be really struggling with mass shootings.

> Trump is anti-2nd Amendment; better vote Democrat!
This new shill tactic is really freaking dumb.

>better vote democrat

at least a vote for democrats would be a vote for the people who's values you really believe in.trumptard


but go figure,whenever somebody shits on your president.you bring up democrats,suprised you didnt mention hillary or obama.might i suggest droping a vote for democrats if you want to be an anti gun piece of shit.since thats where you and the rest of trump's supporters belong

also,its not a shill tactic.i care about our constitutional rights.the ones ive watched for 8 years get shit on by barack obama and now donald trump,its time for america to get a fucking clue

Lmao democrats want to take guns and put you on a list for ever owning or attempting to own one

There are already regulations--both Federal and State--to disallow mentally ill people from having any firearm, let alone firearms with high capacity capabilities. Purchase of firearms already requires background check. These laws have not prevented the shooters from legally purchasing firearms, nor have the laws against murder. If you think more "common sense" laws are going to stop mass shootings, you are a fool. Knee-jerk gun law changes in response to mass shootings is simply a prelude to an outright ban. Each time there is another shooting, another stricter "common sense" law will be passed.

No I simply didn't respond to a post that was so willfully ignorant that it wasn't worth responding to.

Would you have made this same excuse for Obama?

Fuck you and all the other hypocritical conservative asshats

Capitalist dystopia ruled over by the Zionist Jews with hordes of White trash,ghetto Blacks/Hispanics,largest number of mentally ill people and homosexuals in the world and most people in prisons too.

What a wonderful place to be a single superpower and influence rest of the world.

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Read this article:


>Exposure to casual violence desensitizes you to violence. If you're looking for a one-stop-shop to place blame, videogames are just as valid a reason for mass shooters than access to guns.

There is literal hard data from multiple sources, including the AMA, both APA's, and the actual United States government that directly contradict that statement.

Do some research before vomiting out your uneducated opinions, you dumb cocksucker.

"Remember, no Russian"

Dude he fucked up the city of where a shooting took place, you have to be autistic as fuck to forget the place where a bunch of people just got shot. Stop sucking his dick.

KNow why a lot of those measures failed? Republican lawmakers funded vby the NRA doing everything they can to make sure that a national law regulating gun ownership doesn't happen. Then they let the states set their own laws, only to say, "look, gun control doesn't work" when all people have to do is drive 30 minutes.

What we clearly need are national guidelines and laws covering all 50 states.

Do you really not understand this, or are you just larping?

>I found it via Google so it isn't true
Try Bing then fucktard.

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>federal gun regulations don't work!!

How many mass shooting were there in Australia prior to their gun ban in 1996? And how many after?

Since JFK was assasinated by CIA and Mossad, all Presidents were owned by the Zionist mafia.

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Trump is a dumb piece of shit

This plus it JUST happened. Like if he messed up that the Columbine shooting happened in West Virginia and not Virginia that’s semi acceptable. Fucking up the day of... that’s sad.

Repeatedly experiencing anything desensitizes you to that experience. Videogames, REKT threads, porn, horror movies, the experiences of first responders & medical people. Even being a parent can desensitize you to the nasty shit that can come out of an infant. Its fumy how people who want to ban guns are the same people who get super defensive when you talk restrictions on videogames. After hours, days, weeks and years of gleefully, punching, stabbing, shooting and exploding other creatures for fun in make-believe why is it so far fetched to think that some weak minded individual might consider the feasibility of doing it in real life? Why is it so far fetched to say the gun is the means but the videogame is the training ground? I know most of you won't read this far, but I am not advocating restrictions on videogames. What I'm trying to do is give you perspective. You see any ban on videogames as coming from people who are ill informed and making emotional reactions. This is exactly how legal gun owners feel when leftist are always going on about "common sense" restrictions. In other words, to flip your argument, do you feel that mentally ill people should be taught that shooting things is an entertaining way to solve their problems?

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That’s not remotely flipping the question, flipping the question would be like “do you think there should be common sense regulations on video games?” And the answer would be Yes, and there are already regulations on the gaming industry. Freedom of speech only goes so far.
Also, again, common sense gun laws =\= gun bans.

States with stricter gun laws have shown to have less mass shootings, that is a fact. As well as a trend, now that there are enough mass shootings,(sadly), to provide data to statistics.

Videogames have some restrictions in terms of some words/phrases that can be used and age restrictions based on ratings. Guns already have restrictions on types of weapons & accessories that can be sold and age restrictions. Guns require background checks and felons can not legally have one. No background check for videogames so killers and rapists can continue enjoying those activities on their computer. Latest "common sense" gun laws proposed are so called Red Flag laws. As most are written, police or family member can make accusation, police come and confiscate all guns, gun owner has opportunity several weeks later to come to court to prove they are competent and maybe get their property returned at some point. Should we enact that same "common sense" law for videogames? Anytime you get in a fight with your GF she can say your videogame playing makes you more violent, the police confiscate your console & computer and several weeks later you can go to court to try and convince a judge to return your property. This wouldn't be a videogame ban, just a common sense videogame law.

>sucking trump's dick this hard
>og satan number

cope harder


>national law regulating gun ownership
>gun ban
These are your "common sense" gun laws, and this is why Republicans need to stay in power.

Nice counter-argument. Really made some good points

They do seem to be brainlets

Obama was the best teleprompter jockey by far. Trump is worse than Dumbya was.

Cool thread. Which discord do I join to get in on the circle jerk?

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I did. It is propaganda pretending to be science.

Obama had his share of fuck ups as well, they just weren't as eagerly pounced on by the media. But given that, I agree that Obama was probably one of the smoother presidents on the prompter.

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>biased search engine
Your search is based on your search history, retard.

It’s biased towards YOU

I love how it took you this long to figure it out OP you virgin cockspurr

>I wouldn't put him on any list of great public orators.
And this is from a trump supporter.

How much of a Downey do you have to be when even your cult-like supporters have to admit “yeah, he sounds a bit retarded when he speaks”

>Fucks up the name of the city where a mass shooting just occurred, with a teleprompter

It's because he's functionally illiterate.

>And anytime anyone criticized Obama for a teleprompter gaffe, they were racist
Probably because they were coupled with a gorilla image, disingenuous fucktard

If anything - it’s THE DEMOCRATS who are the real mass shooter gun lovers!!

mfw trump supporters really believe they have a chance in 2020 with donald trump

nah,trump is just as bad as the alternative.you want to see what a decent republican looks like? look at george w bush.even though we all know trump supporters hate bush,another reason why there nothing but a bunch of left wing snowflakes

Look at OPs pic again you mongoloid



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Trumps going to ban assault rifles , and then steal a lot of support from the left.

Jews are not a race

Sarcasm is dead

That could get him ready-elected...if he used his business acumen to see an opportunity for more votes.
I mean so what if his base hates him, they were always a minority....but banning assault rifles could get him re-elected. And we all know, that’s the only thing he really cares about. Donald Trump

I beliebe merica isnt dumb enough to let this orangeboi roam free after next election

....Hold my block of processed cheese!
We’ll show them!

This is really the angle you Share Blue shills are going to go with? If you're not shills, you are morons. Trump is not going to radically change his stance on the 2nd Amendment in a feeble attempt to win over a leftist base that hate him no matter what he does and lose support of his own massive base in the process. Likewise, this narrative that Trump is stepping in the 2nd Amendment in order to turn gun lovers away from him is pretty weak.

>bump stocks
Are you sure about that?

>Trump is not going to radically change his stance on the 2nd Amendment
Trumps always been pretty liberal regarding 2nd Amendment.

The thing you need to remember about trump, is that he will say anything to please the crowd in front of him.

Listen to him criticise HIS OWN base for racist chanting and how he “disagrees with them”, because he wasn’t in front of his base. Meanwhile at his rally’s, instigates the same racist chants.

Trumptards are missing part of their brain

Bump stocks effectively change a semi auto rifle to fully auto. Fully auto is already illegal, so it's a minor loss. Not to mention, they are a novelty item. Regardless, only a complete idiot would vote for anybody other than a Republican if he or she is a staunch 2nd Amendment proponent. It's literally picking the lesser of two evils.

Do you understand how politics works?

Search history is used to target advertising, not results of new search phrases. Google and other web search engines use algorithms that, among other things, take into account occurrences of relevant phrases, number of hits on that site, site ratings and company "priorities" to determine the order in which websites occur in search results. Whether or not my previous searches were for pizza places or lawn furniture isn't going to effect the order in which sites will appear if I enter "Trump speech" Now should I add the word "retard" to somehow increase the validity of my argument or just leave it as an implied sentiment?

it always does


>only a complete idiot would vote for anybody other than a Republican
Because they are group think sheeple.
How else could Christian evangelists support a divorced, prostitute using, foul mouthed, torture advocating, atheist?

Because they are more interested in tribalistic “us vs them” mentality - than with any actual politics.

Trump could say he now supports Satan worship and you would probably have the majority of his base shouting “HAIL SATAN” at his next rally....anything to own them libs

Why does everyone who supports Trump have to be cultist? I'm against Globalism because it only benefits the elite and not the people who are tied to their geography/nation. Do you think the average Chinese is living better when the China argument for shipping production to China instead of Mexico is that they have even fewer health, safety & pollution restrictions? And I'm against immigration. Importing people has always been used as the primary weapon against the value of labor. Many cities have 30-40% black unemployment. Why do we need to increase population, the biggest threat to environment, with mainly unskilled labor, when we already have an untapped labor force? Given the choice between yet another "celebrity" president who at least was talking about enacting things I wanted done or yet another shifty politician, Trump was the better choice. What gets me is the irrational Trump hate. people would rather the country crash & burn than support him on anything. I wasn't a fan of Obama by any means but I still wanted him to succeed were I was in agreement. For example, I hate "Obamacare" but not because it was Obama's project but because he didn't have the will/muscle to push it far enough. What we were left with was another crappy forced government subsidy program.

Nice dubs, and nice taking my quote or of context. Republicans are not trying to "own them libs," we are voting for smaller government, states rights, less regulation, decreased spending, and improved economy. Some candidates are better than others, but policy trumps personality.

Hes trying to warn Toledo dipshit. They've been gathering Intel on next terrorist attack zone. Digits confirm Toledo as a hotzone

A bump stock makes it easier for a gun inept person to more easily bump fire. They're not necessary to bump fire and a bump stock can easily be made at home. This is why Trump banning them was a throw way appeasement and why anyone basically familiar with guns wasn't too upset.

Don't underestimate our stupidity

Cope cope
Cope cope cope
Cope cope, cope cope cope cope cope.

Cope cope, cope cope cope!

>>identity politics
Anyone who disagree with me is a racist, bigoted Nazi. And what is pretty much the only agreed upon stance among Democratic candidates? Anything to beat Trump.

You can't complain about the other side of the coin if you refuse to recognize the coin has 2 sides.


Still support him?

Well, maybe you should try and engage them on the free open market place of ideas?

Sounds like you’re the real Antifa

Ok, the moment the Republitard admit to their own hypocrisy, the left will too.


>You can't complain about the other side of the coin if you refuse to recognize the coin has 2 sides.
Why not, republitards have ALWAYS done this

Baaa baaa
Baaa baaa baaa
Baaa baaa, baaa, baaa baaa baaa baaa

Baaa baaa, baaa baaa baaa!

Argument refuted.

>identity politics
Identity politics is used much more by the right wing as a recruitment vector.

Just look at the amount of boomer faggots sharing retarded Facebook memes about “transgenders in their bathrooms” when none of them have even seen a transgendered person.

Don’t be fooled into thinking the right is any different from the left...they’re all Americans.

>enable local officials to better identify unstable individuals who should be prohibited from owning or purchasing firearms
>cultural changes that would end the “glorification of violence”
>prioritize enforcement of the death penalty against those convicted of hate crimes and mass murder
>consult with social media companies on potential tools they can develop to identify radicalized individuals who may be trying to plan mass shootings or who are gloating about criminal activities
Yes, I fully support these measures

No its not.

You just made “baa” sounds.

Typical right wing retard.
Behaves EXACTLY the same as the thing they are criticising, but thinks when they do it, they are immune to criticism because “der left dun it too!”

So you’re saying you’re the same as a leftist?

>So you’re saying you’re the same as a leftist?
Yes, yes he/she is. They're the other side of the same retard-coin. Purge 'em all

Increase government monitoring of its citizens
Blame Video Games for Violence
Give Death Penalty to Suicidal People
Use ‘Big Tech’ to monitor your social media and report unwanted thoughts to ‘Big Brother’ for future crimes.

Yeah, of course you support all that.
You’re a hypocritical right wing retard

Make it law that every adult must carry a firearm at all times when in public.

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Maybe you should read my posts. They tend to be more than a single sentence. Then read the responses and come back to me about engaging people in the free open market place of ideas.

Wrong quote
Should have linked

So, what do you plan to do to silence those on the left calling for Nazis to be beaten and assaulted?

If it’s going to be a Law, then the government can provide the guns

>smaller government
Oh really.

And how much has government spending went up since trump took office?

>common sense gun laws
>parroting leftist rhetoric
>being this retarded

How am I being fooled? I specifically stated two sides of the same coin and you immediately jumped to right Is worse. The race card is played so many times its worn through. My biggest problem with Trump is he won't shut the hell up. If he just sat back and let the democrats go at it, come 2020 he'd win in landslide.

>lol the death penalty.

Half these home-grown terrorists kill themselves before the cops show up

Cope cope was made as an argument. Baa was made to show how ridiculous that post was. baa was meant to be stupid. I guess watching SNL has ruined your ability to recognize actual satire.

>don’t make any points
>just call the other side libtards and accuse them of calling you racist

How are you for smaller government spending, yet support trump, despite increasing government spending?

And the other half--the ones that think that are bad asses ready to go out in a blaze of glory, but wet their pants as soon as the cops show up--may think twice about killing innocent people if they realize that they are going to be killed, too.

>actual satire
And you think “Animal Farm is satire”
“If it’s got animals in it, it must be satire”

Funny, the point you made about an inability to recognise satire, while responding to my satirical post, isn’t it?

Or were you been satirical?

Or am I?

I’ve now been in 57 states-I think one left to go.”

Attached: 43C38EA5-4146-44FC-855C-B0A4C5DA5EEE.jpg (480x360, 8K)

States with the death penalty have higher murder rates.
The death penalty is not a deterrent and just increases the injustice when innocent people are found guilty.

You mistrust the government right?
Why do you trust them with wether you live or die?
Because you assume a miscarriage of justice will never happen to you?
No, no one ever assumes they’ll be the victim of a miscarriage of justice....the state has executed many innocent people.

What year is it? During a trip to London’s Westminster Abbey, President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011. (Maybe he was wistfully dreaming about his 2008 election campaign at the time.)

This is a direct threat to the POTUS. I have reported you. Congrats on your federal crime!

We are talking about mass shooters who are caught massively shooting people.

And I am talking about police and governmental systems.

Are you saying that they cannot ever be wrong?

Jail them for thought Crimes!

>Thought crimes
What is premeditated murder in law? For 500 Alex

What if Is writing an manifesto online like the El Paso case? So quick to spout of soi-rage. you really dont look at the bigger picture do ya?

I don't think you are tracking posts accurately.

But in any event there are already laws against inciting violence, they just need to be applied objectively. A call to assault Nazi's is the same as a call to assault blacks, or gays or Jews. A call to assault is a call to assault regardless of the people targeted or the people inciting.

Go back to 8ch pol

Look you shut up goddammit.
We need to be putting on a Unified National Front to let our Enemies know we aren't divided as a country, and you're not helping.
Our enemies call Trump "stupid" "incompetent" "fascist" and now "Jew."
You are an enemy OP.

Attached: 000-015.jpg (770x470, 23K)

No I think you're the basic contrarian /b tard who doesn't have anything substantive to contribute so fills the space with troll noises

>implying denouncing white supremacy was bad
lol get triggered whitey

what dumb non-US country are you from user?

Attached: 015.jpg (136x160, 2K)

>NIGGERS shouldn't be President


Creates a thread on a image board which will disappear forever in a couple of hours hours.


Posts about a president / topic which he has ZERO control over in his little life.


Obsessed about politics and political beliefs which haven’t made his own life any better or worse. But still feels angry and upset enough to obsessively dwell on it.....while the rest of the world works hard, makes money and ignores the negative shit.

Keep it up bro.

>trump says racist, bigoted, remarks and spent years raping, and disregarding minorities
>you guys: "..."
>trump dislikes video games
>you guys: "WTF DUMP TRUMP!!!"
kill yourselves

That's not the vibes I get from him.

Established left wouldn't support him if he cured cancer and walked on water. Trump's game plan for drawing in the soft-left is federal legalization of marijuana