This guy was the best faggot i will ever know

This guy was the best faggot i will ever know.
he left us, and we left our ways

I miss having a reason to write attack tools and take a big shit on people, now im just doing to manipulate people into believing lies for cons.

Im bored

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literally who

but he became a shill just like all grown up fag's eventually do.


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The cannon is growing, user. The chan has become a spectacle and is now basking in the limelight because of the mainstream media. If there is ever a time to deliver a message that will successfully infect and spread throughout the people in order to change what exists, it is coming. The message that cannot be dismissed, brushed away, or shaken off is the entity that is forged with the hammer of truth and pierced with the spear of desperation.

Only boring people are bored user. Draft an endeavor and begin your journey. If your cause is worthwhile I will be there to assist in all ways I am able.

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2003 was the year of rape

Nodody remembers when the FBI drug his teenage ass out of bed in the middle of the night for "questioning" and he stuck up for us and we're STILL HERE NOW. I love this guy and all he did for me. Fuck the haters.

No, he didn't, BITCH-BOY.

We've been in the news before. It's no big deal. Two weeks from now, nobody will even remember all this bullshit.

It isn't about just being in the news. When a name is tossed around long enough in becomes familiar and carries weight.

this will be 2 times in a year, prepare for the arrival of newfags.

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Fresh meat, ripe minds. Wunderbar!

This is her now. Feel old yet?

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Well, the point being.... 4 has been here 16 years now and is not going anywhere. The last numbers I saw was 24 million hits a month. Just slightly under the New York Times.

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our new target

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The newfags are SO fun to infuriate, that that's part of the reason I'm still on Yea Forums. I do frequent 7 other boards daily, though. You know..... places where the adults hang out.

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He's an ok guy. Even opened some new boards. I'm still on his side.

Fuck off. At least he NEVER "Zuckerberged" us.

NY times only hits certain demographics. The internet hits everyone connected to it. The types of people reached by the chan is far greater than just one magazine.

thats now what we wanted, who fucked up on rulez 1 and 2

fuck off newfag

that would be beyond the pale even for the originalfag.

The rules only apply to raids.

No, he just sold us to a gook that has been known to sell private info on 2ch

I'm pretty sure he was talking about the New York times website....

yr probably right, at one point if Yea Forums was a talking point on another site then they would get raided.

One list time bru. The purge USA only November 4th staring at Keyne Wests house.

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user you gay get help f-f-faggot