ITT time travelers post their answers before you reply with your question.
ITT time travelers post their answers before you reply with your question
yeah sure, of course i do
nah, he was actually only 11 years old
Do you suck cock?
usually not until after 8 pm
Did Donald Trump win a second term?
oh man, i really love it
when do you start sucking cock everyday?
yeah, after all these days i finally did it
no man, that's fucked up
And that's when the murders started.
beef broth
did you suck that cock you always wanted to?
she actually left me for him
would you ever not suck a cock?
How do you feel about forced castration of white men?
That didn't hurt at all, what did you use for lube!?
Is it true that you love the taste of fresh cum in the morning?
what did that cock you sucked taste like?
What’s the secret ingredient in your pasta sauce?
Because of mass shootings and Lenny Kravits.
Found the nigger who will always be a nigger and nothing but a nigger.
what did your girl do after you sucked that guy's cock?
What’s a way to misspell poppy?
usually a 5/10, but after that i'd say 9/10
Thread died but I'm back to see what it was about
why do you suck so much cock?
Did you ever have sex with a woman?
Was more a commentary about the direction this country is heading in and less a stance I support.
describe sucking cock for me, please?
What ever happened to the Andy Sixx thread?
how did you lose your eye?
not for all the money in the world
will you ever stop sucking cocks?
yeah yeah, keep muttering on about it, i'm long over it
how do you feel about sucking cock?
yeah ok, that's the exception
Would you graciously accept all the money in the world?
i mean you're sucking cock all the time. it's just never ending
but what about you time you sucked TWO cocks?!
But what about Spain?
actually, i get a raging erection when looking at acne-ridden people in fur suits
Why did you get kicked out of Disney Land?
I want to hear the rest of this conversation.
Also nice dubs
well first i need to b8 them in!
Fascism has never worked
There. That’s the whole convo
Yes, but only a little.
Daddy, do you take dicks up the ass?
kek well played user
6 13 28 31 38 47
Thank me yesterday later.
How many worms can you fit in your urethra?
Conditioner and then shampoo
what do you want to drink this evening
Adolf Hitler
How does a psychopath wash their hair?
Who was the last person you jerked off to?
Mismatched socks
It’s impossible to ruin a hairstyle forever. Everything comes back around.
What did you parents put coins in to beat you with?
What are the Devil's Playground?
Castrations usually
He gets killed by some pissed off liberal with a rifle. 6 months from now.
Well, it's ok. They look like women, youll get over the penis...
Does Trump get reelected 2020?
What do they do to pedos in the future?
Why would you build a timemashine that only works when you fuck a trap while time traveling?
How old where all your sex partners?
Castrate him!
yes, their cocks taste like chocolate and their cum like vanilla. black cocks are delicious.
Nah man, they all killed themselves after they realized trump only was in for his own benefit and never actually wanted to help them.
Only niggers and jews
Who's living in the USA in the future?
only if stinky poopy is allowed
Do you like the band known as Journey?
Yes. By the way, China won World War III.
Are you gay?
Will you visit Disneyland again?
Only on Mondays
Is your barber shop closed on weekdays?
Did you allow your son to play videogames?
It was the first time she gets wet, no wonder she was just 10
how was the taste of her stinky twat?
That's not a question, user. More of a statement; a challenge, even. And you know I can't because you couldn't verify anything I said
My dick big af lmao?
You don't have to be from the future to spot a dreamer
i really enjoy it with some beer
how taste my cum?
It was ok.
damn i can't remember - what was that 2 letter word again which you use to agree to things?
my own daughter
who's the person who you love over anything else in the world?
don't expect that
but very nice user
this is now a wholesome thread