What the fuck bit me ?? Im goin into ER later today...

What the fuck bit me ?? Im goin into ER later today, it has been spreading and changing for a few days now and its swelling like crazy today

Attached: bite.png (540x960, 563K)

As a doctor IRL it looks like it could be a spider bite. That, or its AIDs.

clearly a serious spider bite

That's a rattlesnake bite. It was a male, probably around 2yo. Looks like he had AIDS too. I'm so sorry, OP

Queer bug, the gay is spreadinf

cellulitis from a insect bite. You'll get a shot in your ass and feel better in a day or so.

Probably a spider. Best to get that looked at sooner than later.

may be lyme disease

Just come to Yea Forums for your medical advice. It's definitely aids.

I am a specialized medical professional.
That's clearly a nigger bite.
Treat it immediately by wearing cotton socks.

Could you specify what spider could be causing this? Is it from the venom of the spider or just an allergic reaction from a harmless spider bite

cotton socks is what attracted the nigger in the first place. This is bad medical advice you are giving me

no idea. all i know is you can see exactly where it penetrated. it's something i wouldn't want to fuck, clearly poisonous. i doubt it'll kill you unless left untreated or the venom spreads to your blood.

the island im on is famous for blackwidows, but it didnt hurt in fact i didnt even realise it bit me until later on, and from what ive heard blackwidow bites hurt like a motherfucker

well i wouldn't put it off. i wouldn't have put it off a day from noticing swelling/redness. it's already killing the skin around it that's why it's chapping up like that.

unless thats from you itching it, also looks like that since it's a straight line up and down.

Brown recluse

gay aids clearly. Stop putting things in your asshole

I wish you came up with something thats not the previous 10 responses you niggerfag

Hi doctor here again, I have known people to be bitten by black widows, often the initial bite isnt felt until everything swells up and the skin starts to die off.

But it could be the AIDs. Remember to bag it before you tag it.

thx doc

3yo, but otherwise correct.

actually lots of rattlesnakes on this island aswell.. its like i stepped into fucking hell , wasps the size of my pinky, shit is WILD